Sentences with phrase «low blood levels»

Low blood levels of vitamin D have been linked to increased risk of asthma attacks in children and adults with asthma.
Case studies have shown that very low blood levels can cause fatigue that has a severe negative effect on quality of life (11, 12).
Low blood levels of vitamin D have been correlated with a variety of skin conditions, including eczema.
A better survival outcome is associated with low blood levels of squamous cell carcinoma antigen, or absence of tumor invasion either into the space between the lungs and chest wall or into blood vessels of individuals with a peripheral squamous cell carcinoma, a type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Research presented at the 2008 Experimental Biology meeting showed tart cherry juice may significantly lower blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, which are risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
The trial of research on ANGPTL3 as a potential target for atherosclerosis prevention began over a decade ago when scientists reported on two cases of familial hypolipidemia, a rare inherited condition involving abnormally low blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
In fact, according to an article published in Lipids and Health Disease, research indicates that not only do acne - prone individuals show signs of increased oxidative stress systemically (including lower blood levels of antioxidant vitamins like A and E), but also that oxidative stress may actually serve as «a match that lights an inflammatory cascade in acne.»
Certain drugs will bind excess phosphates in the intestinal tract so they are not absorbed, resulting in lower blood levels of phosphorus.
Primarily supported by a $ 5.6 million grant from the The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and conducted at 17 sites across the U.S., SURE - PD (Safety of URate Elevation in Parkinson's Disease) enrolled 75 recently diagnosed Parkinson disease patients with relatively low blood levels of urate (less than 6 mg / dL).
Because TMAO is cleared from the bloodstream almost exclusively by urinary excretion, the kidneys likely play an important role in maintaining low blood levels of the compound.
Complete elimination of «horrible cystic acne» from taking a vitamin D supplement after tests revealed dangerous low blood levels.
Soluble fiber, found in most fruits, nuts, seeds, dry beans and peas, oat bran and oatmeal, dissolves in water to form a gel - like substance that can help lower blood levels of cholesterol and glucose.
Since these studies looked at blood levels of retinol in the mothers rather than their food intake, we don't know whether low blood levels were the result of poor carotenoid intake from plant foods, poor retinoid intake from animal foods, or a combination of the two.
People who took 1000 mg of curcumin for 6 weeks showed lower blood levels of inflammatory cytokines interleukin - 1β and TNF - α, as well as lower salivary cortisol.
Chromium is a part of so called Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) and as such it helps insulin to attach to the insulin receptors and be more effective in opening the cell's door for sugar, thus lowering its blood levels.
As for studies on garlic itself, this one found that supplementing patients with garlic pearls substantially lowered their blood levels of lipid peroxides.
Consumption of these small amounts of shiitake mushroom by 50 study participants lowered blood levels of the inflammatory messaging molecule MIP - 1alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein 1alpha) and increased blood levels of anti-inflammatory molecules including interleukins 4, 10, and 1alpha (IL - 4, IL - 10, and IL - 1a).
Other studies have found that green tea lowers blood levels of the IgE antibody, a compound that's a prime player in the body's allergic and inflammatory response.
The fundamental importance of DHA to the brain may explain why low blood levels are linked to higher risk for depression, anxiety, anger, and dementia, as well as diverse mental disorders.
But the people with Parkinson's disease had significantly lower blood levels of caffeine and nine of the 11 byproducts of caffeine in the blood.
Among a big group of elderly Americans, those with the highest blood levels of DHA were about half as apt to develop dementia and 39 % as apt to develop Alzheimer's as those with lower blood levels of DHA over a nine - year period.
They found that four out of six (67 percent) family members with confirmed Alzheimer's disease had abnormally low blood levels of vitamin B12, compared to one out of 12 (8 percent) who were at equal genetic risk for developing Alzheimer's but did not.
According to an article published in the scientific journal Lipids and Health Disease, research indicates that not only do acne - prone individuals show signs of increased oxidative stress systemically (including lower blood levels of antioxidant vitamins like A and E), but also that oxidative stress — specifically free radical damage to sebum — may actually serve as «a match that lights an inflammatory cascade in acne.»
When a strain of mice genetically destined to develop a form of TLR7 - dependent lupus was crossbred with a strain in which TREML4 expression was suppressed, offspring lacking TREML4 were protected from the development of lupus - associated kidney failure and had significantly lower blood levels of inflammatory factors and autoantibodies than did mice expressing TREML4.
Studies have found that dihydrocapsaicin, a constituent of capsaicin, can lower blood levels of lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), which contributes to atherosclerosis, and raise high - density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), which retards atherosclerosis.
McCaleb said that chile can the lower blood level of low - density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), which contributes to atherosclerosis, without affecting high - density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), which retards atherosclerosis.
Vegetarians and vegans and their infants have been found to have lower blood levels of DHA than those who eat meat.
The population with the lowest blood levels benefited the most from fish oil supplementation.
Women with the highest levels were also 41 percent less likely to give birth to a live infant than women with the lowest blood levels.
For example, mice given 25HC before being infected with Zika virus had significantly lower blood levels of the virus than mice given a placebo.
In the NEJM study from Dunbar and colleagues, the antibody had similar effects in an initial clinical trial in 83 people, lowering the blood levels of triglycerides measured after fasting by about 75 percent at the highest dose, and lowering LDL cholesterol by about 30 percent.
Moreover, Musunuru and his colleagues found that the people in their sample with the lowest blood levels of ANGPTL3 had a 35 percent lower rate of heart attacks compared to those with the highest ANGPTL3 levels.
They seem to lower blood levels of triacylglycerol (often called triglyceride), keep cholesterol from gumming up arterial walls, and help to control unwanted blood clotting and inflammation, among other risk factors.
Because a surfeit of cholesterol contributes to heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases, millions of people try to lower their blood levels with drugs.
Lower blood levels of a biomarker called brain - derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been associated with depression in multiple studies, mainly in non-pregnant adults.
The prediction was correct: after eating, the children had low blood levels of the branched - chain amino acids.
Lovaza is prescribed to lower blood levels of triglycerides, another type of fat.
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea had lower blood levels of Troponin - T, a marker for heart cell death that accurately predicts heart attack severity, and lower levels of an enzyme that indicates injury or stress in heart muscle, the investigators found.
Researchers who followed a group of older men and women in Italy for six years found that low blood levels of carotenoids were associated with depressive symptoms.
Researchers found that people that eat recommended quantities of fiber had the lowest blood levels of estrogen.
Low blood levels of creatinine are not common, but usually don't suggest serious issues and can be often observed in medical conditions associated with decreased muscle mass.
Low blood levels of tyrosine are associated with an underactive thyroid gland.
The amount of vitamin D in plant beverages varies, and a 2014 study of 2,831 children found that those who drank non-cow's milk beverages had lower blood levels of vitamin D than those who drank cow's milk.
Writing in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, scientists from the Netherlands, Austria, and the U.S. report that low blood levels of the sunshine vitamin are associated with increased risk of all - cause mortality, and mortality from heart disease, in the elderly.
Decrease the consumption of cholesterol • Research shows that in some people, reducing dietary intake of cholesterol can lower blood levels of cholesterol if an intake at or below 300mg / day is maintained.
Research has also shown that people with schizophrenia have lower blood levels of fatty acids the brain needs, suggesting their brains are deficient in these essential fats.
Olive leaf extract can significantly lower blood levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, promoting cardiovascular health.
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