Sentences with phrase «mammary cells infected»

In contrast, mammary cells infected with the miR - 142 lentivirus formed disorganized structures with multiple layers of cells (Figure 6A, B).
Mammary cells infected with the miR -150-expressing lentivirus formed a hyperplastic mammary tree with extremely increased branching and thick mammary ducts (Figure 6A, C).
(C) Degree of branching and number of mammary epithelial cell layers in the mammary tissue formed by mammary cells infected with miR - 150.

Not exact matches

Genome studies show that several such viruses, including one that infects mouse mammary cells and has been linked to cancer, have something in common — a sequence of DNA similar to that found in immune system cells.
Mouse mammary tumor virus uses mouse but not human transferrin receptor 1 to reach a low pH compartment and infect cells.
Ten thousand infected cells were injected into mammary fat pad of female NSG mouse.
The 5 × 104 infected mammary cells were transplanted into cleared mammary fat pads of the same strain weaning age female mice.
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