Sentences with phrase «labour achieving any of»

«Central to Labour achieving any of this is an understanding of how England currently is and not how we would want it to be.

Not exact matches

And though she can both tidy the house and do the dishes more quickly than he can, they're able to achieve a more efficient division of labour overall by applying the notion of comparative advantage to their chore list.
There was no discussion of the need to lower income taxes to increase savings and labour force attachment, and how this could be achieved through tax simplification and an increase in the GST.
Unfortunately for the Japanese labour markets, as with many other countries, many young intellectuals seek further study elsewhere in countries like the UK that have renowned Universities and research facilities, taking a large portion of the skilled labour force the Japanese markets need, into other areas of work such as research and academia, a less hands on field that benefits the computer science industry on the whole but does not help specific firms achieve their targets directly.
There was simply no excuse for this, and the adjudicator was blunt: «Harmonious labour - management relations, which are one of the objects of the PSLRA, are not possible when one of the parties has no hesitation in ignoring provisions of the PSLRA designed to achieve labour relations peace.»
This included circumscribing commitments covering cultural products, which was achieved through an exchange of side letters with the other parties, and reflecting elements of the progressive trade agenda of the Liberal Trudeau government, including through the change in the name of the agreement, a side letter eliciting strengthened labour commitments by Vietnam, and side letters acknowledging traditional knowledge.
The SNP is a well - oiled machine that is streets ahead of Labour in Scotland; it could harness its new membership to achieve political dominance in once - unassailable Labour heartlands.
That Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins — all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.
Only a goal of this kind can justify the labours of textual critics and give credit to their achievements and to the distance between what they have achieved and what they have hoped to achieve.
Drawing upon evidence from the debates over healthcare reform in both the U.S. and the U.K., where Palin's propagation of the idea of death panels and Labour's insistence that Gove's reforms constituted privatisation «pure and simple» served only to confuse and scare the wider public, Thompson argued that misleading and emotive language is making political reform and compromise harder to achieve.
In stark contrast, name one thing that the Labour movement has achieved without having to fight for it by way of direct action?
Unless and until Labour achieves some sort of coherence, it is a peculiarity of this parliament that opposition to a government with a truly precarious majority, arises in the oddest places: powerful individual performers, such as Keir Starmer and Angela Eagle, or dynamic parliamentary committees, such as the Women's Committee, chaired by Maria Miller.
and if New Labour believed in proportional mandate then they would not have been wrecking the country on a vote of a million less than David Cameron achieved and a smaller proportion.
But, in any case, I think that what we should really focus on, is what Corbyn has achieved as leader of the Labour Party.
Some of the largest swings from Labour that the SNP achieved in 2015 are big enough to unseat any Labour MP if the Tories achieve the same at this election.
Sir Richard Leese, who has led Manchester for Labour since 1996, told the results of a «whole place community budget» pilot scheme in which local authorities share their resources with government departments showed it may be possible to achieve a «complete transformation of how public services are delivered».
It called the GMB's comparison of Progress to the Militant tendency «absurd», arguing: «Progress is an organisation of Labour party members for Labour party members; we are open, pluralist and proud of the last Labour government and what it achieved for working people.»
Responding to the poster today, Vote Leave chair Gisela Stuart said: «The Labour Party has a proud history of fighting for and securing workers rights - so I am deeply disappointed to see my party belittling what we have achieved.
How is Europe going to achieve a 1.5 % of GDP stimulus package when of the big EU economies only Gordon Brown's Labour and the Socialists under Zapatero in Spain are investing more than 1 % of GDP in growth?
He criticized the apathy shown by some Ghanaians towards communal labour and other activities of the Metro, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA's) and urged them to support the assemblies to ensure that the purpose of the decentralization process was achieved.
Second, Ed Miliband's Labour was highly divided on how to achieve the equilibrium between the two elements in the golden formula of social justice and healthy finances.
Although it is not terribly clear what the actual mechanics of the policy of a potential Labour government would be (ie they have a lot of ideas on what they want to achieve but not how to achieve it) it seems likely that they would adopt a much more interventionist approach.
Although he may have solved a short term problem, the only long term thing Cameron might have achieved is making a Labour - Liberal Democrat coalition even more likely in the event of another hung parliament.
This does indeed mean that literally a handful of new MPs could determine who leads the Labour Party after the election — either by lending the left sufficient numbers to nominate one of their own under the existing 15 % threshold or, in refusing to do so, by making it essential that Corbyn cling on and the left achieve a reduction in that threshold.
New Labour took an uncritical view of globalisation that fetishised change for its own sake and, whilst it achieved much in office, a new political climate calls for new ideas and a new direction.
If Mr Murphy is to achieve his ambition of successfully defending all of his party's citadels, Labour will have to win over voters who at present could not seriously contemplate voting for the party at all.
Miliband could rightly say that taking three terms to achieve this is a warning of how difficult it could be, but there is nothing like the same level of ideological fissure that Labour had to deal with after 1951 and 1979.
A: New Labour achieved 16 % of the popular vote under the almost as dreadful PR system having enjoyed a huge majority under the old system for ten years.
Labour's attack on the Lib Dem's relatively modest proposals goes against the otherwise more liberal direction Miliband has taken and runs counter to many of the things Labour say they want to achieve in government.
But before he is written off, it's worth remembering that the wooden spoon has already gone to Michael Foot who achieved just 13 per cent in the «would make the best PM» stakes in 1983, just before Labour hit a low point of 28 per cent in the election of that year.
Under Labour's plans, budget balance would not be achieved until the end of 2017/18.
The fact that both Tony Blair and Paddy Ashdown shared an enthusiasm for this idea helped to ensure that rather more of the Cook - Maclennan agenda of constitutional change was achieved through our co-operation than might have been expected from a Labour government with a large majority.
People in the Labour movement generally believe swing voters to be ignorant (because they did not understand what Labour had achieved), credulous (because they believed what they read in the right - wing press) and selfish (because they thought only of their own interests, rather than public services and the poor).
These longer term trends include: the ongoing decline in the Tory share of the vote; the building up of «third forces» in light of this Tory decline (mainly the Liberal Democrats but also the SNP in Scotland); and the inability of Labour to secure the levels of support achieved in the 1945 — 1966 period where it regularly won with levels of support of 43 — 50 %.
By way of contrast, consider the Labour Party, which claims its policies will achieve high rates of economic growth yet blithely ignores the way its proposed regime of higher taxes will disincentivise economic activity.
On coming to power in 1997, Labour inherited a small PSNCR of around # 5 billion, and in the following years achieved a budget surplus, by sticking to the outgoing Conservatives» parsimonious spending plans until 1999, and by raising # 22.5 billion from the sale of 3G mobile phone spectrum licences.
Labour might have found a way to wriggle out of the straitjacket of spending cuts - but it's going to have to overcome its natural urge to cling to power to achieve it.
«However, we substantially cut Labour's majority and achieved a 13 per cent increase in our share of the vote and a 5 per cent swing against an entirely negative campaign on local issues from the Labour Party.»
And the truth is that all of Labours tinkering, new laws, money wasted on police bureaucracy, human rights and time spent talking about these problems has achieved nothing, in fact the problems are getting worse.
That by trimming their sails to policies that are anathema to many inside the party — and a betrayal of all the bold, good things that were achieved in terms of domestic policy by the Blair / Brown Labour governments — they have caused swaths of the party's supporters to turn away in bewilderment and disgust.
He pledged that one of the most radical programmes of any government for a «long, long time» would achieve more on political reform, civil liberties and protecting pensioners than Labour did in 13 years, combined with «an impeccably Liberal approach» to the NHS, education and welfare reform.
The party experienced a revival in the 1935 general election, winning 154 seats and 38 % of the popular vote, the highest that Labour had achieved.
So, after clinging on for a full five years Major goes to the polls, Smith wins with ease, presiding over a Labour majority of 150, an even bigger margin of victory than that achieved by Clement Attlee after World War II.
Labour is more willing than the other parties to embrace special measures for achieving equality, including the Equality Act and the use of all - women shortlists.
Despite remaining in opposition for its third election in a row, Labour at 40.0 % won its greatest share of the vote since 2001, made a net gain of 30 seats to reach 262 total MPs, and, with a swing of 9.6 %, [127] achieved the biggest percentage - point increase in its vote share in a single general election since 1945.
The full quote from Carwyn Jones, first minister of the Welsh government, at the Labour conference is «We are building a Wales that's a living, breathing example of what Labour can achieve when in government.»
However, the fractured political landscape (in particular relating to the likely level of Fine Gael and Labour seat losses) and the favourable impact of the boundary changes associated with the 2012 Constituency Commission report means that Fianna Fail would achieve more success in translating these support levels into Dail seat numbers than they had at the 2011 contest.
The Labour Party won the 1997 general election with a landslide majority of 179; it was the largest Labour majority ever, and at the time the largest swing to a political party achieved since 1945.
Ten days ago, Labour achieved the biggest increase in its share of the vote since 1945, and I would like to thank to all those who supported us and voted Labour.
Eventually, effective political organisation for working people was achieved through the trades unions who, after the extensions of the franchise in 1867 and 1885, began to support socialist political parties that later merged to become the British Labour Party.
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