Sentences with phrase «many teachers have»

And every year since then, my teachers have told me that this will never happen here — that I have nothing to be scared of.
It's no joke when people say that teachers have more than one job in the classroom.
Teachers have a great deal of pressure professionally.
Parents and teachers have complained that children were becoming addicted to the multiplayer online battle game, which, according to the company, has more than 200 million users, making it the world's most popular game of its kind.
«These are things any great teacher would be able to do for a small group of students in a particular classroom,» Baker says, but D2L can do it on a massive scale.
Sinek said he also advocates for teaching kids independence and resilience; the best teachers I've found on these two points are former Stanford dean of freshmen Julie Lythcott - Haims and former Navy SEAL commander Eric Greitens.
On the way home, something nagged at him: In an emergency, a teacher wouldn't have time to sit down and check the emergency plan on a computer, but probably would be able to check a smartphone.
«Even if as a teacher I had worked two jobs, that was cake compared to what I was doing,» she says.
This year's top teachers have withstood the tests of time, taught through bear and bull markets, and have consistently imparted life - changing lessons to MBA students year after year.
Teachers have given him time off to attend events like the conference in India and a Intel Capital summit this week in Huntington Beach, California.
Teachers has received 1.5 million warrants and will receive an additional 3.5 million warrants once the deal closes, after a 40 - day «go - shop» period when Saks will be entitled to seek out a higher offer.
And I don't mean unique in the way your elementary school teacher would attempt to compliment your art project.
It wasn't a revolutionary idea — college kids and moonlighting teachers have done it since the time of Socrates — but by vetting tutors, most of whom are state - certified teachers or professionals like CPAs or engineers, Lucas took a lot of the guesswork out of private tutoring.
«Teachers have a responsibility as leaders to create an environment and culture where young people feel valued.
But it took him a while to realize that meant visiting the classrooms where students and teachers would be using his product, talking to them, and watching them use it.
But I discovered that these young innovators were far more intrinsically motivated, and when I looked at the pattern of what parents and teachers had both done to encourage intrinsic motivation, I found a kind of remarkable emphasis in the classrooms and among the parents of play, passion and purpose.
When Michael Fordinal was in seventh grade, his teachers would assign sentence writing for bad behavior.
As a sixth grader, Daniele benefits from having the same teacher she had in grade five, one who already knows her strengths.
Try repeating the movement your teacher has cued silently to yourself as you do it — notice how your muscles take over and push you further than you thought you could go.
A Tulsa mother looking for childcare finds out that her child's preschool teacher has a shady past.
His patrons were almost all from a school that was located just down the road, where children and teachers would come for their lunch hour or to get a snack after class had ended for the day.
The owner and a couple of the other teachers had asked me a few times if I'd consider teaching, but I kept hemming and hawing because I do have a primary career, which is writing a novel every nine months.
«This would be obviously only for people who were very adept at handling a gun, and it would be, it's called concealed carry, where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them.
Yet it continues as a core curriculum in most graduate business schools because that's what teachers have been taught to teach, and it's hard for this battleship to change direction» Frank Martin
«B.C. teachers have been vindicated after 14 years of being attacked by Christy Clark for standing up for fair working conditions that benefit B.C. children.
In what apparently is the latest incident in a campaign to push children toward becoming LGBT - rights activists, a teacher has instructed a middle - school student to sign up for «recurring text messages» associated with an LGBT «Day of Silence» campaign.
While these Silicon Valley tech companies set about fixing Puerto Rico's problems, nurses working with the American Federation of Teachers have accused Trump's administration of «neglect,» while Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut last week called for an investigation into the relief efforts by the government.
Armed teachers would be a supplement to armed school officers that are already on campus.
In this spirit, almost everyone can name a teacher they had in school who played an important role in inspiring, encouraging and challenging them to further their interests and studies.
As a Pure Barre teacher I have been inspired by the supportive relationships that have formed across the board within our studio's community.
Even though the teacher had instructed them not to move, Meghan took off her jean jacket, throwing it over the girl's body, Mackenzie said.
Becoming a teacher would be a fine display of public service.
AS for Priest misconduct don't compare it to secular teachers you would not win there.
Don't even get me started on teachers having sex with their students, men all pretty much just call young guys who get molested by teachers «Lucky».
My third grade teacher had it cold.
Our teachers wouldn't have said it either.
I have gone to catholic schools all my life and the way your teachers have talked you is not what teachers tell us in catholic school.
I'm interested in what a teacher would call the «reflection questions:»
A Christian teacher has told Premier that Tuesday's education strike will be «fairly ineffective», however... More
Neither approach will be easy, given the training our teachers have received and the dominance of the old paradigm.
Links between poverty and HIV / AIDS are obviously very complex: Many wealthy people succumb, and, most tragically, intelligent people like teachers have higher incidence levels.
1 Timothy 4:1 - 6 foretold exactly about the fact that false teachers would teach about such doctrines, among them, forbidding marriage and goes on to refer to such teachings as teachings of demons.
The textbook didn't mention it, and her teacher had never heard it either.
Education... creationism would supplant evolution, all sciences that could possibly come in conflict with creationism would be forbidden, all children would be required to pray and be educated in fundamentalist Christianity, women teachers would not be permitted to teach males, girls only, etc..
Why did that special - ed teacher have two kids she can't afford to raise?
There is an analogy given to understand this: A wise and enlightened teacher has attained a great truth.
The teacher has used principle as a weapon, forcing the boy to choose between upholding the principle of truthfulness and upholding the concrete humanity of his father and himself.
Sometimes the best teachers we have are simply people that inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.
The teacher has no right to interfere in the inner life of the family, no right to use the boy's pain for his own purposes — namely, to intimidate or humiliate.
The prayers that would have been offered by my very Catholic teachers would have incensed me, because I was taught that Catholics were pagans, unsaved, idol worshiping sinners.
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