Sentences with phrase «mad libs on»

Not exact matches

I once ran several international ads for a B2B SaaS product, and then used a fun survey on our landing page featuring a chia pet, a magic genie and a mad lib to get a huge response rate.
Through our web app, employees fill out a Mad Libs - like questionnaire that touches on what they do, what their goals are and who they serve in their work, reminding them of why they like working at the company.
Hopefully the studying will pay off and I'll be able to make good on what I wrote in that mad lib, because I really mean it!
I just saw this post on IG and bought me some strawberry protein powder... right now Brea recently posted... Mad Libs... Fitness Style
This week Collin and Curtis play Shovel Knight Mad Libs, we've got more NieR Automata to talk about, and Collin shares some brief thoughts on the opening hour of Syberia 3.
Shovel Knight Mad Libs includes 21 stories based on the game!
More voyeuristic Mad Lib than life simulator, it's still a quirky and hilarious thief of time that constantly offers up new ridiculous situations to spy on.
So much to talk about, and you'll hear about it all (along with mad libs & word insertion), this week on REZOcast.
In fact, you can do a lot will writing just by filling in blank spots on a form — basically, a very morbid Mad Lib.
An example of PlayingViral's interactive content is embedded below, while demos on PlayingViral's site show its other uses, including text message stories and Mad Libs - style quizzes.
Based on the above Mad Libs Guide you can now understand what details to replace with your own in the below sample content.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z