Sentences with phrase «lengthen legs forward»

Movement 1 (Round back): Lengthen legs forward to 45 degrees, keep chest lifted.

Not exact matches

From all fours, lift your right leg and extend it long behind you while you reach your left arm forward, lengthening the spine as you extend your arm and leg in opposite directions.
Lift your torso and legs up off the mat as you lengthen your arms forward by your ears, reaching long from fingers to toes.
As you exhale, slowly bend forward from the hip joints (as opposed to bending from the waist), keeping both legs extended and emphasize the lengthening of the front torso.
Raise left leg to hip height, exhale to kick left leg forward and pulse, inhale, lengthen leg to back x 10 reps.
Exhale your hips high, lengthen your legs and fold over your thighs for your standing forward fold.
The pose shares key movements with Virabhadrasana III: You train the back leg to rotate forward properly, and the arms extend, lengthening the spine.
Forward bends and seated wide leg forward fold are wonderful for lengthening the muscles that support the knees.
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