Sentences with phrase «like everything in nature»

Like everything in nature, endless variety can be produced from simple beginnings.

Not exact matches

Dragon energy in nature is the essence of creation, and it powers up everything in nature, like how electricity powers up our homes today.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
Many biologists, and not the least eminent among them (all being convinced that Man, like everything else, emerged by evolutionary means, i.e. was born in Nature) undoubtedly still believe that the human species, having attained the level of Homo sapiens, has reached an upper organic limit beyond which it can not develop, so that anthropogenesis is only of retrospective interest.
It may be that God uses the dopamine receptors as a tool like he uses everything else in nature that he designed, but there's far more to being in the presence of the Lord than a mere feeling.
One can not argue from Jesus» resurrection to the immortality of people in general for two reasons: first, because people in general are not Jesus or even much like him — and there is strong presumption that Jesus» nature had everything to do with his resurrection — and second, because Jesus was not immortal, according to the Christian message.
Jeremy good message and quite relevant for today God is still looking at our hearts and motives for serving him or are we serving our own agenda as Jonah was.He did nt feel compassionate towards his enemies and who could blame him they had cruelly killed many Jews it was a question of life or death to his own people.The Jewish nation was no more deserving of Gods grace than the other nations that is revealed by sending Jonah to preach a message of hope and life.Ultimately God calls all by faith in him and is willing to be merciful to all nations and peoples that do not not deserve it just like us it is by grace that we all are forgiven.I am pleased that God is sovereign and knows whats best he is merciful to us.Our human nature is that it is better to kill our enemies before they can kill us and that is essentially Jonahs message that is why he struggled to be obedient to Gods will.Gods message is to forgive those that trespass against us and show mercy.Its complicated and it is natural to protect ourselves and our families from those who would seek to destroy them but ultimately its about trusting God with everything easier said than done.If it comes to a choice we will have to trust God and ask for his strength because we cant do it in ours.As Christ laid down his life for us are we ready to lay our lives and the lives of our families as a sacrifice for him.To me that is where the story of Jonah is leading to we have the choice to fight our enemies or to love them as God loves them.brentnz
Sentences like this: «In nature where the laws of thermodynamics dictate that everything is descending into chaos, how do we rationalize the increasing order?»
I feel like that flies in the face of just about everything we know about human nature.
We split everything, time with our kids 50/50 no matter what, money, and NEVER put shit on the other person, when you split, you cared about them... a little respect... people take sides, its human nature, sure confide in your friends, but like it or not you still have to work hard on bringing up your kids, and you need each other to do it.
The children always like to play in nature indoor everything are usually artificial.
To tell women that their choices, even ones viewed as «traditional» or «selfless» in nature, are «wrong» and «anti-feminist» just because they don't look like a giant middle finger to the patriarchy, is to go against everything feminism stands for.
You can never spoil or mess up a child with love and security, sounds to me like you are doing everything nature intended for you to doi breast fed both of my boys, first one for ten month, and the youngest one until he was 22 month old, the little one is now 3 and still wakes up and runs in to our room for hugs.
«What I can't understand is why we are expected to show respect for good scientists, even great scientists, who at the same time believe in a god who does things like listen to our prayers, forgive our sins, perform cheap miracles,» he said, prompting a burst of nervous laughter to ripple through the audience, «which go against, presumably, everything that the god of the physicist, the divine cosmologist, set up when he set up his great laws of nature.
Almost everything in our bodies, just like almost everything in nature, is cyclic.
However, like everything, one single nutrient like many in nature up and even down - regulate the dominate qualities or unhealthy ones exhibited by other nutrients, essentially, making them better.
Avoid danger like our ancestors did (think lions, trans fats, sugars, fluoride, excessive wifi, emfs, vaccines, mercury, toxic people, pollution, non-native water, plastics, non-native clothing (polyester, acrylic, acetate, nylon, etc), non-native bedding, non-native eating and drinking containers, non-native toiletries, non-native smells (perfumes, air fresheners), flame retardants, etc)... This is more categorical in nature because to list everything under this category would be virtually impossible.
The word itself suggests the fundamental nature of a nadi: to flow like water, finding the path of least resistance and nourishing everything in its path.
I am fascinated by everything in nature, I like to pretend I'm still part of...
I like nature, music and everything real... and I like the people in my life to be real.
Like everything else in his life recently, Pemberton is searching and waiting for something magical, but it's the harsh natures of reality that eventually catch up with him.
That's the big problem: everything in the film is so solid, so real - seeming (partly as a result of Gondry's brilliant way with analog as well as digital illusion, and techniques like stop - motion), whereas the novel is by nature light, a construct of weightless, casually handled language from which images emerge as if by magic.
Even though it was about a teenage girl, I wanted it to feel like it was connected to the lives of the saints — like St. Francis, on the one hand, was this obviously amazing man who renounced everything and went to live in nature and experienced love for the world.
A holiday at Forte Village, in the heart of Sardinia's lush nature and right by the wonderful Mediterranean sea, is like stepping into a different world, where everything is designed to offer you unrivalled luxury and relaxation: it's the perfect beach luxury family resort for the perfect dream holiday.
The biggest thing that it likes to focus on is the nature of freedom and choice within games, and how it's all essentially pointless because everything you can do has already been pre-ordained by some super-being, by which I mean the bloke or blokess in charge of coding everything.
Some may not take to the trial and error and often frustrating nature of the game, and it's sad that the campaign is so brief and that the game lacks any form of leaderboards, but, for people that take to the game, everything else will very likely work like a dream; a surreal dream involving people made out of red glass, and spectacular shootouts that result in them being smashed into a million pieces.
2011 Dunne, Aidan, When you wish upon a ribbon... you're making art, The Irish Times, 7 December Dunne, Aidan, A Day Like Any Other, The Irish Times, 11 November Clark, Robert & Sherwin, Skye, This week's exhibitions, The Guardian, 13 November Baldon, Diana, Polly wants a punctuation mark, Texte Zur Kunst, 10 January Adam, Georgina, Collecting Special: Flying Time, Financial Times, 27 May Eltham, Ben, In the World of Art, Everything New is Popular Again, Crikey, 8 April Hwang, Kellie, First Love at SMoCA,, 8 February Guggenheim in Bilbao presents The Luminous Interval: The D. Daskalopoulos Collection, Art Daily, 19 April Fox, Dan, On Nature, Frieze, MarIn the World of Art, Everything New is Popular Again, Crikey, 8 April Hwang, Kellie, First Love at SMoCA,, 8 February Guggenheim in Bilbao presents The Luminous Interval: The D. Daskalopoulos Collection, Art Daily, 19 April Fox, Dan, On Nature, Frieze, Marin Bilbao presents The Luminous Interval: The D. Daskalopoulos Collection, Art Daily, 19 April Fox, Dan, On Nature, Frieze, March
Essentially, abstract art in general stood to prove that artworks do not only have to depict the usual topics like people and nature, with a firm grip on reality and everything representational.
Ricocheting her unmistakable touch against canvas, paper and, significantly, the wall itself (I found the outsize oval «eyes» of Blinkies, 2013, which have been slapped onto the wall in the rear of the space next to the bathroom door, particularly effective), Pensato, like de Kooning, has taken on everything from popular culture to taste to the nature of expression itself.
And however he failed in his spiritual search, he was able to convert all his anguish and aspiration into his work — and the profound longing to perceive nature in such animistic view, like that of Brueghel, where everything is treated with equal weight and significance, which is a Far Eastern view.
At a hike - in «camp» around 8,000 feet up, we read everything from Emerson («Nature,» 1836) to Aldo Leopold («Wilderness as a Form of Land Use,» 1925) to Jack Turner, a philosopher turned mountaineer and essayist whose self - described «rant» from his 1996 book, «The Abstract Wild,» felt (no kidding) like a fierce, but grounded, mix of Hunter S. Thompson and Peter Matthiessen.
Indeed, I like to know how things in nature work and have a very broad interest in everything scientific and technical.
Eventually I see something more sophisticated like Round - Up on steroids i.e. we give the GM critters some fancy effluent pumps in the cell wall for toxic compounds without analogs in nature and then grow them in open ponds where the water is toxic to everything else and the effluent pumps too complex for natural evolution to produce one anytime soon in a natural competitor.
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