Sentences with phrase «kill movement needs»

The No Kill movement needs to continue to grow and expand.

Not exact matches

Here's why: though they'd love to spark a mass movement in the Muslim world, their immediate need is to find the small number of people in the West who might be willing to kill themselves and others for their cause (they need Europeans or Americans because they can move freely in the target countries).
The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911 killed 146 people, bringing together the women's suffrage and labor movements and emphasizing the need for laws guaranteeing worker safety.
If we (as a movement) are to bring an end to the killing of pets in shelters, we need to engage the public on a deeper level than just a guilt - relieving donation.
DxE leadership went further, calling Ingrid Newkirk, PETA's founder and the person who orders PETA's killing and anti-shelter animal advocacy, «brilliant,» having «astounding strength of character,» and «the leader this movement needs
It was the baby steps that were needed to get the No Kill movement going.»
And for those who are not, the No Kill movement has demonstrated that people love to help their pets, and needing help in some aspect of behavior does not have to be a barrier to adoption.
Since 1944, Animal League America has steadily grown into a leader in the no - kill movement, a pioneer in humane relocation, and a shoulder to lean on for companion animals in desperate need of saving.
This action had a far - reaching impact on the entire animal welfare movement, one that would challenge shelters and their communities to evaluate the need to kill savable animals.
Some stages will have you moving in a certain direction, influencing enemy movements that you need to kill to get a piece.
You don't get to move through the level as you kill enemies, you just stay in that one little zone It's like the developers had zero concept of how a good run and gun game should work, namely that movement needs to be fast and responsive so that the player can weave through the vast hordes of enemies, and the levels need to be designed to facilitate this.
On the multiplayer side the guide continues to impress, starting with the basic movements that need to be learned to survive the online killing festival that is Gears of War and quickly moving into the more advanced techniques such as the Roadie Run Switch and wall bounce.
The gun also needs to charge and can't be fired mid-jump, so each movement needs to be carefully considered, else you'll get killed almost instantly.
It is suppose to be a stealth game, but it is really a puzzler where you just need to memorize the enemies movement patterns so you can get behind them and kill them.
«Cranked» is a team deathmatch derivative in which getting a kill triggers a timed sequence in which your soldier has increasingly accelerated movement — the catch is, they need to get another kill before the clock hits zero or they explode.
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