Sentences with phrase «let's explore few»

So it's easier to hesitate, to wait for the right moment, to decide we need to think a little longer or do some more research or explore a few more alternatives.
But when I found myself with bags of Meyer Lemons (compliments of my mom's Meyer Lemon tree that seems to be on steroids), I wanted to explore a few ways to use the citrusy fruit.
We're exploring a few delicious uses for aquafaba, aka the culinary vegan's new bff, including wellness lattes topped with thick foamy perfection courtes...
So with that being said, let's explore a few areas that Alabama may focus on during the next few weeks.
This week we'll explore a few scenarios where you may want to reconsider doing a strict Whole30 during your postpartum.
So, the question is just how important (or not) it is to be raised by a loving, intact family, a concept I explored a few months ago when I wondered if we should license parents.
Let's explore a few good tactics you can use in this situation.
We usually head out bright and early in the morning to explore a few things before the crowds take over... and before the kids start to get too tired from the day.
Today, we will explore a few of the challenges you might run into:
The National Institute of Justice, the research and development arm of the DOJ, is funding two larger camera studies in Las Vegas and Los Angeles that should explore a few of these issues.
Moreover, allow yourself the time to explore a few (relevant) diversions.
We explore a few recent findings, common misconceptions and amazing adaptations.
So, now that we know the underlying factors that trigger lean muscle loss as we start aging, it's time to explore few ways to combat the age - related symptoms effectively:
Shiva will explore a few simple Ayurvedic tips and recipes that will help improve your digestion, increase ojas, and enhance radiance.
Between now and 2026, you could explore a few wildly different career paths.
We invite you to explore a few questions with us.
Let's explore a few of them.
I'm already itching to get back and explore a few more of the places that everyone recommended.
On the last day Steven and I were there, it really started to warm up but luckily we got the opportunity to move around the city at our own pace and just got to explore a few eateries we haven't tried before.
Although I've had the opportunity to move around and explore a few places I've always wanted to live, Massachusetts is and will always be my home.
It is a difficult question to answer but we could explore a few plausible and practical approaches.
# 6 You've been in a long term relationship, and just want to explore a few fun opportunities before settling down again.
I love every aspect of my culture and exploring a few others as well; even as far back as ancient Egypt.
September 11, 2015 • To mark the 80th birthday of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt (Bjork and Michael Stipe are among his fans), preview an upcoming documentary and explore a few facts and myths about this singular artist.
Jostling Juvi: Bercot's Take Familiar Stance on the System Exploring a few too many problematic delinquency issues than it...
Marketed as an intelligent rumination about artificial intelligence, Ex Machina actually carries a mean exploitation streak: it uses science fiction as a lure for nerds, but halfway through the film suddenly switches sides to explore a few older and darker issues.
Alex Garland's debut carries a mean exploitation streak, and uses a science fiction threat as a lure to explore a few older and darker issues.
Let us explore a few areas where chatbot features and AI are used to deliver efficient eLearning courses:
To finish this assignment, all small groups should explore a few project examples, based on their grade level interest.
If you plan to create an online book club for your school, explore a few options before you get started.
Take a look at how Montpelier finds real - life community applications for student learning through service - learning projects, and explore a few of this school's resources:
The learner starts his or her journey with the basic courses, explores a few specialized ones and evaluates their potential.
This lesson explores a few ways to identify it.
Eureka Math mathematics resources focus on exploring fewer topics in greater depth at each grade level.
We start to explore a few funkier Honda offerings as the Accord becomes a bright green Honda CR - X Del Sol from the mid-1990s.
A workshop that explores a few techniques on how to get to know your characters and how to develop them into three - dimensional beings that jump off the page.
Last month I mentioned I'd treated myself to a Kindle Fire and had spent time not only playing games (well to be honest only the one Free Flow, which is very addictive) but I'd also explored a few writing apps.
Let's explore a few facts that you should become aware of as you begin to work with your literary agent:
After exploring a few of the articles on your web page, I really like your technique of writing a blog.
Let's explore a few positives and negatives that come with investing your retirement savings into target - date funds.
Below we explore a few options.
Today, we are going to explore a few different ways a late payment can impact you.
It is a constant source of amazement to me how many people spend hours poring over the latest way to save 20 cents on a bottle of ketchup, or unplugging the TV after they use it every time, only to agree to mortgage payments without reading the fine print or negotiating; therefore, even though I have 12 months before the current term on my mortgage is up, I am already exploring a few different options I will have going forward.
In today's article we will explore a few changes that have taken...
At this point, you can explore a few options of further postponing your payments.
I've explored a few investment strategies in the past that I strongly believe is able to deliver market beating returns, but many I've ended up abandoning because they would get absolutely annihilated in a doomsday scenario (eg.
Paragraphs underneath shall explore a few of the best brand of dog food for golden retrievers.
Let's explore a few common flea treatment ingredients and how they function.
Let's explore a few of the various types of working dogs — therapy dogs, service dogs, emotional support dogs and more — you may encounter in your community.
Here we will explore a few reasons why your cat might be eating grass.
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