Sentences with phrase «lack of privacy at»

Lack of privacy at night since the vertical blinds did not close as they should.
A huge hurdle for both rich men looking for women and rich women looking for men is lack of privacy at traditional gatherings or common social applications.

Not exact matches

The sentiment seemed widespread on tech and media Twitter: there was a lack of specificity in terms of questions about privacy (this allowed Zuckerberg to turn nearly every question about the ownership of data to a discussion about user interface controls that limit where data is shown to other Facebook users), plenty of dodged questions (every time there was a question about the data Facebook generates about users beyond what they themselves enter into the system Zuckerberg needed to «check with his team»), and bad questions that presumed Facebook sells data, letting Zuckerberg run out the clock at least three times by explaining the basics of Facebook's business model (this is precisely why I have been so outspoken about the problem of perpetrating this falsehood: it lets Facebook off the hook).
I don't subscribe to the ultra-Orthodox way of life at all, but at least many or their practices are grounded in a sense of modesty and privacy that I find lacking in this country today.
Its health benefits have long been known, but many women were discouraged from trying it because of lack of knowledge or obstacles such as no privacy at work.
Civil libertarians, privacy advocates, and many internet users are up in arms at the bill, which they see as an infringement of online freedom betraying a fundamental lack of understanding of how the internet works.
but there are lack of privacy protection settings, it means your profile might exposure in public at include photo and healthy condition.
At a time when social network privacy — or the lack of it — is headline news, two Stanford researchers have some sobering findings about how personal data is becoming increasingly difficult to hide if we have any public...
He is confused at first but starts to enjoy his fame, until he gets tired of the lack of privacy.
Rather, it's a bleaker look at the consequences of American policy (or the lack thereof), from the way in which the U.S. flaunts Germany's privacy laws to the way in which doles out «justice»: Do those who adapt the tactics of their enemies in order to defeat them not run the risk of becoming the very thing they fought against?
(When she spoke with boys about dropping out, they mentioned work or obligations at home, never privacy and the lack of a bathroom, except in veiled ways about a male «cousin» or «friend.»)
With this report in hand, parents can discuss their concerns with online learning confidently with school leadership — whether it's the lack of evidence showing that it actually works, the political and moneyed interests advancing it, or how it places student privacy at risk.»
Just in the last few weeks we've had Lance Armstrong (a textbook example of how not to do it, by the way), Manti Te'o (whose phenomenal lack of guile might just redeem him in the end)... I remember I was particularly interested in the Tiger Woods scandal, because at one point early on he made a sort of plea for privacy — this is about my marriage, I have two small children, please let us resolve this out of the spotlight — which was perfectly reasonable but had absolutely no chance of being granted.
Because the world has yet to discover the wonder of the green season in Belize, you're going to have plenty of room to spread out, stay at the best accommodations and take advantage of the lack of crowds, thereby enjoying more privacy and choices than at any other time of the year.
At the same time, the relative darkness of the enormous hall offers a sense of privacy and intimacy often lacking in art spaces.
While the issue of data privacy (or the lack thereof) is nothing new, the Cambridge Analytica scandal comes at a time when new European Data Protection laws (GDPR) are soon to come into effect and companies across Ireland and the rest of Europe which handle personal data need to be prepared for this.
Doubtless our friends at The Court will be on this but Binnie J (writing for a court of seven) handed down today in Canada (Privacy Commissioner) v. Blood Tribe Department of Health a decision which confirms the importance of legal professional privilege, and confirmed that the Privacy Commissioner, while an Officer of Parliament, lacks the authority of a judge to make determinations of privilege... [more]
The appeal of monitoring technology combined with the continued lack of awareness of the fundamental right to privacy in the workplace is such that there is a «perfect storm» occurring right now leading employers to «cross a line» says Chantal Bernier, formerly head of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, now counsel at Dentons Canada LLP in privacy in the workplace is such that there is a «perfect storm» occurring right now leading employers to «cross a line» says Chantal Bernier, formerly head of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, now counsel at Dentons Canada LLP in Privacy Commissioner of Canada, now counsel at Dentons Canada LLP in Ottawa.
In an exclusive interview with Binary District, Michael Perklin, an expert in digital forensic examination and head of information security architecture at ShapeShift, discussed the lack of privacy in bitcoin, security issues in storing sensitive user information, and the rapid growth...
At the same time, a lack of HD capability also reduces BitPanda's privacy standards.
Although Bitcoin was at the forefront of the digital currency revolution, it was still slow to transact and it was lacking true privacy for users.
Anoncoin was created not only for the purpose of strong user privacy, which was lacking in Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies at the time, but also to provide a cryptocurrency that could support an eventual crackdown from hostile governments and central banks.
The post outlines several problems faced by blockchain platforms at the moment; limited scalability, limited privacy, lack of formal contract verification, storage constraints,...
Snowden, who made this statement earlier this month at a Blockstack event in Berlin, said that he believes Bitcoin's chief drawback does not have to do with its ability to scale — as many critics allege — but rather its lack of privacy.
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