Sentences with phrase «le dunce»

The Whole Foods chief said Amazon's technology will help the grocer transform from «class dunce» into «valedictorian.»
He is witheringly critical of astrology, dubbing it, with the rest of occultism, a «metaphysic of dunces», suggesting «a climate of semi-erudition is the fertile breeding ground for astrology.»
The lower right - hand corner is the dunce - cap corner: students score low, and the poor ones are screwed for good.
If you think the answer is «Because it allows for improved monetary control,» kindly let me know your address and hat size so I can mail you a dunce cap.
Your a dunce... enjoy being ridiculed in 300 years.
I guess the place Where Shakespeare's Hermia woke to love a dunce In Regent's park one night, ten walking minutes from our room, Torn tickets tucked just for us in our still precious book.
WOW, girl, take the dunce cap off already!
No matter what the truth, the thinking classes, with the sophisticated journalists following obediently behind, have regarded the Democrats as their kind and most Republicans as dunces.
Those educated «scientists» that the religious dunces seem to hate (due to all those pesky facts they keep spouting), are the people that gave us, the steam engine that started the industrial revolution; they gave us vaccines to cure disease and electricity so we have light where there was once darkness and they invented the jet engine so that the flat Earthers can fly to see their loved ones on those religious holidays that are so important to them... Not to mention they invented computers and the Internet that allows the right wing Bible thumpers to post their uneducated, mindless, factless opinion on this Web Site.
I can tell you were at dunce corner at school.
Liberal Boomers, who seldom if ever seriously criticize the legions of conservative - demonizers in your midst, for this post I will mostly join Mr. Druckenmiller in accusing you outright, that is, I will act as if this was your premeditated plan motivated by selfish interest, and not a pattern of political self - delusion that you fell into, given the drip - drip - drip of Democrat talking points over the years, given your gleeful listening to those who dismissed conservatives as hateful dunces, so that you ceased to even consider the NUMBERS conservatives kept pointing to, and just kept on doggedly voting D.
(I want to make clear from the start that these poor people aren't wearing the dunce caps by choice, but because the church is attempting to shame them.)
Although, you are doing the right thing in attempting to make these dunces think.
These are the same dunces who criticize him for attending a christian church led a Reverend Wright.
The cliché «ignorance is bliss» calls up images of the poor benighted dunce blithely sailing through life, unaware of the perils and ambiguities that surround him.
You can read the whole Bible and still be a dunce.
Your desires to wear a dunce cap is duly noted... My religious belief is contiguously referenced thru my many postings here and your depraved wordage is not a welcoming issue but is unsound cynicism unworthy of reading... Your abusive connotations wreaks of analytical dementia and oozes of delirium...
Tom is right — these dunces are their own worst enemy in trying to get anyone to sign on to the folklore.
just sayin» go back into the corner and place your dunce cap back on.
Sarah is a dunce of the highest order.
Given the natural limitations of data recall, you are actually a bit of a dunce, by the standards of the gods.
The fact that the word «dunce» is derived from his name is an indication of opinions of later critics — and the critics of the scholastic method — of what seemed to them to be futile hairsplitting.
«Hopefully these coaches enjoy the trophy on their mantel,» De Voewrote, «right next to their dunce caps.»
Bravo for putting this silly little child pires in his dunces corner!
Toguether they are trying to plan how to stay coach of a football club with no ambition of winning anything but fooling dunces with sweet dictionary words.
For dunce and make him stand in the corner of the classroom with one of those pointed hats on his head.
And for the most pessimistic fans playing the same note over and over and over they should have their avatar wearing a giant dunces cap for a week / month.
You really are business dunce.
He'd have made contributions on both ends of the field and only a deluded dunce playing favorites wouldn't have known that.
But to keep beating on the man as if he is a dunce, beats me.
Oh, sure, you can be a soft - spoken bastard dunce and still get named King in the North.
With a manager (described in one national newspaper as a tactical dunce) in the last year of his contract he is a dead - man walking and unlikely to command any respect from his players.
Playing like a demi - god aside, Cesc Fabregas is no dunce when it comes to words as well.
Oh good golly, I was far too much of a dunce to get the reference (it's Shakespeare, isn't it??).
Ed Miliband has branded David Cameron a «dunce» over his handling of the Royal Mail privatisation, prompting the Prime Minister to attack his Labour opponent as a «muppet» over his role in selling off the UK's gold stockpile.
Donnie Dunce just opened up one more serious area for Muller to probe.
In one mailer, Amedore «gets an F» on education issues and is pictured wearing a dunce cap (His campaign sent a blistering statement earlier this month when the Tkaczyk campaign wrote in an email to supporters «Now we're not saying George Amedore is stupid, but...»).
Cuomo should be forced to go sit in a corner wearing a dunce cap.
Obviously, Barnveld Mayor Hollenbeck is a dunce.
He calls him the dunce of Downing Street.
ANDREW WEARS THE DUNCE CAP AGAIN — LALOR BLASTS STUPID WAGE REGULATIONS added by dskriloff on March 26, 2013 View all posts by dskriloff →
Harriet Harman's hubris in trying to strong - arm her colleagues into supporting the bill, before being forced to relent, has shown her up as the tactical dunce she is.
Or should they just pop their dunce caps on and retreat to the corner of the room?
«Warning: this course is taught by a professor who has proven he is a dunce
Sure, Gaetana didn't win the election last year for town supervisor, but now that Donna has her column, and Gaetana's writing just about every week, they're going to get us all to put on our «dunce caps» and «listen up» to their sage words of wisdom, fear and loathing, and we will, together, take this country by storm, starting right here in Saugerties!
Mr. Olayinka «the know nothing dunce».
i would much rather discuss and learn about cloud models, ocean circulation, ice sheet stability than repeatedly counter ignorant arguments by innumerate dunces.
Some of these include dunce, rutabaga, DCO, and CREB.
Molecular cloning has demonstrated that dunce codes for the enzyme, cAMP phosphodiesterase; rutabaga codes for adenylyl cyclase; DCO codes for the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, and CREB a transcription factor that is phosphorylated and activated by protein kinase A.
(of course, if you manage to lose 100 % muscle, you will be forced to wear the Dieter's Dunce cap)
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