Sentences with phrase «legal answers serves»

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It serves hundreds of thousands of customers seeking legal answers who normally may not be able to afford a lawyer, with more than half of them finding ILAO using their phone.
I'll answer this question with a question — so long as the legal principles underpinning the decision are clear, what purpose is served by «onymous» family law decisions?
But selling ownership of the legal profession to nonlawyers who want hefty returns on their investments is most certainly not the answer considering that it will worsen, not improve, worsen the profit motivations / greed in the process (more layers of entities to pay), and considering that it will most certainly weaken the independence of the legal profession to the profound detriment of society, and considering that the access to outside capital will serve only to greatly accelerate anti-competitive concentrations (a trend various ABS insiders and observers in the UK candidly admit is happening and one they candidly admit that they are working hard to accelerate).
Ultimately, as with many legal issues, each circumstance is very fact - specific, and the answer that best serves the interests of the company will depend on the forces at play.
Legal Intake Professionals ®, or LIP ®, is more than just another answering service for lawyers — we're an intake triage center designed to serve as an extension of your personal injury law firm.
If LegalZoom were to produce a comprehensive, customizable, clear, and fully annotated template NDA, it would serve to underscore that unless you have deal experience, you'd likely benefit from the advice of legal counsel when answering the questions accompanying that template.
On the contrary, we've seen many instances of products that would serve not just an in - house corporate legal department, but perhaps even a relatively experienced business user who needs some simple answers.
Sharon D. Nelson: Well, interesting, you kind of answered my next question, so I think I'm going to reshape it a little bit because I do think a lot of lawyers are worried about Artificial Intelligence replacing their jobs, and from my own perspective, I think a certain amount of that fear is justified, but I do understand what you're saying and I've watched with considerable admiration as you've kind of turned your ship a little bit into a different harbor because originally it was called ROSS: The Super-Intelligent Attorney, and now, you have more shaped ROSS from the point of view of the lawyer as somebody that allows the lawyer to be more efficient, serve the client better, and to focus on something other than what you might call «the goat work» of the legal world, which we really don't want to do, and so how did you come to the realization that that was something that needed to be done?
Again, this comes with the caveat that I have no experience with this issue in relation to UK policy, and thus this answer does not constitute advice on whether to repost, but merely serves as a pointer to the relevant legal concept in the UK, with some very basic context.
It's no stretch of the imagination to believe that there will be both creators of and buyers for intelligent legal information systems that ingest all information and are trained to find a correct answer, or at least an answer that may be right enough to serve the questioner's immediate purpose.
The most obvious answer is that legal department strategic partnership is about lawyers learning to align their thinking and their practices with the executive perspective and business practices of the internal corporate clients they serve.
The second answer is that even if we have managed to stay laser - sharp in our focus on our clients, technology offers us opportunities to serve our clients» needs more efficiently and effectively, particularly if we recognize the value of clients» active, informed involvement in their own legal issues.
Bibliography — A Halsburys Title is intended to be the source of an immediate answer to a legal question, but it is also intended to serve as the first step in more extensive research if required.
Doing would involve the usual steps of drafting the complaint, serving the defendant, waiting to see if he answers and if so what legal or factual claims the defendant will dispute.
Eversheds, one of the largest full - service law firms in the world, wanted answers to such questions, so it hired RSG Consulting, a specialty consultant that serves international law firms, to survey the legal landscape and present a vision of the profession ten years from now.
You should note that when I serve as the mediator, I can not provide either party with legal advice or answer legal questions.
We are always here to answer questions that come up in your work so that complex legal questions don't get in the way of your ability to serve the children in your care.
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