Sentences with phrase «many such feelings»

But by tuning in to such feelings, you'll learn why they emerge and what they have to teach you.
Graham apologized, saying he didn't recall ever having such feelings and asking the Jewish community to consider his actions above his words on that tape.
Ultimately, though, such feelings of betrayal bespeak a certain navetà ‰.
As such we felt it deserved more explanation.
Almost everyone draws happiness from feeling superior in one of these ways, and sadly, it is almost impossible for a person to have a rich happiness without such a feeling.
For example, maybe higher educated people have more personal security and as such feel less need for God... etc.... Either way your premise is false and illogical.
Have been mulling this over quite a bit of late — realizing how deep such feelings continue to run in me, despite my conscious and sincere beliefs in God's grace, goodness, forgiveness, and redemptive power...
God in his primordial nature alone has no consciousness because this nature consists in purely conceptual feelings, and such feelings are never conscious.
Such feelings often are present even in persons with «enlightened» ideas about mental illness.
Then she contemplates the healing ministry of Christ, who also experienced and dealt with such feelings in his encounters with others.
We all have such feelings (I know I do, at least), but I hope I can learn to break free of hate and learn to love instead.
Such feelings of unease, Darwin explained, we now call «conscience.»
Suppose that actual occasion A has feelings U and V. Whitehead denied that such feelings can be in temporal succession.
Even if we do have foretastes of postpersonal experiencing, however, such feelings are oftentimes fleeting.
Consciousness is the feeling of negation: in the perception of «the stone as grey,» such feeling is in barest germ; in the perception of «the stone as not grey,» such feeling is in full development.
And yet, even for believers, the overwhelming impact of a shocking death can generate such feelings.
The satisfaction of all feeding, copulating and cleaning drives in animals is probably guided by such feeling tones.
Each of these feelings has its own initial datum, but there are many such feelings.
If marriage is about love and love is about anything, what would constitute a rational limit on such a feeling?
where it finds such feelings insufficiently present.
Such feelings, Freud says, are often the unconscious basis for faith, and they were too strong in Dostoevsky to be overcome by his mind that saw the evidence against God so clearly.
If we have learned the limits of anger and have found rites for overcoming it, expression of such feelings can clear the air.
The distinction Hartshorne insists on making here as applied to our present question can be expressed by saying that, whereas mere experience or feeling of God can be not only direct but immediate, high - level thought or cognition of God, being mediated, as it is, by the conscious judgment or interpretation of such feeling, is of necessity mediate.
The party was a great time, such a feeling Sunday of this is where I want to be (in my life) what I want to be doing, and who I want to be with.
Even though such feelings on the part of the Islamic extremists were well known to the leaders in the USA and the rest of the world from the earlier incidents, like, the bombing of the World Trade Center in1993, the bomb attacks on USA embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar - es - Salaam in Tanzania in 1998, and the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000, the incident of September11 came as a total surprise.
Expressing them openly in a relationship of trust usually helps reduce the burden of such feelings.
Process thought does, of course, attempt to describe how such feelings arise out of previous ones, but it resists the temptation to claim that human feelings can be explained exclusively by reducing them to simpler lower level events.
I would like to invite her to see that such a feeling does not make her a racist or a bigot.
I don't think I'm alone among «Barthians» in such a feeling.
Not recognizing and helping the person ventilate such feelings accounts for the failure of many potential counseling relationships to «get off the ground.»
For the psychologists the tracing of the organic seat of such a feeling would form a pretty problem — nothing could be more natural than to connect it with the muscular sense, with the feeling that our muscles were innervating themselves for action.
Yet Christmas exposes the potential for self - pity in such feelings — exposes it as the infantile regression it is.
Those placing a high importance on salvation were insensitive to such feelings — «It never occurred to me» — whereas those not so salvation - minded were most likely to have experienced such reactions.
To bring such feelings of harmonious connection to consciousness is unlikely to be a frequent occurrence.
I remember no such feeling from my youth; it has grown upon me as my decades have increased.
You may learn enough to realize that such feelings are the result of gross ignorance — on your part.
That most such feelings are not conscious in any ordinary sense of «conscious» is no argument against this position.
Yet, given this option, whether this abstract mathematical world — which is supposed to explain our particular, individual, personal «feelings, thoughts and emotions,» but which is not supposed to be dependent upon such feelings — whether «such a world [is] merely but one huge fairy tale» (TM 33, cf. 32ff.).
The theories developed from the generalization of such feelings are hypotheses.
As such this feeling completely contradicts the feature of discrimination that ordinarily characterizes consciousness.
That unsharable feeling which each one of us has of the pinch of his individual destiny as he privately feels it rolling out on fortune's wheel may be disparaged for its egotism, may be sneered at as unscientific, but it is the one thing that fills up the measure of our concrete actuality, and any would - be existent that should lack such a feeling, or its analogue, would be a piece of reality only half made up.
Such a feeling arises whenever a closed system of meaning has exhausted its repertoire of interpretations and solutions to the puzzles of human existence.
Thanks for such a feel good to pretend eating bad kind of recipe!
Without a doubt, fall is my absolute favorite season - college football, cooler weather, soup and stew for dinner, back to school, and pumpkin bread - all of these things make me so happy and provide such a feeling of warmth, security, friends and family.
Your blog is absolutely amazing, Sophia, there is such a feeling of mystery in your pictures... I will try these macaroons for sure.
I'm constantly craving pho due to the cooler weather, it's such a feel good meal!
Honey is much more natural and less processed and as such I feel that it's healthier and a better alternative to consume.
No piece of kitchen equipment incites such feelings of fear and anxiety (but also love and obsession) as the cast iron pan.
He has no such feelings for his father, who always put him down.
Such a feeling is only reinforced when you examine the numbers that surround this record - breaking run for the European champions: 18 wins, 67 goals, four Ronaldo hat - tricks, plus - 58 goal difference and 15 battered opponents.
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