Sentences with phrase «lift chest off»

Face down with your forearms on the floor, use the muscles in your lower back to lift your chest off the mat.
Slightly lift your chest off the ball and tuck your chin so that your head and neck stay in good alignment.
Lift your chest off the ball, bringing your shoulders up until your body is in a straight line.
Another option is to put the hands behind the head, which is harder or, even more challenging, hold the arms straight out in front of you as you lift the chest off the ground.
On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor, going only to the height at which you can maintain a connection through your pubis to your legs.
Lift chest off the ball, keeping lower body tight and stationary; lower back to starting position.
Form: Inhale and lift your chest off the floor.
As you lift your chest off the floor, bring your arms towards your sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
As you inhale, slowly straighten your arms while keeping the shoulders back and lift your chest off the floor, keeping your hands, hips, thighs and tops of the feet on the ground.
Engaging your upper - back muscles, slowly lift your chest off the floor, while your arms remain lifted at your sides.
At 5 months your baby will probably be able to lift his head, push up on his arms, and arch his back to lift his chest off the ground.
- baby is often active in Tummy Time - beginning to reach for objects - baby may begin to roll intentionally from belly to sidelying - beginning to press through straight arms to lift chest off surface
if your little one has not yet achieved the Tummy Time milestones of lifting the chest off the floor and pressing through the hands (as opposed to just the forearms)
Moreover, the baby is also likely to start kicking his legs, lifting his chest off the ground using his shoulder and arching his back and even lifting his head.
Inhale lifting the chest off of the floor keeping the elbows bent.

Not exact matches

Extend your spine, lifting your chest and thighs off the floor.
When I do this before presentations, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest.
It feels like a weight was lifted off of my chest and I can finally breathe.
I feel like a huge weight was lifted off my chest.
Anyway, when I was ill I could barely lift my head off the pillow and the thought of having a wriggling, grabby toddler stuck to my chest did nothing but make me feel even worse.
Simply lift the top layer up off your chest, and you are ready to go.
You can lie on your back or reclined with your baby on your chest facing you, or place a small towel roll under the baby's chest to help him lift his head off the ground.
With your arms outstretched on either side of your body and your legs straight, slowly lift arms, legs and chest off the floor.
When you feel comfortable with this, try the next stage: Use both arms together to lift your baby's chest off the floor.
- baby can briefly lift head (usually bobbing, not still) to about 45 degrees - turns head to place opposite cheek down - comfortable with either cheek down - legs begin to straighten in Tummy Time so that lower belly touches the surface beneath baby - arms move further away from the body in Tummy Time and in the second month, will begin to press hands down into the surface to push the shoulders and very top of the chest up very slightly off the surface beneath
You may also notice that they are managing to straighten their arms to lift their chests right up off the floor now.
When baby is on her tummy, manually lift her upper chest slightly off the floor and bring her weight backwards a little bit (your direction of the lift should be up and back toward feet on a diagonal... not just straight up).
Tighten the top rail by lifting baby's weight off the rings, pull the fabric out to your side then back over baby so she is held snugly against your chest.
In this position, encourage your baby to lift his or her head and chest off the floor.
Rigid lightweight neckline support visor sits simply and lightly on mom's chest to completely lift the fabric cape off baby's face for easy, hands - free visibility and airflow.
Between 1 and 3 months baby will begin to lift their head and chest off the floor when lying on their stomach.
Hug one knee into your chest and use the strength of your core to lift your other leg off the floor, drawing both knees into your chest.
Single - leg lateral jump: From a standing straddle position, jump from one slightly bent leg to the other at either end of the mat, drawing in the leg that's lifted off the ground toward the chest.
Pull your knees towards your chest and lift your hips and lower back off the bench.
Keeping the abdominals drawn in and the neck long, lift the arms, legs and chest off the floor.
Sit with your feet resting on the floor, knees bent, and try to float your feet off the floor while keeping your chest lifted.
Looking straight ahead, lift chest, arms, and legs a few inches off the ground.
Bring your hands up to the sides of your chest and lift them about an inch off the ground.
On an inhale, lift heels while bringing thighs and chest off the floor.
Inhale, raising head to look forward; as you exhale, lift chest and legs off floor, clasping hands together behind back with arms extended.
There's a more challenging variation, by keeping the knees rigid and trying to lift as much of the body off the bench and curling it up towards the chest.
Lift your arms, chest, head and legs off the ground at the same time, pulling your waist away from the floor and hold the position for 5 counts, then return to the starting position.
Grab onto the back of your lower right leg as you draw your chin to your chest, lift your shoulders off the ground and engage your belly button into your spine.
Bend the knees at a 45 - 90 degree angle, again this is the preferable choice and lift the butt off the bench while you bring the knees towards the chest.
Bent your knees and bring them toward your chest and lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor.
Bring your right knee in toward your chest, as you lift your shoulder blade higher off the ground and toward your knee (b).
Lift your arms, chest, and quads off the floor and hold for a few seconds.
Lift your left foot off the floor and raise your knee as close to your chest as you can while ensuring that abs stay tight and body stays straight.
Your shoulders should be stacked directly above your elbows, chest lifted off the ball, and neck in line with your spine.
Lengthen your arms back and then begin to lift your head, chest, and shoulders up off the floor.
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