Sentences with phrase «lengthen your legs back»

Lengthen your legs back and press your knees and feet into the ground.

Not exact matches

Week four This week you are going to place your weight on the back knee as though you are kneeling and lengthen the front leg.
Once your cushions are in place, get back into your lunge position and gently lengthen the front leg out into the splits.
Lift the right leg back up, straight out of your hip, as you engage the core and lengthen the neck.
Imagine you are lengthening your leg to touch the back wall and keep your knee straight.
Deepen the lunge in the front leg, lengthen the back leg and reach up and out with arms out in front and back, aligned with your shoulders.
Lengthen your back leg towards the back wall.
Make sure you're not feeling any pinching in the lower back, lengthen your legs out of your hips and keep your buttocks relaxed.
The Hundred Start lying on your back and lift your legs 45 degrees off the mat and lengthen out through your arms as you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor.
With each inhalation, slightly lift and lengthen the torso, and with each exhalation extend your torso and try to bring it a little bit closer to the legs without rounding your back.
Lie on your back with your legs lengthened straight from your hips towards the ceiling.
Lengthening your hamstrings after sitting for an extended period of time can help prevent tightness through the legs and back.
Raise left leg to hip height, exhale to kick left leg forward and pulse, inhale, lengthen leg to back x 10 reps.
Down dog is essential for opening up the back of the legs, as it lengthens the glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
Lift your sitting bones and press the hips back, straightening your legs any amount, and lengthening through the back of your legs.
Extend the legs straight as you reach your arms back and lengthen your upper spine into an arch.
With your legs, hips, spine, and shoulders aligned, you can elongate your lower back by lengthening your top leg and your torso away from one another.
In the case of Padangusthasana and Padahasthasana we lengthen the leg and lower back muscles.
When the backs of the legs are fully lengthened, lift through the balls of the big toes so the inner legs are slightly longer than the outer.
Once the backs of the legs are fully lengthened through the heels, maintain that length and press up through the balls of the big toes so the inner legs are slightly longer than the outer.
The pose shares key movements with Virabhadrasana III: You train the back leg to rotate forward properly, and the arms extend, lengthening the spine.
The twist lengthens the calf and hamstring of the back leg, which can sometimes make it difficult to find the floor with the back heel.
It significantly stretches the legs, back and arms and lengthens the spine.
Breath into the lower back area as the back of your legs lengthen.
Lift the left heel up off the ground and lower your right heel to the ground, lengthening the back of the right leg.
Really focus on the twist, pulling the glute of the bend leg backwards and lengthening your IT band and your lower back.
Practice Adho Mukha Svanasana to lengthen the muscles in your spine and the backs of your legs.
As your back and leg muscles release, gradually lengthen and lower your body into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend).
Movement 1 (Round back): Lengthen legs forward to 45 degrees, keep chest lifted.
Also, do not take long blouses that reach your back as they'll only lengthen the upper part of your body and will work against your legs.
The high - cut leg opening is lengthening, and the low back gives the illusion of wide shoulders, which in turn makes your hips look narrower.»
They have a peep toe and a high, curved back panel that fans out like the wings of a bird of paradise for a leg - lengthening effect.
Team yours with a laid - back tee for a leg - lengthening effect.
The hair lengthens on the back of the legs to the pastern or hock; on the back of the thighs it forms moderate breeching.
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