Sentences with phrase «kudrow let me get this straight»

Lets get straight to the point: Responsive design and having an app isn't a solution for your mobile problem.
So let me get this straight, if I pay my bills on - time then my credit score will go down?
So let me get this straight.
Let me get this straight... Citigroup Raising Tens of Billions To Pay Back TARP!
He added: «So let me get this straight.
Let's get straight to the biscuits, I offer you to send any amount of the bitcoins (e.g. 0,00000001 BTC) to address 1Lg63K9gJGxBZwDuhtD2d3fueFeQ9oCWBc from any of addresses you've mentioned that belongs to you, after I will sent it back.
So let me get this straight... you go from an, «It seems...» that is covering medical science and somehow arrive to a positive claim that there was no Jesus... which would be a historical topic.
Let's get it straight.
So let me get this straight you agree with the priest Manny?
«So let me get this straight, you are a Yale professor based 100 % on your acceptance of Greco - Roman Jewish mythology and Dark Ages superst.itions as fact?»
So let me get this straight, ttm.
So let me get this straight, Jesus is real and fear him?
Let me get that straight.
Soooooo... let me get this straight.
So let me get this straight... religious organizations fight for their «right» to run schools like BYU that virtually write discrimination into their so - called «honor code», but when a school has a policy that forces them to NOT discriminate, that's when they have a problem?
so let's get this straight, Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin the C - word, and not ONE WORD from any of you support the women people... but Limbaugh calls out a 30 year old political hack and Rome is now burning.
Let me get this straight, if a law is broken then there is no need for that law?
Let's get this straight.
Let me get this straight: You believe that a couple of thousand years ago an invisible man in the sky impregnated a virgin girl in the middle east, had a half - god / half - man son who traveled around doing magic tricks, and then rose from the dead and is now constantly watching all of us to see if we'll get pie in the sky when we die?
Let me get this straight austin... He had mental issues, yet had a hundred grand in the house and was able to barricade the door.
So let us get this straight, it is not the devil or god who cause it to burn down, the culprit was the architect who erected this structure without putting a lightning rod beside it.
Let me get this straight... you're in support of the murder of people of faith?
Now, let me get this straight.
So let me get this straight, it's far fetched for us to NOT have been created by a God and that's illogical but you believe there's a heaven and hell, a mystical deity who watches over us yet fails to intervene in bloodshed that occurs daily in his name, this deity is all powerful but for some reason can't do anything more than a coin toss could and for some reason everything he can do is limited to exactly the same domain as nature (EX: God can never regenerate a missing limb)?
So lets get this straight the 48 % you believe pay nothing could not prossibly be the big drain on the budget.
Let me get this straight.
Let me get this straight... in a nutshell — you ask me to believe a man suffered a horrible death on a cross to save me from my sins, sin brought into the world when some lady talked a guy into biting into an apple?
SO let me get this straight, if the fat one in the corner does nt stop their gluttony they should leave the church so as not to poison the process for others.
Shalom Gerhard, so let me get this straight.
Let me get this straight... I'm the way I am because god made me this way, but I'm not allowed to blame him for it?
Lets get this straight: I support a woman's right to choose.
Let me get this straight... Stating an opinion or expressing a belief is hate speech....
Let's get it straight here, Terry Jones is a ignorant self indulged moron that feels he's the Christian knight in shining armour.
So let's get this straight — he applauds this family for never compromising THEIR values... so is that what this country stands for?
So let me get this straight, 2 people out of all the other people there had an objection to the prayers and this is what comes out of it?
let's get straight to point.
So let me get this straight — the US has a «committee» to monitor religious freedoms around the world and condemns a religious state for executing one of its citizens for going against their religion and statehood?
HelsGod let me get it straight... one peson said that «God is Allah» and that made you so angry that you wrote about 1000 lines bashing our religion?
So let me get this straight, athiests hate it when christians insist that there is a God who created the universe and also make fun of them for insisting.
So let me get this straight, I need to go to Community College because nobody here can prove that God doesn't exist.
So let me get this straight... it has to be black or white... there is no shade of grey?
Let me get this straight — folks should believe in god because you and the church think its good for them?
Let me get this straight, Sodom and Gomorrah fell therefore a guy with a beard lives in the clouds?
So let me get this straight... when you read what the Founding Fathers said as «the people», you think they were talking about The Church?
@brown: ok let me get this straight, god made angels knowing lucifer would rebel against him... just so he could create a «bad guy» to test his next failure, humans.
So let me get it straight.
Let's get it straight... no person can follow a doctrine, religious or otherwise 100 %, period.
Let me get this straight, atheists.
So, let me get this straight... the kid's dad thinks that women should be treated with respect and dignity and therefore not wrestled, but that men should not be treated the same way (i.e., with respect and dignity)?
«So let me get this straight, you have two - way conversations with invisible spirits, you think the earth is 10,000 years old, you believe the world was once covered in water (about 5,000 years ago), you believe your invisible sky father came to earth in human form after a virgin birth, then rose as a zombie, from the dead, then ascended into an invisible sky city... all because the first people on earth ate and apple before proceeding on with decades of incest... am I getting this?»
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