Sentences with phrase «larger populations retain»

Larger populations retain more knowledge and find ways to improve technologies.

Not exact matches

The highlands will retain much political significance by virtue of their large population.
«It might be difficult to imagine why the large number of gene variants that together give rise to traits like [autism spectrum disorder] are retained in human populations,» co-author and genetics and neuroscience professor Joel Gelernter said in a statement from Yale University.
More than half of the population lives in Sherwood Park, a large community east of Edmonton that has opted to retain hamlet status.
A substantial body of research demonstrates that schools with large populations of poor, non-white and low - achieving students, on average have more difficulty attracting and retaining teachers (Boyd et.
Although the district is medium - sized in student population, it is quite spread out, and its schools have by and large retained their small - town identity.
This commitment to clinical training is in response to certain districts, particularly those serving large populations of students of color and students from low - income families, experiencing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining a stable cadre of leaders.
The city was founded by Mormons in 1878, so the area still retains a large Mormon population.
Microsoft wants to retain its large population of dedicated Microsoft App Users.
The U.S. retained a large feral cat population long after street dogs disappeared, partly because cats are smaller than dogs, with smaller food requirements, and partly also because street dogs scavenge much more than hunt rodents, whereas feral cats hunt rodents much more than scavenge.
The city sometimes nicknamed «Venice of the East» is much larger than Wuzhen in terms of population and size, but its old centre retains a romantic allure in its numerous canals that are easily explored during this day - long cruise tour.
Large mainland populations of South Island robins retain greater genetic diversity than offshore island refuges
As of the 2010 United States Census, the city had a total population of 124,969, retaining its ranking as New Jersey's fourth largest city (by population).
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