Sentences with phrase «leave grass clippings»

Leave grass clippings as they add nitrogen to the soil and promote earthworm activity.
So, after mowing, leave the grass clippings on the lawn.

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You can also provide nutrition to your plants by using composts based on kitchen scraps, grass clippings and fallen leaves.
The following materials make good compost: coffee grounds, corn stalks and leaves, egg shells, garden plants killed by frost, grass clippings, kitchen scraps (fruits and vegetables), leaves, manure from herbivores, pine needles, sawdust, shredded newspaper, straw, and weeds (unseeded).
Some growers believe that grass clippings are particularly helpful because thick layers of them can be thoroughly saturated to increase the humidity around pepper leaves and flowers in dry weather.
«The grass clippings and the mulched leaves...
«Leave it to liberals to ignore injustices and atrocities of a totalitarian nation on human beings and put more importance on a nations diet which includes grass clippings and canines.
These are mulching blades so if you're looking for something that will help you cope with fall leaves and don't like to worry about grass clippings, check this one out.
The scenario is better for yard waste — grass clippings, leaves and branches — with more than half diverted to compost facilities instead of landfills.
On a small property, this ranges from the carcasses that the local fox brigade left strewn over the paddocks to horse hoof clippings left by the farrier, and on to her favorite delicacy, the wet and runny horse poo that only lush spring grass can provide.
Nearby, Kate Lepper's Emergency Canisters and Leaf Preservers (both 2011), made up of dried leaves and grass clippings, encourage the audience to reconsider the relationship between humans and their environment.
There is an assortment of items that can be used for homemade compost, including kitchen scraps, fruit peels, egg shells, newspapers, coffee grinds, tea leaves, grass clippings (sans weeds), and so much more.
Green waste consists of two components: yard waste, such as leaves and grass clippings, and food waste.
Mix up raked leaves, grass clippings and dead annuals and stalks and pile it three to five inches high on the garden.
Only free inputs like autumn leaves, grass clippings, comfrey, wood chips, and used coffee grounds are used in our compost, worm castings, and mulch.
If possible, they might also want to build a compost pile with decaying matter such as grass clippings or leaves, which contain nutrients that add nitrogen to the soil.
Consider covering the paper with mulch, leaves, or grass clippings.
For instance, make sure your gutters, downspouts and yard drains are all clean and clear of debris such as leaves, grass clippings and more.
You can convert your non-organic lawn quickly and simply by taking your foot off the pedal and letting nature have more free rein; you can still mow but not as frequently, and leave the clippings to decompose, thereby feeding the ground with natural nitrogen; a spray of liquid seaweed will help make your grass grow richly green.
If you've got grass, then a lawn rake, which has flexible teeth, will remove leaves, moss and grass clippings.
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