Sentences with phrase «loss support library»

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As the chart below illustrates, combining a $ 21.7 million 2006 Library Tax levy with the loss of County Capital funding for Library materials, Erie County's 2006 support for B&ECPL operating and library materials would be pushed down to levels not seen since 1996 - 97.
The iOTA library (Textbox 1) contains 12 obesogenic behaviors framed as goals to create a caloric deficit for weight loss (eg, no sugary drinks, walking 7000 steps per day, no fast food) that were selected based on their (1) empirical support, (2) population relevance, (3) ease of self - monitoring, and (4) concreteness.
The Apple TV also doesn't support Vudu in 4K, which may not be a huge loss given iTunes» massive library of content.
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