Sentences with phrase «lead point person»

Lead point person to drive and support all styling and editorial needs.

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«It's a shame that the coffee price issue obscured the real story here for so many people, but, once again, this kind of «one - way» data point thinking led investors astray... when it was actually quite strong,» said the «Mad Money» host.
Case in point, a recent study from Abertay University in Scotland found that a woman that's seen as wearing too much makeup can affect people's perception of her ability to lead.
As the leading psychologist on the topic Carol Dweck puts it, «In a growth mindset, people believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work — brains and talent are just the starting point,» whereas people with a fixed mindset believe «their basic qualities, like intelligence are fixed.»
«The fact that they stuck with the three rate - hike forecast sends a signal that at this point they're not ready to adopt a potentially more aggressive stance that a number of people have been talking about for next year,» said Craig Bishop, lead strategist for U.S. fixed income at RBC Wealth Management.
«You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go.
He said he would be inviting «leading conservatives» and people from all across the political spectrum to talk with him and share their points of view about the issues raised by the Gizmodo story.
At some point, you need to be chosen as a leader, both for the people you're leading — so they can feel like they made a choice — but also so you know that you're wanted, and that people feel confident in you and will follow your guidance.
The situation got Taggar thinking about the difficulties of that market, which eventually led him to exploring pain points of the people on the other side — the landlords.
But a consideration of medical issues brings up the point that the somewhat - rich MREs could easily overwhelm the digestive system of a person suffering from severe malnutrition, and a consideration of the population's unique characteristics leads to the concern that the MREs may be incompatible with ethnic and religious dietary restrictions.
You may wish to do some clean up then as sites such as Bloomberg Business news are pointing directly at your current website and business activities in stories about the bankruptcy filing: This is what leads people to believe that the current company filed.
But also this leads to people buying cryptocurrency at higher price points.
In such an environment, people tend to hide their mistakes and those of others out of fear that pointing them out will lead to their own mistakes being exposed.
Designating a lead detective to be responsible for victims» families might suffice for double or triple homicides, but for mass - casualty events a point person with specialized training who remains with gathered families throughout a crisis should be the norm.
In terms, I think of inflation and bond markets, it took six, seven, eight, maybe 10 years of high inflation in the 1970s before you had Paul Volcker brought in to say «enough is enough,» and then again whether it's led by American monetary policy but similar moves in Europe, obviously in the UK, a significant tightening of monetary policy because people got fed up with inflation and I don't think that we are kind of yet at the point where real wages have been suppressed so much by that irritation that inflation is always running ahead, life is becoming more expensive, so we need the central bank radically to change their policy.
When contraceptives are continually used they inevitably fail at some point, which leads some people to the ultimate prevention of babies; abortion.
Critics such as Jürgen Habermas have objected to the way the person leading such a life stands open to domination» but that was Gadamer's point.
Asked about the value of the newspaper debates, Charles said that trying «to lead people to salvation by pointing out sins... only brings antagonism and rebellion and shoves them away.
In Jeremiah's time the people's understanding of kingship was tainted by human kings who had led them to the point of imminent destruction and deportation.
Historians of the French Revolution have debated the point as to whether or not it was the ideas of the philosophers concerning human rights, equality, justice, democracy, freedom or the interests of the ordinary people pinched in belly and pocketbook that led to the uprising of 1789.
Lord Jesus, when it was given me to see where the dazzling trail of particular beauties and partial harmonies was leading, I recognized that it was all coming to centre on a single point, a single person: yourself.
The sect's leader, with a bandana covering his face, led the army into the village and pointed out people he claimed were «subversives.»
He does not want to be Christian and he has closed his mind to trying to understand and lead people on the right, and not just the rabid wingers, all people to the right of Obama are bad in his point of view.
In his translation and commentary on the first six chapters of the classical book of Hinduism, the Bhagavad - Gita, the Maharishi notes that TM takes a person in whatever level of faith he finds himself, then leads him beyond that point (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad - Gita [MMYBG, pp. 317 - 319]-RRB-.
It is therefore, understandable that the Qur» an presents a vindication of its focal point in the ideas of the prophetic role of «warning» and leading people to the right path of the worship of one God from Adam to the last prophet Muhammad.
But I» m for the point that the term «silence» should not be used in the sense that God has been always on the business of talk to people in defferent forms and also during that period a lot happened, we get the likes of Zechariah the priest who always led worship ceremony.
We see many great people of God throughout the Bible at their lowest points and how their faith in God led them to be used for great things (and so despite their grievous sin we see them as holy because they grew and showed great faith and fruit) but what about those in the Bible who are said to have believed but are never heard from again in the text?
There is no point in leading people any further if they aren't willing to pay the price!
Jesus loved theology and Bible study as much as the next person; but Jesus never loved theology and Bible study more than the next person, for if theology and Bible study does not lead us to love the next person, we have missed the entire point.
The point is that Pastoring via heated preaching of Christ that leads people away from islamic beliefs and practices will almost certainly enrage the islamic pressure cooker.
The point of the Pentateuch is to show that complete failure of law and religion to lead to the relationship of love that God wants with His people.
The Scotist position, as one might call it, often leads to an a-historicism that reduces the person of Jesus Christ to alpha and omega points that enclose the divine economy.
As he watched the world slide into debauchery and atheism, he believed that while we ultimately want people to accept Christian beliefs about God, Jesus, and the afterlife, it is not easy to lead a person to that point straight from atheism.
As we pointed out in Chapter 8, we can consider each other to be wrong without necessarily impugning the validity of the other's religious beliefs, if their beliefs lead to right relation with God and people.
Moses, the most humble man who had ever lived on Earth to that point (Numbers 12:3), follows the Lord's Spirit as the people followed Moses, leading them out from the place in which they were saved from death by the blood of a lamb, through the waters of the Red Sea where their enemies were swallowed up forever, traveling on in a new identity as God's chosen people — free and sent on to serve and worship Him.
This leads him to his key point: «Let us make no mistake; the data we now have at hand should serve as a dire warning: Unless we act decisively, many of today's converts will be one - generation Jews — Jews with non-Jewish parents and non-Jewish children,» But Sarna concludes on a note that most Jews would find more hopeful: «Learned Jews and non-Jews have been making dire predictions about the future (or end) of the Jewish people for literally thousands of years — long before William Wirt and long after him — and, as we have seen, their predictions have proved consistently wrong.
Another point that could have been usefully articulated is that, despite the scandal and doubt caused by corruption in the Church, the goodness of many Christians and theholiness that is inherent within the Church has led many people to believe in God.
I agree with Bill Maher, but then again I'm a lifelong atheist... I have never believed for one minute that the god as portrayed in the bible or koran has any possibility of being real to everyone, otherwise that god would make itself obvious and not hide behind man made lies and cultural practices that self perpetuate thanks fo fear... otherwise there would not be several thousand man made religions trying to claim that god as their own... yes, it is an opinion, only valid to the opinion holder and no one else... Bill, thanks for so strongly making that point, not that it makes any difference to god fearing people... they will hold on to their opinion as strongly as they hold on to their shotgun, thinking that each provides them with some form of security... to intelligent people, neither is secure and neither leads to true freedom of the mind...
There was a reason why our founding father's choose a seperation of church and state, interprited, religious, beliefs can and do lead to emotional reactions that tend to be intolerant of other people's (group's) point's of view.
As Wade Clark Roof points out in a recent study, this neglect will lead to «a crisis of plausibility» resulting in alienation of growing numbers of persons and finally in the church's representing a very small minority (Community and Commitment: Religious Plausibility in a Liberal Protestant Church [Elsevier, 1978], pp. 6 - 9).
Just about all of what I see in common «Churches» either separates people from God or leads them into some false fantasyland full of divine mascots and rally songs, pointing them squarely away from honest, discerning, spiritual study of scripture.
K.C. Abraham points out that «Globalization has become a vehicle of cultural invasion», leading to «a mono - culture that suppresses economic, ecological and cultural diversity, and has a tendency to accept efficiency and productivity without concern for justice and compassion towards people».6
Ive spent hours of my life listening to sermons but one day i decided to take notes and so the hours of sermons i have listened to over 2 years has turned into 24 hours worth of material, straight to the point and leading people to learn quicker and to be able to use it.
In proclaiming the gospel as evangelists we have been concerned to make a point of contact with the people, but because the faith as thus presented has been set in too narrow a context and has not been addressed to the mind as well as the heart, it has often failed to lead to a permanent and constructive reorientation of life.
I agree with you Tim, the premise of the article leads one to believe that because LDS has a big accredited university with deep theological minds and some leader of a big Christian seminary, again a deep theological mind, head knowledge not heart knowledge, that Mormonism should be recognized as a stream of Christianity.How Mormons differ is how they relate to Christ and the Holy Spirit.Only people who have encountered Jesus and thus a changed life, can be called an evangelical.Mormnism is man made religion.The Holy Spirit always points people to Jesus, not another man - Joseph Smith.Great moral people, who do lots of good and build beautiful tabernacles, but then again the Pharisees did too.
It has often been pointed out that Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were successful because they built their nonviolent movements on the religious heritage of the people they led.
Case (s) in point; Often great passion leads to sex and, in the scope of things, that doesn't always involve two people who have considered that they stand the chance of creating a new person.
«In fact, this model can easily lead people to develop learning phobias, for if you dare to read broadly and learn to see things from other people's point of view, you might uncovering facts that could shake your certainty and thus displease God.
It is at this point that have stopped trusting Jesus to lead other people, just as He has led us.
From this starting point, Anselm is said to have shown that if believers understand their faith, they «are the only ones who do understand it» (p. 22), from which it would follow that it is only lack of understanding which leads a person to reject theistic belief.
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