Sentences with phrase «many bang on»

It would be much more difficult to bang on the door, convince someone to open the door, pave the way, build the door.
«This is pretty well bang on with what brain science says is most productive,» says communications strategist Tod Maffin, who organizes his own day on Pomodoro principles.
Surfers addressed that problem as best they could by using the buddy system and carrying cheap, disposable film cameras that came with a waterproof housing and glorified rubber - band wrist strap — but that usually ended with the cameras banging them on the head or getting lost in the water.
When Janie's friend arrived, she says, she and another woman banged on the door.
In Kia's teaser, a noticeably older Morpheus bangs on that same TV in an attempt to get clear reception of the Super Bowl:
I am constantly posting videos on YouTube, beating up Twitter like a bully and banging on every other social platform available to me.
One neighbor near Pulse told 911 operators people were banging on his door to escape the shooting and others were seeking cover behind parked cars.
thanks bang on!
(He was «bang on» about that!)
On balance, budgetary revenues increased by 4.3 % on a year - over-year basis, bang on the March 2013 Budget forecast for the year as a whole.
For Canadian companies, particularly in the West, this opens doors that they have been banging on for years.
Around 2000, we had a lot of people banging on our door saying, «My internet provider just went out of business.»
2017 had paved numerous success stories of investors who managed to jump into the crypto express bang on time.
Challenger's normalised half year earnings before tax of $ 275 million was bang on the consensus as was the normalised net profit.
But something Eric likes to bang on about is, it's all relevant to the market you are in.
You truly are bang on with respect to simplifying your forex trading, as well as really focusing on the daily and 4 hour charts to make your trading decisions.
The USD is banging on big resistance levels ahead of today's FOMC, which includes only the release of a policy statement and fairly low expectations, ironically meaning that surprise risk may be underappreciated.
The USD is banging on big resistance levels ahead of an FOMC that includes only the release of a policy statement and fairly low expectations, ironically meaning that surprise risk may be underappreciated, especially given conflicting extremes in speculative US dollar short and US interest rate shorts.
At one point, the students heard a loud banging on the door.
So when Caterpillar's CFO called the first quarter the «high watermark for the year,» investors sat up and took notice, says O'Rourke, who has been banging on about over-optimism ahead of earnings for a while.
Cold War Kids claim an almost lore - like beginning of simple pots and pipes being banged on to create the rhythm for chanted verses sung and howled aloud on the second floor of a restaurant in Long Beach, Calif..
One mush make it clear that, those who claim to be moderate Muslims, HAD BETTER SHOW IT BY TALKING THEIR NOT SO MODERATE FELLOWS into stopping their violent acts, rather than banging on the Western democracies door making demands.
Ok someone is banging on my door might be the FBI or worse Mormons assassins.
Death to Israel!!!! I'm going back to my trailer so I can bang on my sister for a while.
Is that what they were banging on my door about the other day?
At the hospital he told us he saw a gargoyle at the window when he was banging on it.
With my father's Army ballpeen hammer I'd found down in the cellar, I kept banging on the swordblade, trying to turn it back into a plowshare like the ones the prophets sang of.
«Before» the big bang on one end, the pinch (big bang) and our universe after the big bang.
Once, at an academic conference at which people began banging on, as they so often do, about what a magnificently systematic thinker Aquinas was, I lost my temper and said that whenever I heard people going on about this, I knew one thing: that they had never closely studied Aquinas's texts.
From what I can see, people are not banging on the doors of our churches to hear more about hell, and certainly not just before Christmas.
Another seems to be a more legitimate sort of emotional irritability that makes for weeping, glowering or wall - banging on various provocations.
From the opening, plaintive strains of the theme to the final, shocking denouement, The Winter Soldier bangs on every conceivable level.
This article is bang on.
What is this freedom that everyone bangs on about.
Of course these same suckers if born in Nigeria would be praying to the jungle god Namassi, or if hailing from Saudi Arabia would be banging on about the infalibility of their precious Allah.
We historians of the ancient Greeks» democracy need to keep banging on not only about the virtues of their peculiar political form, but also about the key differences — theoretical, ideological, and pragmatic — between any modern versions of «democracy» and theirs.
Personally I would have no issues at all with either the JWs or the LDS if they did not have the annoying habit of banging on my door at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday morning (I suffer from Fibromyalgia and getting up early is not something I do very easily) to try to shove their religious beliefs down my throat.
Instead, he just stood there banging on his chest and asking God to forgive his sins.
I've been banging on lately about Mass kits for Catholic children; this looks lovely and timely for a Jewish child.
Then, the man that was banging on the windows came over and interrupted.
david... i've always found your take on vision and how it kills community to be bang on the money.
In extreme pain, the boy banged on the door of a house near the tree.
And the third time, hubby was home and I again managed to lock myself in, so I banged on the door so loud that China could hear me..
Cooking time was bang on for 19 minutes with a gas oven.
Having tasting last year's version, I know that these are bang on delicious!
With garlic and dill being harvested right now, this aioli is bang on season, so I'm sending it off to Ren Behan for Simple and in Season.
In mid-March, I was writing on the computer when I heard the Dobermans going nuts in the back yard and soon there was a loud banging on the front door.
Just a quick tip, if you find the great quality baby carrots that you get from farmers markets this recipe time is bang on.
I keep banging on that carbs are good for you, they are!
I know they are not going to come banging on the door an hour after breakfast saying «I am hungry mama».
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