Sentences with phrase «lift right knee»

Go back to starting position but this time lift your right knee up at hip level.
On an exhalation, lift the right knee into your torso, then inhale and extend the leg perpendicular to the floor.
Lift right knee to side; pull right elbow down to meet it.
Lift right knee up as you open arms out (B).
Lift right knee to hip level.
Lift right knee to side; pull right elbow down.
You'll want to lift your right knee and your right arm at the same time, as shown, balancing on your left leg, using your core to stabilize yourself.
Lift your right knee into your chest, and grab hold of your foot with your right hand.
Punch your right arm straight up above your head while lifting your right knee as high as you can.
Kneel, then lean to the left, placing left palm on the floor, extending right arm straight up, and lifting right knee off the floor (A).
Stand, lifting right knee and arms (B).
Work on lifting your right knee up to the side, then setting it down and repeating on the left with the left knee.
Then jump up in place, lifting right knee to hip height and come up on ball of left foot; simultaneously swing left arm overhead.
Game Guidelines: Try to twist as far as possible, following the hands with the eyes, head and core, while simultaneously keeping the lifted right knee as still as possible.

Not exact matches

Without physically evaluating her I can't be sure if this is a «preferred position» for her (i.e. if she already has underlying muscular or skeletal asymmetries) but too much time in this position will likely lead to shortened muscles on the right side of her body (your left when you're looking at her), which can then make it harder for her to use her right hand, to lift her head in Tummy Time, to turn to see objects on her right side, to turn toward sounds or touch sensations on her right side, to roll, to use both arms equally to assume the hands and knees position for crawling, to sit upright.
Balancing Table Knee - to - Nose: From table position (when you're on all fours), lift your right leg out straight behind you.
Return to starting position, then press the noodle overhead with your right hand while lifting your left leg back, bending the knee.
Place both hands on your knee, then lift your right arm to cross your chest and touch your elbow to the left knee.
Raise your arms, then lift left knee and bring right elbow down to meet it.
Bend your right knee and lift your right foot toward your right buttock.
Stand, lift left knee, touch right hand to right left in front of you.
Balance on your left leg with your right leg lifted, knee bent to 90 degrees.
Whilst keeping the feet together and your hips lifted, raise the right knee as high as you can without parting the heels away.
Bend right knee and lift leg so thigh is parallel to floor.
Lift your right leg up, bend your knee and cross it over to your left elbow.
Bend your right knee, then hop so your right leg lifts off the mat.
Cross your right ankle over your left knee then lift your legs up and in towards your chest.
Next, lie fully on the table with both legs extended; lift right leg toward the ceiling without bending your knee.
Lift your left leg up as you lower your right knee to the ground.
Bend your right knee as you lift your right foot off of the ground, keeping your weight in ball of your left foot.
Staying low in squat, shift weight and pivot feet until right knee is back out to side and left knee is forward with heel lifted; that's 1 rep. Do 20 reps.
Push into hands to lift chest up, coming onto left knee as you raise right leg, sole of right foot facing up and slightly in (B).
Lift both knees up, bringing your feet right behind your hips.
Slightly bend your right knee, hinge at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor (left leg should be lifted and parallel with the floor).
Hold this position as you rock forward onto your right knee, lifting your right foot and left leg at the same time.
Brace your core and engage your abs to lift your hips and knees off the floor, extending the right arm, until your body forms a straight line and the arm is perpendicular to the floor.
Starting off with the right knee bent back in half of Virasana, lift the leg by pulling the head of the thigh bone into the hip socket and activating the pelvic floor.
Slowly bring right leg forward and lift knee to chest while balancing on your left leg.
Bring your right knee in toward your chest, as you lift your shoulder blade higher off the ground and toward your knee (b).
Squeeze glutes and lift hips so they align with knees; extend right leg (B).
To perform bicycle crunches correctly, get into a regular crunch position, then lift your right shoulder toward your left knee and simultaneously extend the right leg, then repeat on the opposite side without pausing.
Begin with the soles of your feet on the floor and lift the left ankle and rest it on top of the right knee, keeping the left foot flexed.
Reverse motion; as you return to start, bend left knee, lifting left foot behind right leg so that your right hand and left sole touch.
Exhale and rotate from the ribs toward your lifted knee, scooping the back of the right knee with your left hand and placing your right hand on your right hip, right elbow and gaze directed behind you.
Keeping your knee bent, lift your right foot up until your thigh is parallel to ground, then lower.
B.Push off with your left foot to rise to standing, balancing on your right foot, left leg lifted and knee bent so your thigh is parallel to the floor.
This may cause your right knee to lift up higher into the air, but just try to let that be OK.
Lift your knees off the floor and donkey kick your right leg up high - pressing through the heel as though you were kicking the ceiling.
But the moment you lift your right foot off the floor and start to draw your right knee out to the side for Vrksasana, everything changes.
Bring your right knee out to the side and lift up your leg.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z