Sentences with phrase «liturgical studies»

Obviously one of the problems is finding qualified people to teach liturgical studies.
Now men and women are being trained in liturgical studies at Notre Dame and at the Catholic University of America.
Liturgical studies, or Christian worship, is a discipline that brings together theological, historical and practical data.
The annual Institute of Liturgical Studies at Valparaiso University, Indiana, is almost as old and takes place just before Lent each year.
My hope is that the discipline of liturgical studies is wide enough to embrace «both - and» without mandating «either - or.
John Michael Talbot, a Roman Catholic, and Michael Card, a Baptist, write soft, reflective pieces informed by years of theological and liturgical study.

Not exact matches

In this engagement with Scripture, Evangelicals and Catholics are learning from one another: Catholics from the Evangelical emphasis on group Bible study and commitment to the majestic and final authority of the written word of God; and Evangelicals from the Catholic emphasis on Scripture in the liturgical and devotional life, informed by the lived experience of Christ's Church through the ages.
The twenty - first - century Church owes a lot to twentieth - century German Catholicism: for its generosity to Catholics in the Third World; for the witness of martyrs like Alfred Delp, Bernhard Lichtenberg, and Edith Stein; for its contributions to Biblical studies, systematic and moral theology, liturgical renewal, and Catholic social doctrine, through which German Catholicism played a leading role in Vatican II's efforts to renew Catholic witness for the third millennium.
In sum, even without making explicit reference to liturgical orientation, Pope Benedict's study of the Holy Week mysteries provides evidence for and confirmation of his insistence upon the essential nature of the ad orientem position during the Eucharistic liturgy.
As one modest case study, consider what is arguably the most recognizable of traditional liturgical prayer forms, the collect.
A common criticism of Willow is that it's a show more than anything and that its studied nonuse of Christian symbols or liturgical gestures is a too - easy accommodation to modernity, the market and individualistic Christianity.
While I recall reading about the post-Schleiermacher tendency to understand practical theology as made up of numerous dimensions — the liturgical, moral, pastoral, spiritual, ecclesial and catechetical — within a clerical paradigm, I experienced it as a number of nonintegrated, specific disciplines of ministerial studies separated from other isolated disciplines dispersed throughout a confused theological curriculum.
Studies reveal that the worship format turned them off then, and it hasn't changed in either «liturgical» or «nonliturgical» churches.
Lutheran congregations provide a good Petri dish for studying the megachurch impact, because Lutherans have a distinct theological tradition which they express in a particular liturgical style of worship.
The study of ancient liturgical materials is a potent antidote to the cultural captivity of Christianity in this or any other culture, for liturgies embody ancient wisdom.
From my ecumenical studies and works, I knew the various intellectual, liturgical, constitutional, and social forms of expression adopted by Christianity in the various churches and sects in the past and the present.
on revising the NRSV to meet Rome's objections and report that they have now received official approval for their rendering of the lessons used in Sunday Mass. (A further advantage of the Catholic edition of the RSV is that, unlike the Canadian Revised New Revised Standard Version, it is a complete Bible, meaning the same text can be used for study and for liturgical purposes.)
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