Sentences with phrase «many biblical inerrancy»

There are MANY (snuck in another all caps... grin) great references which totally destroy the «answer» men's claims of biblical inerrancy, but I'll just give you one for now.
Evolution merely disproves Biblical Inerrancy and Young Earth Creationism.
For at least a decade and a half before the appointment of Tietjen to the presidency of Concordia Seminary, some of its faculty had begun to turn away from such understandings — though without claiming that this turn meant giving up biblical inerrancy.
Willing to debate biblical inerrancy for weeks at a time but unwilling to serve at a soup kitchen one day a month is bullshit.
I've been playing around with a new view on Biblical inerrancy this past month.
Contrary to the assertion thrown at those of us who reject biblical inerrancy and / or infallibility, we don't just go around throwing out the parts we don't like.
If the doctrine of biblical inerrancy is inaccurate then I would certainly have some concerns since the Bible claims to be perfect (Ps.
For those wanting to explore the issue of biblical inerrancy more deeply, the following article by Mark Mattison of Auburn University is an excellent starting point.
Biblical Inerrancy is loosely defined as the idea that the Bible is without error.
Downing takes it a step further and says, «it is no coincidence that the concept of biblical inerrancy developed in nineteenth - century England almost simultaneously with Darwin's idea of natural selection: both were influenced by Enlightenment empiricism.»
So, is the concept of biblical inerrancy nothing more than a byproduct of modern rationalism?
But such an understanding can not serve as a basis for Biblical inerrancy.
Historic fundamentalists would find them compromising, adapting, walking center lines and warning on one of the two main marks — the other being biblical inerrancy — of fundamentalism.
Yet they largely agreed with the fundamentalists on such questions as biblical inerrancy, the Virgin birth and the physical resurrection of Jesus.
During the debate over «biblical inerrancy» that raged among evangelicalism for several years in the late 1970s, I remember someone observing that Harold Lindsell's 1976 book, The Battle for the Bible, which pretty much got that debate going, was more a theory of institutional change than it was about theology as such.
Much emphasis was placed on the importance of building a strong foundation, which usually involved employing materials like the «concrete» of absolute truth, the «joists» of biblical inerrancy, and the «bearing walls» of Christian doctrine.
SBC conservatives have much history on their side when they argue for a robust Baptist confessionalism, but they depart from the historic Baptist pattern when they restrict their doctrinal concern to the single issue of biblical inerrancy.
The watchword for such conservatives was biblical inerrancy, and this became the dominant theme in their successful effort to transform the theological seminaries and mission agencies of the denomination.
Despite blasts from Agora, the Assemblies of God appear to be moving toward the official adoption of a tight formulation of «biblical inerrancy
They published a pamphlet listing the «fundamentals of the faith:» Biblical inerrancy, the virgin birth, Adam and Eve.
I utterly reject Biblical inerrancy but find it interesting that this view of the afterlife is the most likely interpretation of the passages, provided one consider the Old Testament imagery in its own context.
Evangelicals have not always noted the complexity of the hermeneutical task; indeed, sometimes they have let themselves speak as if everything immediately becomes plain and obvious for believers in biblical inerrancy, to such an extent that uncertainties about interpretation never arise for them.
But he focuses on that particular, identifiable strain of evangelical Christianity that is persistently revivalistic, emphasizes dispensationalist premillennialism and biblical inerrancy, militantly opposes theological modernism and cultural secularity and feels a strong sense of «trusteeship» for American culture.
To critics of biblical inerrancy, it sounds like we Christians are making the same argument as this man uses: Is this what we do with Scripture?
(7) I contend for biblical inerrancy because acknowledgment of Scripture as totally true and trustworthy is integral to biblical authority as I understand it.
Daniel Fuller, «The Nature of Biblical Inerrancy,» Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 24 (June 1972): 47.
So prominent has been this debate that outsiders have often regarded evangelicals as holding, not to a distinct view of the sole authority of Scripture (as was argued in the previous chapter), but to a belief in Biblical inerrancy.2
Even such spokesmen for Biblical inerrancy as Bernard Ramm, Carl Henry, and Clark Pinnock (i. e., those willing to make that inference) recognize that this is an unwise theological reduction.13 For it is to confuse one of several possible tests of evangelical consistency with the test of evangelical authenticity.
From Enns: «As a biblical scholar who deals with the messy parts of the Bible (i.e., the Old Testament), I came away with one recurring impression, a confirmation of my experience in these matters: mainstream American evangelicalism, as codified in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, doesn't really know what to do with the Bible as a historical text.»
While those who advocate biblical inerrancy reject many of the findings of historical criticism, they still attempt to justify their own claims via the rational approach that historical criticism also employs.
The largest truth we can discover about the Fundamentalist war cry of «biblical inerrancy» is that it has almost nothing to do with anyone's actual experience of reading the Bible.
Some of my smartest friends have given up on Christianity altogether because they were under the impression (from both secular critics and advocates of biblical inerrancy) that the Bible must be without conflict or inconsistency or error in order to be relevant.
In other news, Five Views of Biblical Inerrancy releases next week and looks like a book we'll need to discuss!
Steve wrote: Many biblical inerrancy fundamentalists look foolish and backward when they try to defend things that they shouldnâ $ ™ t waste their time defending.
First, we have already seen that the direct conflict between Darwinism and theism has been blurred, so that theists who are not committed to biblical inerrancy are led to believe that they have no reason to be suspicious of Darwinism.
Benjamin B. WARFIELD (1851 - 1921), dogmatician at Princeton Theological Seminary, known for his defence of biblical inerrancy (Evolution, science, and Scripture: selected writings, ed.
The denomination took a decided step to the right when Patterson, Rogers, and the leaders of the 1970s and 80s planted a firm stake for biblical inerrancy and social conservatism.
However to say that without faith in Biblical inerrancy everything is «standing on top of shifting sand» isn't necessarily accurate.
A few years ago, in a moment of lonely desperation, I googled something having to do with «Christians against biblical inerrancy» (for some reason you were on the first or second page of search results...) because I was trying to find out if there was anyone else who was thinking about the Scriptures in a different way from what I had encountered.
It will continue as long as those without the Spirit of Christ speak as though they speak the oracles of God maybe what we need is not a different view if Biblical inerrancy but better discernment of man's errancy.
And if so, doesn't that strike at the heart of biblical inerrancy?
Biblical inerrancy is debated in America's largest denomination with the same vigor, and in almost the precise terms, that it was in the 1890s Charles Briggs trial.
He does not mention belief in Biblical inerrancy or salvation by faith.
Moreover, by failing to ground their assertions about scripture in a logically prior doctrine of biblical inerrancy, the narrative theologians undermine their purported desire to uphold the unity and authority of scripture.
In this conservative mood the oldline churches resurrect issues and alienations they thought they had put behind them: issues of creedal subscription, of science and evolution, biblical inerrancy, and moral casuistry.
I was raised to believe in biblical inerrancy and taught and preached it myself.
So when I felt I could no longer reasonably hold to a creationist perspective, when I found myself questioning the concept of Biblical inerrancy, I feared I would have no choice but to walk away from Christianity altogether.
I've been called a socialist and a baby - killer for voting for Barack Obama, an enemy of the Church for asking questions about biblical inerrancy, a Buddhist for reading Thich Nhat Hahn, and a raging liberal for supporting basic civil rights for gays and lesbians.
It meant having intelligent and ready answers to questions concerning the Problem of Evil, religious pluralism, biblical inerrancy, evolutionary theory, and postmodern relativism.
Establishment evangelicalism was reinforced by the Billy Graham Center's location at Wheaton College, by Christianity Today's removal from Washington, D.C., to Chicago suburbs where evangelical independency has deep roots, and by formation of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy.
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