Sentences with phrase «macronutrient iifym»

Not exact matches

IIFYM makes sure your body is getting all the macronutrients it needs to function properly, build muscle, and have enough energy.
IIFYM means following a personalized macronutrient diet.
For those that don't know, the basic premise behind IIFYM is that you're given a macronutrient (proteins, carbs, fats) target to hit every day, and as long as you hit it, it doesn't really matter what foods you eat.
Knowing how many grams of each macronutrient you need to eat per day is the starting point for IIFYM.
This diet comparison is simply meant to illustrate the point that IIFYM can be misconstrued to mean that macronutrient distribution throughout the day doesn't matter when trying to improve body composition... it may not play a major role, but it still plays a role nonetheless.
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