Sentences with phrase «kind like learning»

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I'd sometimes correct people, but I quickly learned that the questions were less out of concern and more akin to gawking, kind of like bystanders passing an accident.
«What I think is more relevant for most people is that we've got to take a page from those confident players» playbooks and see that we've got to learn to kind of step up that level of confidence, particularly in those high intensity situations like interviewing, at networking events or conferences,» she says.
There's great stuff in chapters like «A New Kind of Worker» (learning to learn, teamwork) and «Spreading the Word» (value marketing).
«We learned that covering an entire race in virtual reality would be very difficult; however, there were some really compelling shots and experiences that were worthwhile that we thought we could rally around — the pits, the speed shots, and the kinds of views that a normal NASCAR fan would have seen before like this, and for the newly initiated NASCAR fans could show them just how exciting it is to be at a race in person,» Davies says.
Every debate Craig has had with an atheist «philosopher» or «thinker» has looked more like a learned professor trying mightily to explain basic arguments to a freshman with ADD... you know, the kind the sits in the back and only raises their hand to drop a line they remember from last night's Jon Stewart show?
When asked why they go to church, many people say that there they meet the kind of people they really like (people like themselves) or that the church helps their kids learn morals.
This is a lesson I learned from Herbert McCabe and other Dominicans, like Fergus Kerr, who effected a kind of marriage between Wittgenstein and Aquinas during the second half of the 20th century.
It is part of the record that the labor unions and the universities and learned societies bowed the knee to Baal, when Pastor Niemoeller and his kind stood up like men.
There is only one way it could not be, and that is if you decide that it teaches that nihilism is the truth, revealed here by the pointless failure of Davis's career, so that his having to obtain abortions for women he impregnated is just another absurd, annoying, and energy - sapping aspect of that, his irrational guilt instincts causing him to have to scrounge for money, and so that his learning that one of these abortions didn't occur is just another sort of misfortune, saddling him with sentiments that he will have no way to really act upon (it is unlikely the that the mother of the child wants to see him), and probably causing him to draw some kind of superstitious karmic connection between a random coincidence of having hit a cat that looks just like one he abandoned, and his driving by the town his child may be living in.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
That's kind of like saying I learned my multiplication tables in grade school and accept the truth that 2 +2 = 4, but that Algebra stuff those satanic liberals and all those math guys the world over are trying to shove down my throat are lies meant to deceive us and lead us into hell.
Kind of like some times your kids have to try and fail to learn.
Essentially, this is a set of sexual Geneva conventions: You never knew it, but not only do you have the right to minimal standards of treatment if you ever become a prisoner of war, but when you were five, you had the right to learn at school all kinds of things about what some people like to do in bed, and if your parents thought that really they'd rather you didn't hear about that stuff at school, or at least not yet, they were... well, they were violating your rights.
As I've spoken with my readers, several of them have expressed interest in the sources you used while researching A New Kind of Christianity — some because they are skeptical about your scholarship, others because they liked what you said and want to learn more.
We'll be talking about all kinds of things like social media skills, and learning how to build or promote a business.
Given how much I like foccacia I don't know we don't make this kind of bread, we even learned how from Tom Herbert a few years ago.
It has a pretty comprehensive summary of why it's good for you, what the various techniques are, what equipment is good to stock up with, what pantry items are good, it gives great recipes that sample all the different kinds of types of foods that you can learn about, working with a dehydrator, making flax crackers and granolas and raw desserts like Glad Pies and raw puddings, it's definitely a good intro to the raw food movement and the underlying philosophy as well as the recipes and techniques.
After learning more about what kinds of foods to put in your body, you'll find yourself eating more like a vegan.
So, I've learned the trick to splurging a little without feeling like the train has completely left the tracks is being prepared and making homemaking little treats like these guys to stock away for those just - gotta - have - it kind of days.
Ever since Isac learnt how to walk and talk, he and his sister have become like two asteroids, constantly spinning around each other with a kind of magnetic force keeping them both together and apart.
«When food blogger Anya Kassoff moved from Russia to the United States, she had to learn to cook with a new kind of seasonal produce, like asparagus, avocado, and a variety of leafy greens.
This is the kind of defense you learn from guys like Emmit Thomas and Al Harris.
Maybe the Finals really are a whole «nother level of pressure, and sometimes it takes a learning experience before guys like Harden, Durant and Russell Westbrook can REALLY click on that kind of stage.
It is in that kind of learning process that researchers like Howard Seeherman of Tufts see the best chance for heading off racetrack breakdowns.
It's hard not to support the MLS sides, even teams you kind of learn not to like because they're opponents in our domestic league.
I always try to share these kinds of lessons with Jessie to spare her the pain of learning them the hard way like I did — concluding my corrective - action discussions with three important words that apply to every lecture topic, «I love you.»
Once your water beads are ready for play, drain them from the water and place them in a plastic bin (we like to use tupperware containers for this kind of play, perfect for containing the materials but they provide enough room for scooping and pouring, which is actually fantastic learning!
But as the baby gets older and you get much more comfortable, it becomes like a nature and you don't have to worry about that kind of thing, you learn that mother's intuition that everything is going to be fine and they just latch and go and then they're done and they're off.
In part 2 of this two - part series, James discusses exactly what to do when your children get in trouble for fighting at school or at home — and the right kinds of consequences to give them so they learn to use appropriate behavior instead of lashing out when they feel like hitting someone the next time.
Things I'm thinking about could be things like having his seat changed in class so he's next to someone he has conflict with, learning new skills at school that he's not confident about and is struggling with, some new kind of food he's ingesting at school that has something that's irritating his system (artificial dyes or sweeteners would be my first guesses), something other kids are talking about that are scaring him (movies or tv shows or stories).
While I kind of wished she had just skipped the stuff altogether - I think an even bigger lesson was learned - about looks and taste - and we have fed them such quality food that they don't like school food or prepackaged treats!!!
I think it's really hard at first, I found it hard to limit the amount of, I mean soda we didn't really have when they were young, but as they get older they learn that they like Dr. Pepper and whatever, and candy, every time you go in the store it's right there, and all these kind of things.
Planting seeds through song, Miss Jamie take young kids and their families on a musical adventure to her «farm», where they learn values like hard work, exercise, and being kind to animals and each other.
Also, they need to agree and tell you if the camp has the kind of activities that they really do want to do (not what we «hope they'll learn to like!»)
It's possible she even learned some letters from those blocks, although to me it looked like she was mainly learning about gravity, and what kind of noise wooden blocks make when they fall from a height onto a parquet floor, and that corners are pointy.
And so, spending that time with your partner reconnecting and also for the partner to really kind of learn the baby's signals too, so that way, you know, the partner can help keep the baby awake while the baby's feeding in those first couple of week, rubbing the palms, rubbing the baby's back, rubbing the mom's shoulders, because a lot of women tend to breastfeed with their shoulders up to their ears, [Laughs] and they need, you know, some help to kind of relax their body, and partners can do lots of skin - to - skin before and after feedings, so, there is nothing like smelling a brand new baby on your chest and again, it kind of goes back to what you had mentioned about skin - to - skin being, you know, so important for the baby and so, mom's not the only person who has the opportunity to do that.
KRISTINA CHAMBERLAIN: Well one way just to help the baby negotiate this is to massage the breast to initiate the letdown before baby even latches on so that way by the time they do latch on letdown has already happened so they're not going to have that probably not going to have as much of that choking or gagging behavior some kids you need to have no grasp of letdown throughout and like your panelists it's the same they just kind of learned to deal with it, their own tricks to deal with it.
Creating an effective sleep schedule for your newborn is kind of like learning how to ride a unicycle.
It's very intriguing for little ones to feel like they can «fix» something, and often the idea that they have that kind of power makes all the difference in the frequency and intensity of meltdowns, not to mention the positive impact of learning to think and care about the feelings of others.
By researching what kind of baby carrier is best for you, practicing with your carrier, and using your carrier often, you can learn how to babywear like a pro!
He wasn't a great nurser either so wasn't like, you know, we'd gotten off to this fabulous start but it was just, I think this second one learns how to kind of go with the flow a little bit more because it was not all about that child and for me, I didn't necessarily set up a routine but what I did do is, actually a little bit opposite of yours, mine was, I had to satisfy the toddler first, because I figured that, the infant kind of walk around, kind of keep him pacified a little bit, but my toddler was like me, me, me, me, me, like I need this now, so we had a box of toys, that he could play with, like they were only set up for when I were nursing, so they were like his special toys, a special snacks that I knew that would be safe and I wouldn't be giving the Heimlich Maneuver you know, while I was trying to breastfeed.
It's kind of like learning how to drive stick shift on the fly: it's stressful, it's going to be ridiculously bumpy, but ultimately you will eventually get the hang of it with the right support system.
It's like tools in your toolkit and you're filing that away and it's like that idea of lifelong learning, you're always going to be adding tools to your toolkit, you shouldn't let it get full of cobwebs like you need to keep adding to it because there's always something that's going to work and make it a little change and for me the mechanics of it... and understanding all of those mechanics and bringing that to the mechanics of the pelvis and how babies come down and all of that and so there is a part of me that kind of, I can think it's very cool that there are ways that this baby can come down and the more experience you get the more you realize yeah we can nudge this a little bit.
We read two books, one book called «Unassisted Childbirth» by Laura Shamley which she kind of like guru on the topic, and then there is another book called «Emergency Childbirth», just forgot the author but, it's really short, it's like what they give paramedics learn about delivering a baby you know and this thing like when things go wrong and what to do.
So you like flat cloth diapers (or «old fashioned cloth diapers»), and you want to learn a few flat diaper folds, because then you can use all kinds of different folds depending on your baby's needs, right?
So, just kind of allowing the process to happen and you know, understand that dad's going to have his own way too and it's a learning process for dad and for baby just like it was for the mom while they were learning how to breastfeed.
If you would like to learn more about what «kind and firm» looks like, and how to parent using Positive Discipline, check out our class schedule.
You need to consider a number of factors while choosing the right pre-schooler toys like the material, kind of toy, interest of the child, learning ability of the child etc..
Concepts like «Be Kind,» «Learn,» «Pray,» and «Stand up for what's right» can be expressed with simple keychains.
This kind of no helps children learn to tolerate disappointment and recognize that they can like something without owning it.
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