Sentences with phrase «liberal leadership campaign»

During the last Liberal leadership campaign, delegates looked at front - runner Michael Ignatieff and thought «who is this guy, he spends 25 years swanning around Oxford and Harvard and comes back, expecting to be Prime Minister?»
With a federal Liberal leadership campaign happening at the same time as the Ontario Liberal leadership, some Liberals are worried about leadership fatigue syndrome setting in and the fact they would be going to the same troughs to raise funds.
On June 16, Mr. Hill registered to contact elected officials about setting up a «workable» framework for those projects for Spectra subsidiary Westcoast Energy Inc., a top donor to Christy Clark's successful Liberal leadership campaign.
Barrie Examiner - Federal Liberal hopeful visits Alex Burton is bringing his Liberal leadership campaign to the people of Barrie.

Not exact matches

Below you'll find Google Trends charts for the 100 days before the campaign's last month for both the Conservative and Liberal leadership contests, along with explanations for some of the biggest spikes in search volume during that time.
Metro News, Halifax - Trudeau's rival in Liberal leadership race makes stop in Halifax In his bid to beat out Justin Trudeau as the Liberal Party of Canada's newleader, Alex Burton took his modest campaign bus across Nova... Read More
For more information on the leadership campaign locally, call Sudbury Federal Liberal Association president Jim Lanzo at 705-626-8817.
The StarPhoenix - Burton says Liberals need to reach the grassroots Federal Liberal leadership candidate Alex Burton says a grassroots campaign is the key to rebuilding the party and forms a large part of his bid for the post.
In December 2013, when the Liberal Democratic Party returned to leadership with Abe as its minister, the LDP campaigned on renewed fiscal stimulus, aggressive monetary easing from the BOJ, structural reforms to boost competitiveness and eventual fiscal consolidation.
Federal Liberal leadership contender Martha Hall Findlay says she has encountered many people who have been inundated by robocalls asking for donations to the provincial leadership campaigns.
It reflects a years - long campaign by liberal Catholic activists to push back against the leadership of their church on controversial political matters - and years of White House bridge - building with a spectrum of Catholic groups.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat who during the campaign pushed for down - ballot candidates in Senate races and helped fundraise, has been pushed over the last several weeks by liberal groups and mainline conference leaders to get involved in the disputed leadership.
How Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the nationalists (who, in Wales, have run joint campaigns with the Greens before) react will be the test of the importance of this leadership election.
The Labour leadership candidate, who has built his campaign on his ability to attract votes from the Liberal Democrats, said he would «make sure he is punished at the ballot box» for joining government with the Conservatives.
In an acceptance speech that stressed his liberal beliefs, already set out in his two - month leadership campaign, Mr Clegg promised to fix a «broken» politics which is «out of step» with people and the modern world.
But Mr Blair may well feel less well disposed to a more distant Liberal Democrat who is likely to make his mark in the leadership campaign with swingeing attacks on Labour.
The Liberal Democrat leadership campaign last night moved into overdrive as frontrunners in the scramble to succeed Paddy Ashdown discreetly accused each other of fabricating claims to be edging into the lead in the final lap.
Charles Kennedy's Liberal Democrat leadership campaign gathered more momentum yesterday after Don Foster, the only other candidate in favour of the party's continued cooperation with Labour, stood down from the contest.
Apart from his leadership of the Liberal Party, much of his campaigning was close to (and occasionally in) my constituency.
Veritas is finished and was really pretty much from the beginning, it never had any real raison d'etre other than as the Robert Kilroy Silk Fanclub and now that he has abandoned them what is there left for them, The English Democrats are somewhat lightweight policy wise, UKIP actually despite the Kilroy Fiasco got the second biggest gain in total number of votes for any party after the Liberal Democrats and at 2.5 % are now up to where the Liberal Party was in the 1950's, on the other hand the Liberal Democrats have a lacklustre leadership campaign with a lot of scandals, are divided on economic policy and show every sign of being ready to implode.
The dramas of the Labour and, for those who noticed, Liberal Democrat leadership campaigns are over; so are the party conferences.
Liberal Democrat leadership candidate Nick Clegg laid out the values informing his campaign today with an attack on the «Sat - Nav politics» of Labour and the Conservatives.
She may only have been Liberal Democrat MP for Taunton since 1997, but enough heavyweight colleagues have encouraged her to stand for Paddy Ashdown's job for her to arrange three press conferences for June 11 the day the leadership campaign formally starts.
Asked about the attempt to destabilise his leadership, Clegg said: «I think it's odd, to put it very mildly, that any fellow Liberal Democrat should spend time and good money, while the rest of us were out campaigning for these tough elections, instead surreptitiously trying to come up with specious claims on the basis of polls, which were in any case entirely confounded by the election results.
The No campaign, Better Together, with its focus - group tested slogan, «No Thanks», was essentially run by the Labour Party — chaired by Alistair Darling, the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer responsible with Brown for the deregulation of uk banks, and directed by Blair McDougall, who had organized David Miliband's failed Labour leadership bid — though its platform included local Tories and Liberal Democrats, to the embarrassment of many Labour functionaries, who preferred to claim that the whole referendum campaign was a waste of time.
Sir Menzies Campbell promised to be the Liberal Democrats» «bridge to the future» as he formally launched his leadership campaign.
Liberal Democrat leadership front runner Sir Menzies Campbell is battling against a whispering campaign from MPs and activists who are convinced that he lacks the political skills to turn the party's opinion poll plunge around.
Liberal leader Stéphane Dion made the environment one of the «three pillars» supporting his leadership campaign platform and has been stressing his record as environment minister in the former Liberal government.
Given heightened prominence during the recent U.S. election, it has since become a growing concern in Europe and even Canada, where a campaign manager for a federal Conservative Party leadership candidate admitted recently to publishing a fake article online to rile the «left» about the supposed «billions» the Liberal Party was spending on international aid.
In 2006, she served as the provincial campaign co-chair to former Ontario education minister Gerard Kennedy, when he ran for the federal Liberal leadership.
The Ontario Liberal party is in the midst of a leadership campaign that will create a Premier early in 2013 before any election is called.
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