Sentences with phrase «lack of vitamin a»

A lack of vitamin D can be a huge mood drain.
Get Your D's Each year in the U.S., an estimated 24,000 people die from cancers that are due to lack of sun exposure, and thus, a lack of Vitamin D.
This has been going on for 20 years — I remember Greenpeace's very first press release about Golden Rice and how it was dangerous because people (who were dying from VAD) might overdose on vitamin A. Then, when they realized the vitamin levels were low, they turned things around and started saying it wouldn't work at all (as if VAD is a binary problem — lack of vitamin A is a distribution of concentration so any increase will help some people).
Faustnotes, we know golden rice works because it contains vitamin A (techically its precursor) and people who are suffering from a lack of vitamin A recover when they eat food containing vitamin A.
«Blindness is not caused by a lack of vitamin A in rice, just as starvation is generally not caused by a lack of food production.
Lack of vitamin A in puppies directly relates to retarded growth rates, weakness in the muscle, vision problems, a poor coat condition, skeletal and nervous disorders such as hydrocephalus and cleft palate.
The lack of vitamin A causes squamous cell metaplasia that eventually changes to a carcinoma.
As well as predisposing to skin problems, a lack of vitamin C seems to make the body more prone to other diseases, infections and conditions.
Lack of vitamin C, which guinea pigs can't manufacture in their bodies, can also lead to dental disease.
There are a variety of causes of malocclusion, including heredity, a lack of vitamin C, injury, mineral imbalances, and lack of or improper gnawing substrates.
A lack of vitamin E may lead to lameness, muscle weakness, heart disease, poor fertility and sudden death.
Lack of Vitamin B1 (Hypothiaminosis) This is when your bearded dragon does not get enough thiamine in their diet and causes muscle twitches and tremors.
Crab is a great addition to the diet of these dogs because a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to a variety of serious health problems.
The lack of Vitamin C will lead to scurvy.
No one is sure what causes these plugs, although a lack of Vitamin A in the diet has been suggested.
One endocrinologist said her bones were like those of a woman in her eighties, from a lack of vitamin D and calcium.
A lack of vitamin C causes scurvy.
The combination of physical circumstances — bad teeth, lack of vitamin D, devastating abuse — and high - stakes emotional intensity makes for a screen performance we'll be talking about for a long time.
One of the downfalls of a low carb diet if you aren't careful is a lack of Vitamin C and other important nutrients that you get from veggies and the occasional fruit.
Pellagra is a disease caused by a lack of the vitamin niacin (vitamin B3).
A lot of people might think «scurvy» is just pirate lingo, but it's actually a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. Symptoms of scurvy include fatigue, gum disease, anemia, scaly skin, and easy bruising.
More research is needed, but there appears to be a connection between lack of vitamin D, insulin resistance, and obesity.
Newer medical research has revealed that sun exposure is not as closely linked to all skin cancers as previously touted, and other factors such as diet, exposure to environmental toxins and a paradoxical lack of vitamin D also play a role.
In fact, lack of vitamin D production from sunlight is possibly one of the reasons the flu season is at this time of the year.
Low Childhood B12 May Affect Later Years A cognitive test shows lack of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) during the formative first six years of life could result in long - term reduced cognitive function.
Scurvy is a disease of basically hemorrhaging of the various capillaries in the body because of lack of vitamin C and the — I think it was the British or the people over in the UK area, they were called limeys because they figured out when they would travel over from the UK to the US hundreds of years ago that people would die if they didn't have vitamin C.
Vegans especially, are prone to high homocysteine levels, usually due to lack of vitamin B12, also B6, choline and / or folate; watch Dr. Greger's presentations: and.
A chronic lack of vitamin D leads to weakened bones and diseases called rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
He theorized that cancer was caused by a lack of vitamin B17 in modern diets.
Lack of vitamin D, beloved as a treatment for depression and anxiety, could also cause higher cortisol.
How many times have you heard someone with a meat - heavy diet talk about all the special combinations of foods he has to eat to avoid a lack of Vitamin D?
However, recent findings indicate that children may require up to 8 - 10 times more vitamin K2 than adults in order to support their rapid growth.6 Unfortunately, research shows that most children have sub-optimal levels of vitamin K2, which is likely due to the lack of vitamin K2 in the standard Western diet.
A lack of vitamin D has also been linked to hair loss, specifically, telogen effluvium or female pattern hair loss.
When people think of a lack of vitamin D, the most common assumption is that a person is deficient because of a lack of exposure to sunlight.
The risk of all - cause mortality increases with a lack of Vitamin K in your system.
There is a growing amount of research which suggests that a lack of vitamin D could be an important factor greatly contributing to weakness of the immune system and its inability to overcome viral infections.
There is a growing amount of research which suggests that a lack of vitamin D could be an important factor in causing autoimmune diseases.
A lack of Vitamin D is linked to seasonal depression, which I am prone to suffer from.
Lack of vitamin C has been associated with a number of health issues, including high blood pressure, stroke, and in severe cases, even scurvy.
Lack of vitamin A, which has been called «the anti-infective agent,» leaves them immunosuppressed.
Also, people that aren't exposed to sunlight too often — which can cause a lack of vitamin D — may benefit from a multivitamin.
They're all caused by the weakening of structural tissues thanks to impaired collagen production, thanks to a lack of vitamin C.
It's a common belief among athletes and sports professionals that a lack of vitamin E can typically lead to a lot of cramping and spasm problems.
This prevents the need for your body to draw on its glutathione reserves to make up for a lack of vitamin C.
A lack of vitamin D is implicated in migraines too.
In her opinion this was the best topical treatment (Lack of vitamin E in the diet perhaps?).
Lack of this vitamin causes hangnails, as well as dry, dull nails.
The lack of vitamin A is evident in the green colour, as its carotenoids which provide the orange hue of cantaloupes.
This limit on fats can be extremely difficult to keep up with, and it may lead to a lack of vitamin and mineral absorption as well as ineffective weight loss results.
Cramps are also caused from a lack of vitamin D so make sure spend at least 20 minutes in the sun daily or eat more Foods high in Vitamin D
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