Sentences with phrase «kindle whispernet»

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For orders delivered to Kindles using Amazon's Whispernet service, delivery costs are shared between Amazon and the publishers (see for more information).
The Kindle Fire HD uses the same Kindle library as the E-ink kindles, and you can buy a book on a computer and send it to the tablet using Amazon's Whispernet system.
Originally, the Whispernet service had no limitations on the amount of data downloaded, but some users learned that they could hack their Kindles to turn them into wireless hotspots for other devices.
I wonder if all the existing Kindles will get firmware updates, or if this is a sneaky way to push 1st - gen Kindlers — who are on the older Whispernet provider — to updgrade their devices, so Amazon doesn't have to keep paying for two types of wireless service.
You can buy kindle books (or download previous purchases) via Whispernet — they cost an extra $ 2 per download (new books or books downloaded per archive).
you can even download them via whispernet from the other bookstores directly to your kindle
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