Sentences with phrase «kinesthetic learning experience»

One example is Kinect Math — A Kinesthetic Learning Experience that allows teachers to make abstract mathematical concepts more interactive through using the Kinect.
One example is Kinect Math - A Kinesthetic Learning Experience that allows teachers to make abstract mathematical concepts more interactive through using the Kinect.

Not exact matches

The right tutor will adapt lessons to cater to your child's strengths whether he is an auditory learner (learns best by listening), visual learner (learns best through sight) or a kinesthetic learner (learns best through experience).
Learn how to tune inwards to listen to your body using meditation and Emotional - Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) techniques, and you will experience the power of your heart.
What are your experiences with kinesthetic learning?
Jones calls this approach the developmentof a kinesthetic vocabulary, one made of textures, smells, and movements, representing atangible experience in the world, rather than asingle - sensory directive to digest information.Even if a kid can't tell you precisely what it is heor she learned from Little Shop that day, saysCummings, «it's stored in there.
Others claim the VAK model: visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams, handouts, etc.) Auditory learners best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc.) Tactile / kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience — moving, touching, and experiencing.
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