Sentences with phrase «libraries association head»

The checklist is part of the materials that are shared with students attending the Edmonton Law Libraries Association Head Start program, which starts on Thursday, June 22, 2012.
The 13th annual Edmonton Law Libraries Association Head Start Program is just around the corner.
With the annual Edmonton Law Libraries Association Head Start program coming up in a few of weeks, and the start date of our incoming articling students just around the corner, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about learning objectives.

Not exact matches

Ongoing to work with contracting library directors, ACT (Association of Contracting Library Boards of Trustees) board members, branch managers, administrators and department heads to streamline governance; restructure our organization; seek alternate revenue streams; and rethink the way in which we provide services; and
Enlisting the assistance of contracting library directors and ACT (Association of Contracting Library Boards of Trustees) board members, branch managers, administrators and department heads to restructure our organization; seek alternate revenue streams; and rethink the way in which we provide services and handle internal administrative responsibilities;
You can advertise in magazines and journals that target libraries, or advertise directly to specific libraries, or approach thousands of libraries one by one, but it's a lot of effort and the most they'll order anyway is 2 copies (though, get on the right list and an association head might order hundreds for their whole district).
The challenge now is to make this service known to a larger audience,» said Luc Maumet who heads the media library run by the Association Valentin - Haüy (AVH).
Amazon's description: «[This book] brings together 30 chapters from librarians and academics across the United States who've served as: board members for library organizations; heads of special collections; state library consultants; directors of state library associations; outreach coordinators; archivists; researchers; presenters at conferences; and other positions.»
The way Allan Adler of the Association of American Publishers describes ebook availability via libraries to Sesno on the show will — no fault of Adler's — make your head spin in a gentle, NPR - ish way.
The first woman and first African American to hold the post, she previously served as head of Baltimore's public library system and is the former president of the American Library Association
We worked with the American Association of Law Libraries, and I want to give a real heads up to Jamie Love for the Taxpayer Assets Project, who was extremely supportive.
Last September, Melanie Bueckert, Legal Research Counsel at the Manitoba Court of Appeal, (and occasional Slaw contributor), saw a reference to the Head - Start Program offered by the Edmonton Law Libraries Association (ELLA).
On June 17, the Canadian Association of Law Libraries is offering a webinar called «The SWOT of Law Library Head Start Programs».
Similarly, programs such as Head Start by Edmonton Law Libraries Association, and probably others, give students the refreshers and contextual reinforcement they might need by graduation time.
Our students are invited to attend the Head Start program that is organized by the Edmonton Law Libraries Association so our orientation week library session is a half day refresher of our firm specific resources and writing protocols rather than a general research... [more]
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