Sentences with phrase «limping dog problem»

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Maybe their dog is limping or vomiting, so they give either another dog's medications or human medication to fix the problem.
Symptoms of a dog hip problem include limping, particularly favoring the rear legs; reluctance to climb stairs or jump up on furniture; and behavioral changes, such as being less playful than usual.
There is limping, bending the leg that has that problem or an odd way of walking of the dog.
In some cases they might not reach their intended destination, and may end up in a dog's legs, eyes, or brain which can cause limping, blindness or neurological problems.
If you do see a problem after exercise or your dog is limping / acting strangely after running around, have him or her seen by your veterinarian at the first possible opportunity.
Sometimes referred to as a floating patella or slipping kneecap, the problem occurs when the kneecap moves from its normal position causing the dog to limp.
Since both rear legs hurt, dogs do not limp constantly, which may make the problem less obvious.
German Shepherd hind leg problem my dog this morning woke up and has been limping.
Repeated problems with filthy and unsafe conditions; dog found limping, puppy found in cage so filthy there was no clean place to stand.
Both state and federal inspectors found repeated problems; limping dog, matted dogs, unsanitary conditions.
Eye and ear problems have not been experienced in any American Alsatian and panosteitis, a genetic disease causing limping in young dogs, has not been seen in any dog since 2004.
Problems associated with limping in the growing dog include Osteochondritis Dessicans (OCD) and panosteitis.
Clinical history, examination and repeated attempts to analyze the gait can help to diagnose the exact location of the problem which is causing the dog limping.
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