Sentences with phrase «mary intercedes»

In obedience to the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word is made flesh in the lives of all faithful Christians as Mary intercedes for the Church.
I pray to God, and I pray that Mary intercede for my prayer intentions for you.

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O Mary, Help of Christians and all the Saints, intercede for us.
The Marian theology (especially Wagner's suggested conflation of the goddess Venus with Mary), the knight asking for absolution from the pope, the theme of «works righteousness,» the notion that Tannhäuser is saved by Elisabeth who both sacrifices herself for him on this earth and then in the afterlife intercedes before God on his behalf, and the fact that Tannhäuser himself is redeemed only to die» all these are, to the conservative Protestant at least, distortions of Christianity.
The tenderness of motherly care in Mary, the knowledge that there are saints in heaven praying and interceding and a sense of God's justice and mercy all combine to offer something that speaks to the soul with a ring of truth and of hope.
Regardless of our sins, Mary will hear our prayers and intercede for us.
Toward the end of Ut Unum Sint, John Paul cites some of the questions that must be addressed in conversation with the communities issuing from the tragic divisions of the sixteenth century: (1) The relationship between Sacred Scripture, as the highest authority in matters of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God; (2) The Eucharist as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy Spirit; (3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate; (4) The Magisterium of the Church, entrusted to the pope and the bishops in communion with him, understood as a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for teaching and safeguarding the faith; (5) The Virgin Mary, as Mother of God and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's disciples and for all humanity.
We pray to Mary and the Saints to intercede for us.
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