Sentences with phrase «many leading scientists»

Professor Zhu Chaodong, the Institute of Zoology's lead scientist in insect evolution studies at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, said it would be a «catastrophe» if billions of cockroaches were suddenly released into the environment — be it through human error or a natural disaster like an earthquake that damaged the building.
«We're excited by the potential this new ingredient has for improving ice cream, for consumers and for manufacturers,» Cait MacPhee, the lead scientist on the project, tells The Telegraph.
In these lean, early days, Other Lab has only three full - time employees: Griffith, the mechanical engineer and so - called lead scientist; Jim McBride, a fellow MIT postdoc and the house physicist (who happens to be on vacation during my visit); and Jonathan (Jach) Bachrach, yet another MIT guy who is technically a software engineer but like the other two has a far broader purview.
If the clusters contained only the stars and gas we observe, their gravity should be much weaker, leading scientists to assume there is some sort of matter hidden there that we can't see.
Alan Duffy, a Research Fellow in the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing and Lead Scientist of The Royal Institution of Australia, said Hawking was an inspiration not just a scientist but a communicator of that science.
One of the leading scientists of our time, J. Craig Venter has been on the cutting edge of science for more than two decades.
Two of the leading scientists at the edge of the medical revolution believe that our life expectancy could start creeping up toward the triple digits.
Its development at Theranos won't be helped following the 2013 suicide of the lead scientist who had been working on design patents for the company up to that time.
«A full reading of Bernstein's email reveals an important point ---- his assertion that, in the 1980s, we never denied the possible role of human activity as a cause for climate change, and he further makes clear that, at that point in time, there was a great deal of uncertainty and lack of understanding of climate change, even among leading scientists and experts,» said Keil, adding that today, Exxon «believes the risk of climate change is clear, and warrants action.»
, with all the trillions of possible combos there should be billions of fossils everywhere, yet even the leading scientists had to forge bones they found.
One of the professors (who, as it happens, is one of the world's leading scientists) was kneeling next to the wife of my tailor — she's an immigrant woman whose simple southern Italian spirituality is of the sort that gets Catholics labeled Mary worshippers by our Protestant friends.
They include structural differences in the skeleton, the muscles, the skin, and the brain; differences in posture as - 0sociated with a unique method of locomotion; differences in social or - ganization; and finally the acquisition of speech and tool - using, together with the dramatic increase in intellectual ability which has led scientists to name their own species Ho - m - o sapiens sapiens — wise wise man.
Does the acceptance of the Big Bang theory and evolutionary theory by many leading scientist make these true?
Rather, let's ask the 93 % of the country's leading scientists why they don't believe.
The Archbishop of York has joined leading scientists and figures from the entertainment industry in paying... More
All of that has led scientists to see that the glaciers are losing almost 23 feet of ice each year and the specific glaciers studied all contribute to sea levels around the world into the Amudsen Sea.
Many of the leading scientists were deeply religious, some, clergymen.
Science preserves a kind of «workaday holiness» that leads some scientists to speak of God in Einstein's Spinozistic overtones.
For a time, that led scientists to look for archeological evidence that there might have been a great global flood at some time in human pre-history, before recorded history, when stories were passed down orally.
There are many leading scientists who have tried to disprove creation and have jumped ship on evolution.
Many, if not most, leading scientists agree.
And I'm sure there are countless other experiments that that lead scientists to believe in non-creationism.
@ steve, I could also get into some of the «higher brain functions» that lead scientists to better understand why we have compassion and such; however, I think that many people don't really give compassion or morals a lot of thought or care as to where they come from, they are simply a part of who we are as a species.
Apr. 4, 2013 — A structural biologist at the Florida State University College of Medicine has made discoveries that could lead scientists a step closer to understanding how life first emerged on Earth billions of years ago.
For even there, certain non-scientific factors are operative, leading scientists to focus on particular sets of data.
Such early lines seem to promise that the Elephant Man will be the little child who leads these scientists to transcend their own kind of naïveté and egoistic blindness.
In the sixteenth century there occurred a considerable expansion of interest, especially among medical men who were leading scientists and thinkers of the day, in the philosophy of nature, which led to the momentous developments of the seventeenth century.
Many believe that the Enlightenment was the death - knell of religion, but what they don't realize is that many of the leading scientists of the Enlightenment Era were Bible - believing Christians who went to nature looking for the order and beauty and logic that they believed they would find there as a result of their belief that God was created nature.
Science works in ways you may not understand, like sometimes the math leads scientists to postulate stuff that ends up not true, which they discover by testing the postulates, thus generating new information and correcting or updating the postulate.
Galileo was opposed first and foremost by the leading scientists of his time.
One of the world's leading scientists, Collins insists that faith is not incompatible with science.
The Archbishop of York has joined leading scientists and figures from the entertainment industry in paying tribute to Professor Stephen Hawking.
The intrinsic portion distortion problem with the glycemic index ultimately led scientists to come up with the idea of glycemic load, which is better than the GI but still imperfect and too complicated.
The research was conducted and analysed by independent third party CSIRO Food and Nutrition Flagship: the results are objective, fact based, and backed by Australia's leading scientists.
Professor Charles Benbrook, one of the authors of the study and a leading scientist based at Washington State University, explains, «Our results are highly relevant and significant and will help both scientists and consumers sort through the often conflicting information currently available on the nutrient density of organic and conventional plant - based foods.»
To support this, a reinvigorated Indonesia rice research work plan was drafted this week by senior officials and leading scientists from the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) and the Philippines - based International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
«This will make saline - stricken rice farms in coastal areas usable to farmers,» said lead scientist Dr. Kshirod Jena of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).
We are also committed to research and development by world leading scientists to help with product education, investigation and validation.
This leads scientists to believe that the chia seed may have great benefits for diabetics.
Leading scientists give their thoughts on the world's relentless pursuit of fish, and how consumers and the commercial fisheries sector are emptying oceans across the world of life.
In addition, attending the conference had allowed me to meet up with some leading experts in different fields of research, as far as food security is concerned, as well as young researchers and the discussions provoked during the different presentations by leading scientists like Professor Louise Fresco were really interesting.
I had a chance to talk with leading scientists in the field and learn innovative ideas.
The completed sequencing of the seven wild rice varieties is a significant progress to drive further genome evolution and domestication,» explained Dr. Rod Wing, leader of the International Oryza Map Alignment Project (IOMAP), an AXA Chair holder at the International Rice Research Institute, Professor at the University of Arizona, and one of the lead scientists in the study.
Webinar: Building the Accountability Framework: Update and Next Steps for Companies and Others Working Toward Responsible Supply Chains Tuesday, March 27th, 10:00 EST Jeff Milder, the Rainforest Alliance's lead scientist and Accountability Framework Steering Group member will be participating.
Founded in 1998 by Leonard A. and Ronald S. Lauder, the ADDF provides critical seed funding to leading scientists conducting breakthrough drug discovery and clinical research.
This led scientists to believe that early exposure to peanuts actually reduced the likelihood of a peanut allergy.
Some leading scientists connect this decline in gut health and increase in inflammation to metabolic disorder - the forerunner to diabetes.
We then work with leading scientists worldwide to create safe alternatives.
The conversational style and clear explanations in Your Baby's Microbiome by some of the world's leading scientists and maternity care providers make this new and complex information accessible and inspiring to the general public.
The conference will unite industry experts, leading scientists, neurologists and international business leaders with current and former professional athletes in effort to create consensus on the path forward for scientific research and commercial development.
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