Sentences with phrase «making oral hygiene»

Making oral hygiene fun for a child from an early age means that they're likely to continue healthy practices for the rest of their lives.
Comprising both Brushless Toothpaste chews and a Plaque Zapper water additive, the line makes oral hygiene for pets easier than ever.

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Keep this oral hygiene routine going and after six months, Lindsey suggests making that first dental appointment.
To help instill good oral hygiene habits, Lindsey suggests making your child's brushing experience fun with creative games, a sticker chart, choice of fun toothbrush and toothpaste options, and by praising your child after they brush.
Practicing good oral hygiene now and encouraging your children to do the same can make a big difference once the candy stash has disappeared.
The primary teeth don't start to shed until about 5 to 7 years of age, so make sure you introduce good oral hygiene habits from a young age, and remember, babies and children learn more by example than words.
In addition to learning to care for their baby's gums and teeth, one of the easiest things that parents can do for their kids is take care of their own oral hygiene and regular visit their dentist to make sure their own teeth are healthy.
Made from 100 % medical / food grade silicone, this has been designed for a simple and effective start towards good oral hygiene.
You may find it helpful to get a music - enhanced toothbrush as it will likely engage your child in the oral hygiene process and make the process more seamless.
Since this typically sub-conscious, beautiful action gives you a positive and youthful appearance, smiling can make you seem more approachable, confident and professional than someone who has poor oral hygiene or -LSB-...]
To see if oral hygiene before an operation makes a difference, Almos Klekner of the University of Debrecen in Hungary and his colleagues examined the mouths of 23 elderly patients due to have a brain tumour removed.
If you're prone to bad breath, oral hygiene issues, tonsil stones or allergies, you might want to make oil pulling your new best friend.
But, I am glad that at least you are making people aware that good oral hygiene is most definitely connected to overall body health which is not common knowledge.
But if you're looking for ways to mask it in the meantime, practice good oral hygiene, invest in probiotic foods and supplements (to make sure there's no underlying gut issues contributing to the problem), and consider a xylitol - sweetened chewing gum.
«Practising good oral hygiene is a basic way to assist in making your teeth look whiter naturally.
Kjeld Aamodt, director of pre-doctoral orthodontics at UCSF said that people who have had orthodontic work may take more pride in their teeth and, after making a major investment, their motivation for oral hygiene increases.»
Angeline and I are always trying new oral hygiene products, new make up and hair care products, and of course, skincare products.
The most important lesson is to treat computer maintenance like oral hygienemake it a regular routine, and you'll make your life easier.
We know that tooth decay is an extremely common oral disease affecting children and young people in the UK, so we were keen to come up with an activity that teaches them the importance of oral hygiene, whilst giving them the opportunity to come up with something that makes brush time more fun for all.
Make dental chews a part of her oral hygiene routine for a healthier mouth and fresher breath.
This makes good oral hygiene extremely important in your dog's younger years, and especially as they get older.
Maintaining your pet's oral hygiene at home can make a tremendous difference for comfort and health.
The doctor will examine oral hygiene at annual examinations and make dental cleaning recommendations at that time.
Made with fatty acid salts that inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold, and baking soda to fight bad breath and remove plaque and food particles, water additives are an easy way to help your pet's oral hygiene.
Home oral hygiene can make a tremendous difference in your dog's comfort and health.
While a national holiday such as Pet Dental Health Month is a good way to make all pet owners aware of the need for good oral hygiene for their pets, you might want to take Dr. Cathy's advice and make sure you are monitoring your pet's mouth, teeth and gums for any problems on a regular basis.
Made in the USA with real chicken plus breath freshening mint, parsley and alfalfa, their great taste will ensure that your dog will enjoy chewing them — and you'll be happy he's getting the oral hygiene benefits he needs.
Regular oral hygiene or brushing is helpful, but you can also make a tremendous impact by feeding a raw diet options and giving some key nutrients and supplements that benefit oral health
Make sure Jax isn't eating or licking anything he shouldn't and that his teeth (and general oral hygiene) are not causing any problems.
Firstly, a loss of appetite and lethargy may be due to poor oral hygiene; loose or rotting teeth can make eating painful resulting in a reduction in food intake, drooling can also be attributable to dental problems.
Offering these products and becoming knowledgeable about pet oral hygiene will not only save customers money — giving them more to spend in your store, says Groth — a comprehensive oral - care section can help establish a pet specialty retailer as one committed to pet health and comfort, something that will drive repeat visits and make the store a destination point.
«Dog owners are looking for a product that will make maintaining their dog's oral hygiene easy and effective,» Ahlqvist says.
The first is that the game champions candy, but makes no mention of health or oral hygiene in a positive light.
Just as the dentists who have worked hard to obtain DDS degrees, dental assistants also educate patients on proper dental hygiene practices and make suggestions for better oral health.
• Well - groomed — Shower or bathe daily, practice good oral hygiene, keep nails and hair trimmed or make sure it is out of the way.
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