Sentences with phrase «lack of belief in»

The company has been rolling out numerous apps, but some of them never get to the final stages — because of the lack of belief in their products, perhaps.
Problematic Issues With Tether Will Stem From Regulators or Lack of Belief In The Pegging Scheme
The deception stems not from a lack of belief in the «correctness» of their Cause, but from the weakness in their scientific positions and the weakness of the links between their Truth - Problem - Solution constructs.
My lack of belief in blue fairies is slightly more intense — even showing me a red fairy isn't sufficient to prove that blue ones exist.
The folks asserting that «atheism» naturally arises from the lack of a belief in a God are simply mixing up their definitions.
So all your arguments about your lack of belief in, and lack of evidence for, a God are just fine.
Here's their biggest challenge: a lack of belief in themselves.
At the core of both these horrible sets of policies is the lack of belief in children as learners.
Saddled with troubles in his family and a huge lack of belief in himself, Ryan strives to make his dreams come true.
There is a good movie somewhere in The Good Dinosaur, but one theorises that studio interference and a lack of belief in their audience has led to this pretty lacklustre affair.
[13] Because of the lack of belief in no premarital sex, hookups have become a norm for everyone.
Russia retorted that the UK's stance showed an «offensive» lack of belief in their judicial system.
The current generation (20 - something and younger) in the US is infected with a particularly virulent strain of a lack of belief in an objective reality, that anything goes, that it is more rude to criticize than to do the rude behavior that is being criticized, that there are no and should be no objective standards because who are we to judge?
Their body language in the Barca game, after Van Persie's dismissal, portrayed their lack of belief in scoring one more goal, which would have taken them through.
The weakness in central midfield, a lack of belief in being able to keep the ball and players bunching rather than spreading play all served to surrender the initiative to the opposition.
Their negativity and lack of belief in the club / team made it all happen this decade.
You could taste the lack of belief in the team in the first five minutes and knew it was going to be one of those games.
I think we have never really been out played against Mou's teams its rather the lack of belief in the players and the manager that we can beat them.
Therefore if the belief that your skill / talent is enough to win, why does a fighter additionally try to cut large amounts of weight and is this potentially a sign of lack of belief in themselves i.e. «I require this additional edge».
Blair, the communications director for the New Jersey - based American Atheists, said atheists in the United States often feel alienated and face accusations of being anti-American because of their lack of belief in God.
There is no dogma to bind them, simply the lack of belief in a god.
Since the only thing that characterizes atheist belief is a lack of belief in gods, would a «liberal» atheist actually believe in some gods?
atheism is a lack of belief in imaginary men in the sky.
It is simply the lack of a belief in the existence of a god, gods or the supernatural.
Definition of atheism (Oxford dictionary) noun [mass noun] disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
More along the lines of closet agnostics who fear the consequences from their own religious community were they to openly acknowledge their lack of belief in that particular cult.
For some it is a belief there is no god, while for others it is just a lack of belief in a god.
I did not try to tell you what was right or wrong, I simply offered you reasons, based on my observations of Christianity, for my lack of belief in the Christian God.
How can atheism, when defined means a lack of belief in the existence of god (s).
ATHEISM - The lack of belief in a God (s).
Atheism is defined as the LACK OF BELIEF IN A GOD OR GODS.
Your ignorance and lack of belief in God and the Bible is a scary place to be.
Atheism is only the lack of belief in a god; one can't force people to not believe in a god.
Atheism has no beliefs; it is a position of lack of belief in god (s).
Since the basic definition of an Atheist is a lack of belief in any religion, why is this story here?
Atheism is nothing more than a lack of belief in any particular deity (it technically doesn't even deny the existence of a deity, it just doesn't actively believe one exists, though I suppose we could get into the whole «weak atheism vs strong atheism» thing if we wanted to).
Lack of belief in things that can not be detected objectively is delusion, while belief in those things is sound.
«Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity, which implies that nothing exists but natural phenomena (matter)» The author is «Admin» at the American Atheists site.
They may not have come out and explicitly said they discriminate when hiring and / or servicing customers, but their lack of belief in diversity has certainly pushed people to the side.
It is simply a lack of belief in any gods.
====== From Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity, which implies that nothing exists but natural phenomena (matter), that thought is a property or function of matter, and that death irreversibly and totally terminates individual organic units.
If one needs to proclaim his or her way better than any other's, it does nothing to prove value to his or her lack of belief in anything bigger than he or she.
You might as well call a lack of belief in the Easter Bunny an ideology.
No Mugs, it is the lack of belief in the existence of a god or god.
Of course, the one exception is the word, «Atheism,» which simply means a lack of belief in theism.
once again — atheism is merely a lack of belief in gods.
atheists do not have faith there are no gods — atheism is merely a lack of belief in gods.
, Pol Pot (1 - 2 mil)... Power is dangerous in the hands of any leader, Christian or not but when there is a lack of belief in accountablilty to a higher power (here or in the afterlife) and a belief in the «survival of the fittest», the results have been horrific.
Its a lack of belief in a god, thus not even remotely the same as a christian.
@ObamaJoe, Atheism is a lack of belief in god (s).
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