Sentences with phrase «lot of cool stuff»

The phrase "lot of cool stuff" is an idiomatic expression that means there are many interesting or exciting things happening. Full definition
Also there's lots of cool stuff on the movie set.
Of course, nothing will change here at The Inspired Room, this is still my home base and I have lots of cool stuff in store for us here too!
Check out my new products store with lots of cool stuff!
I have seen them carry lots of cool stuff like that.
Some of our favorite speakers use Alexa, and in the right hands she can do lots of cool stuff.
There's lots of cool stuff going on with biomimicry these days and on Wednesday I got to see one of the coolest things I've seen in this arena in a while: Experimental superhydrophobic coatings for wind turbine blades.
If you don't care about brand image, but you do care about getting lots of cool stuff in a potent sedan costing thousands less than the competition, you'll love the 2012 Hyundai Genesis sedan.
All that said there was really a whole lot of cool stuff in Breath of the Wild to enjoy!
The original Dishonored was guilty of having lots of cool stuff for people who wanted to murder everything and very little for stealthy, non-lethal players like me, but Dishonored 2 solves that with powers like Mesmerize and Domino.
GameXplain, a channel that I think earns the title of Nintendo - fan - lord - and - savior, has been covering lots of cool stuff on Star Fox Zero.
They have had lot of cool stuff like Moto Maker etc..
You'll scythe through the ranks at a fair enough pace, but there's not really a whole lot of cool stuff to unlock along the way to keep you motivated, and since the core gameplay is good but far from special you'll likely find yourself tiring of the game quickly.
... There's lots of cool stuff you could do,» said Tyler.
«Nest's product line obviously caught the attention of Google and I'm betting that there's a lot of cool stuff we could do together, but nothing to share today,» Nest co-founder Matt Rogers said on the Nest blog.
I certainly have discovered a lot of cool stuff about Genesis 6 - 8, but very little of it helps me understand this text in light of Jesus Christ.
Lots of cool stuff has come out of Austin like George W Bush and probably just a ton of babes, but the Arizona State Mike Shanahans are going to really make sure there burnt orange.
«We have a lot of cool stuff going on at night this year,» said Clint Paraday, general manager of the arcade and Fun Farm, which offered the Zombie Safari for the first time last Halloween.
Lots of cool stuff there!
There's lots of cool stuff to buy online, but this tiny laser keyboard beats them all.
And there's a lot of cool stuff [Barton] could do with that.»
A lot of the coolest stuff is down in the basements of these aerospace corporations.
All you need to do is specify that in your application — lots of cool stuff to come!
And what I found was that most supplements was not designed for your health — they're designed to show a lot of cool stuff on the label, and most supplements combine nutrients that literally prevent other nutrients in that same pill from working (those are what I call «competitive nutrients», and they're found in MOST supplement bottles!)
My mother used to tell me that during menopause our body tends to become heaty and so to suppress the heat, we have to intake a lot of cooling stuff.
Obviously there is a lot of cool stuff to unpack in this outfit, so let's get to it!
You can check out their website — there are a lot of cool stuff — so chic and feminine!
We do receive a lot of cool stuff!
Sure, he has done a lot of cool stuff, but he is constantly telling anecdotes and accidentally letting everyone know that he thinks he is better than everyone else.
Weber: There's going to be a lot of cool stuff on the DVD.
Lots of cool stuff, so check out the image below and be sure to click through for the full gallery.
I will stick a * SPOILER * warning up for the video above, not because of any sensitive plot details, but simply because it reveals a lot of cool stuff that I think many Metal Gear fans would want to discover for themselves.
There's always a lot of cool stuff by Ford to check out at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) show in Las Vegas.
It seems like you could buy a lot of cool stuff at the Cabela's store with the $ 5390 that Ford gets for it on this truck.
There's a lot of cool stuff going on here that should appeal to all fans, including the paranoia, the religious freaks, the heavy mix of technology and mysticism, time travel, universe building, and Good and Evil.»
The Armchair BEA blog has a lot of cool stuff going on this week, including giveaways and features.
Jonathan and I first met because he invited for a day trip on his motorbike in northern Laos, then we became a couple after he took me on a 1 week motorbike trip in the north of Vietnam where we experienced a lot of cool stuff.
Also, the fact that I was working in the surf camp, and not staying there for a surfing holiday, made me worry about missing out on lots of cool stuff, being too tired to do anything after work.
There's a lot of cool stuff out there.
Lost out on a lot of cool stuff because of this.
Jacinda Chew assured the fan that they have a lot of cool stuff planned at the moment but they want to make sure that everything is right before they can show it off.
A couple weeks ago at NYCC, we got to try out a lot of cool stuff.
You get a lot of cool stuff in the World of Final Fantasy Collector's Edition and copies will be limited so make sure you pre-order one so you don't miss out!
For a whopping $ 80, gamers get a lot of cool stuff: a zombie hula girl bobble figure (sexy), a zombie arm bottle opener (perfect to give to unsuspecting relatives when they ask for a beer), and a wooden keychain complete with bungalow key (though it doesn't specify which bungalow it unlocks; guess I'd better search THE WORLD OVER).
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