Sentences with phrase «learning secret missions»

Add some fun to lesson planning with Teaching and Learning Secret Missions.

Not exact matches

Dominika becomes a star pupil and soon is a key player in a mission to help the Russian government learn the name of a mole who's... (this is very exciting)... passing secrets to the American government!
When a biologist (Natalie Portman) learns her husband (Oscar Isaac) has been injured while on a secret assignment, she volunteers to continue his mission in the hope of finding a way to cure the man she loves.
Students are sent on a «secret mission» and given a back story to ignite their active learning skills.
The truth, Calli learns, is she has been brought to Montana to join an elite clan of Runners who train to undertake highly secret missions for the benefit of superhuman kids everywhere.When three Runners from her compound are kidnapped by a clan of evi...
Spanning across four unique worlds, each with their own variety of environments bursting with detail, players will choose from dozens of weapons and learn from them the secret of the Temple as they fight superbly crafted bosses with one mission: to destroy your soul and damn you forever.
Players can learn about the secrets of the island through a new story mission, and they can explore the Devil's Mouth through side missions that involve looking for treasures and diaries to help unlock secrets about La Buse's missing treasure.
However, once you're through that mission, everything seems to slow down... The main scenario is pretty good, and you'll definitely enjoy it, but when it comes down to side missions, I found myself doing them for two reasons; to earn extra Praxis Kits and because I like to make sure I've done everything in an area before I leave it... That sense of wanting to know more, to learn what secrets lay behind these missions, just wasn't anywhere near as powerful as it was in Human Revolution... On top of that, to me at least, the main scenario seemed to wrap itself up rather quickly...
Once you beat the story / arcade missions, you can do a slightly harder Mission Mode, where you can choose levels and go for scores / times / learn all the secrets.
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