Sentences with phrase «local authority support duties»

Local authority support duties that apply to children who are adopted, also apply to children raised by their older brothers and sisters;

Not exact matches

Academisation means SBMs are facing increasingly complicated and diverse duties just as the support from local authority services disappear.
Teachers and other professionals working with children have a legal duty to identify young carers and refer them to the local authority to be assessed for support.
c) Place a new duty on local authorities to establish and commission family and friends care support services, including bereavement counselling, life story work, help managing contact, assistance with children's emotional behavioural difficulties and with setting up local support groups for family and friends carers.
Sarah Teather proposes increased support to young people with special needs, including new duties for local authorities and FE colleges.
On the 1st September 2014 the Children and Families Act came into effect and with it a raft of reforms and new duties on local authorities for how services and support are delivered for disabled children and young people and those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
This long awaited judgement is significant in confirming that local authorities across the country who ask relatives or friends to care for children who can not remain safely with their parents, have a legal duty to provide support including financial assistance for the child.
- Introduce new duties on local authorities to provide support services for all children being raised in family and friends care who can not live with their parents regardless of their legal status;
This interactive course will clarify the duties local authorities have to support children and families, and will set out the procedures that should be followed when there is a concern for a child's welfare and / or safety.
And similarly extending the pupil premium plus and prioritising school admissions for these children; - Extending the post adoption support fund to all special guardians; - Extending adopters» employment rights to all special guardians; - A new general duty on local authorities to provide kinship care support services and to have a named designated lead manager on kinship care.
The amendments primarily focus upon: - A duty on local authorities to explore suitable wider family placements prior to a child becoming looked after, including offering families a family group conference; - Extending the provisions to support educational attainment of previously looked after children to all children in kinship care.
A shared lives placement with the young person's previous foster carer could fulfil the local authority's duty to provide support under staying put.
Updated the legal framework for domestic and inter-country adoption, and places a duty on local authorities to maintain an adoption service and provide adoption support services.
In line with local authorities» duty to arrange suitable education as set out above, children and young people who are in hospital or placed in other forms of alternative provision because of their health needs should have access to education that is on a par with that of mainstream provision, including appropriate support to meet the needs of those with SEN.
Updates from First4Adoption New on First4Adoption's website: Published on the First4Adoption website, the Adoption Passport has been updated and is available to all agencies in order to support the new legal duty for local authorities to inform adopters and prospective adopters of their adoption support entitlement.
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