Sentences with phrase «liberty national life»

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The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) regrets the ruling but «calls on evangelicals to be gracious and compassionate to those who do not share their views on marriage and to also advocate for liberty for all who desire to live out their faith.»
Craycraft argues that the solution is to trust, not in the Supreme Court or in national elites to protect religious liberty, but in a divided federal government and strong state governments, which will allow the people to form smaller political communities that express how they choose to live.
The state governments, Madison argues, are closer to the people and can focus on the welfare of the people, regulating ordinary affairs such as the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, as well as the internal order of each state, and should have numerous undefined powers to do so, while the national government, being bigger and possessing national resources, can bring victory in war, protect the people's liberty, and maintain peace between the states, and should have clear, few, defined powers to do so, mostly focusing on external objects such as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce and national taxation.
That is why at our conference, instead of trying to create some artificial dividing lines between Liberal Democrat policy and Conservative policy, my message will be: if you want rid of Gordon Brown and the big brother state, and if you care about our schools, our quality of life and our liberties, then join us in one national movement that can bring real change.
The award will be presented at's National Forum on Character Education, Oct. 17 in Atlanta, GA. «The life of John Lewis exemplifies the civic virtues essential for sustaining and expanding the American belief in «liberty and justice for all,»» said Charles Haynes,'s board chair.
When the culture of the East, its chief characteristic, is added to the strength of body and the strength of mind of the agricultural center, its special contribution, and these two great characteristics are constantly imbued with the spirit of independence and love of liberty which lives in the hearts of the dwellers of the mountains, their main quality added to the national character, there is every reason to believe that we shall have a people and institutions such as will be permanent; with such wealth of resources, of such high education and intelligence, and of such vitality, of such longevity, of such devotion to freedom and hostility to centralization and tyranny as shall enable this Nation of ours to stand indefinitely; and to maintain in the future years its manifest destiny of leading the peoples and nations of earth in the principles of free government, constitutional security and individual liberty.
Famous as the birthplace of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Philadelphia delivers one destination, five counties and countless things to do: fascinating museums, vibrant parks, national historic sites and famous (and delicious) food.
«Liberty» National Juried Exhibition at Arc Gallery: The 1776 United States Declaration of Independence states that all men have a right to «life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.»
Who cares about 8 % unemployment, the flatlined economy, abandoning Americans to die in Bengahzi, Joe Biden's buffonery, fast & furious, national debt, USA credit downgrade, trillion dollar annual budget deficits, deliberate sabotage of the coal industry, ACORN, failed foreign policy (Iran with nuclear weapons, bowing to China, stiffing U.K and Israel, etc) abysmal people judgement (Biden again, plus H. Clinton, T, Geithner; K. Sebelius; E. Holder, etc), stopping the pipeline for Canadian oil, blocking drilling in US land, secret «kill lists», ObamaCare, attacking religious liberty, you didn't build that, unseemly chest - pounding over bin Laden (GM is dying but bin Laden is coming back to life), 20 years of Jeremiah Wright, failure of crony capitalism deals with Solyndra - NextEra — Ener1 — Solar Trust etc., over 100 rounds of golf in 1st 3 yrs, choom, the Chevy Volt, insisting the Ft Hood massacre was «workplace violence», secret college transcripts, «clearly the Boston police acted stupidly», disregard of the Simpson - Bowles budget recommendations (after commissioning their work), and lots more irrelevant stuff.
«The objectives of democide include the disintegration of the political and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups; the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity; and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.
Over the years, the federal government has been able to expand its national power, including the exercise of its ultimate domestic power — the criminal prosecution and taking of life and liberty of those it deems to be «criminal.»
Yogi Amin, partner and national head of public law at Irwin Mitchell, then spoke about recent developments in health and social care law, including the Care Act, deprivation of liberty cases in the Court of Protection and end of life cases.
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