Sentences with phrase «lion island population»

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UAF has worked extensively with both institutional and commercial partners in Alaska and in recent years, using drones to monitor sea lion populations in the Aleutian Islands, conduct ice flow and environmental surveying missions for NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, inspect pipelines for oil and gas giant BP and assist a Russian tanker during a dangerous late - season fuel delivery to the remote Alaskan outpost of Nome.
«The population has basically come into balance with its environment,» said coauthor Sharon Melin, a research biologist at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center who has tracked sea lion numbers in Southern California's Channel Islands for years.
Scientists combined the results of sea lion pup counts in the Channel Islands, aerial surveys of sea lion rookeries, survival rates and other information to reconstruct the growth of the sea lion population from 1975 to 2014.
This engaging narrative describes the annual white shark migration to San Francisco's Farallon Islands, where these skilled predators come to gorge on the abundant seal and sea lion population.
North Seymour Island has a large population of blue - footed boobies, frigate birds, sea lions and Land Iguanas.
The Australian Sea Lion (neophoca cinerea) is one of the worlds rarest pinnepeds, with a population of between 9 300 to 11 700 ranging from the Abrolhos Islands in Western Australia to The Pages off the South Australian Coast.
The population of Sea Lion Island seems to represent what is left of the formerly large population of the Falkland Islands.
The density of females on Sea Lion Island was quite low (about 110 females per km of the coastline suitable for breeding) compared to densities recorded in other sub-Antarctic populations: this low level of crowding of females probably depends on the small population size and the abundance of sandy beaches with a gentle slope, which are the preferred breeding habitat for elephant seal.
This survey should provide an updated list of breeding sites, a good estimate of the size of the population, and data about survival rate of different age classes: together with the high resolution data from our intensive study of Sea Lion Island this new information should provide the parameters needed to determine the current status of the population and forecast its future.
Sea Lion Island shelter a small, localized population of elephant seals, that we are studying in great detail by marking almost all breeding individuals every season, by spending a large amount of time in the field doing behavioural observations, and by using a mixture of different techniques to gather accurate measurements of different aspects of individual phenotype of males and females.
Elephant seals of Sea Lion Island: Status of the population.
Other small populations of breeding sea lions have recently begun to establish in various parts of the Stewart Island coastline and have been observed on the Catlins coast south of the Clutha River.
More recent reports of high pup production (up to 5000 pups) and increase in colonies size seem unlikely: given the scarce breeding outside of Sea Lion Island, we think that the whole population size may be significantly smaller.
the collection of a large number of skin samples from marked individual for DNA extraction and analysis, that should permit a better understanding of the genetic structure of the local population of Sea Lion Island, and a first asessment of the relationships of the Falklands population with other populations of the South Georgia stock
San Miguel Island is home to one of the largest rookeries in the world for California sea lions with a breeding population of approximately 80,000 animals.
The island boasts a large population of blue - footed boobies, swallow - tailed gulls, sea lions and land iguanas.
The Channel Islands are home to the world's largest populations of northern elephant seals and California sea lions.
Staggering populations of over 70,000 California sea lions, 5,000 northern fur seals, 50,000 northern elephant seals and 1,100 harbor seals breed and pup on the island each year.
For 200 years, explorers and traders visited the islands where they hunted otters, seals, and sea lions for their pelts and oil, greatly increasing the exploitation of the marine resources and introducing diseases that decimated the native populations.
Despite its small size, South Plaza is home to a large number of species, including a large population of sea lions, a healthy population of land iguanas — some of the smallest in the islands, numerous marine iguanas, and cliffs full of nesting seabirds, such as Swallow - tailed Gulls, Red - billed Tropicbirds, Audubon's Shearwaters, Nazca Boobies, and several other species.
All of the cruises stop at least one beach, such as Cerro Brujo beach on San Cristobál Island, which is famous for its population of sea lions.
Lion owns King Island Dairy and employs about 100 people (of a total KI population or around 1600).
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