Sentences with phrase «mate as both a male»

Few animals are as devoted to their mates as the male orb - weaving spider.
Bite wounds can occur during territorial cat fights or when tom and queen cats mate as the male bites the neck of the female during copulation.

Not exact matches

As researchers flood the two areas with these infected male mosquitoes, the females living there will be less likely to find uninfected males to mate with, so each life cycle should lead to far fewer new mosquitoes.
Genesis tells what God intended and it was God created them male and female — man needed a mate and that was a female — The bible used to be very hard to understand but I sought the Lord with all my heart and I read it now and it does not contradict itself — Many prayers have been answered and I believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior — I can not imagine living in this world as it is and not having that anchor that holds me together day after day.
Each partner should test his behavior in the marriage in terms of how well he uses opportunities to make his mate feel more adequate, attractive, and lovable as a male or a female.
If, as the story goes, God created Adam and Eve as the first two humans, and Adam and Eve had two male children, who did their male children mate with to produce future generations?
The prevailing sociobiological hypothesis can be summarized as follows: Because the protohuman male never quite knew when his mate would get pregnant, and because he rather enjoyed maximizing the chances of his genetic survival through frequent attempts to insure such a pregnancy, he was more inclined to hang around on a regular basis to provide food and occasionally even help her around the cave in between couplings.
Males — the story goes — maximize their reproductive success by mating with as many females as possible.
For the second cycle in a row, Democrats are set up to run an all - male state ticket — unless Cuomo taps a woman as his running mate.
This is an illustration of two Pieris rapae, better known as cabbage white, butterflies during a mating dance where the male performs sweeps under the female to show off his bright violet wing colors that only the butterflies can see through their sophisticated visual system.
For a male fathering children with many mates, it's in the interest of his genes that the baby suck as much out of the mother as it can.
Dominant male chacma baboons allow lower - ranking males to mate with their females as a way to protect the dominant male's own offspring in their absence.
As the male plumage and displays and songs diversify, the mating preferences of the females are also evolving and diversifying among species.
As I point out in one section about male preferences, there's a tendency to focus on older males who reenter the mating market after divorce, and evolutionary psychologists take this to be pretty firmly clinching evidence in favor of their hypothesis.
This separation occurred just as the mice began to exhibit aggression toward males and mating with females.
Dr Allan Debelle, who conducted the study as part of his PhD under the supervision of Dr Rhonda Snook at the University of Sheffield, said these results suggest that mate choice can be an important driver of the evolution of motor performance, «Our research shows that when, at each generation, females are given a choice among several mates performing energetically costly courtship, the motor performance of males in that population can respond to this selection process and progressively improve.»
In zebra finches, only males learn and sing songs, as this is the way they attract a mate.
The spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) have hierarchical societies similar to those of primates; lions (Panthera leo) live in egalitarian prides with as many as 21 members; whereas tigers (P. tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) lead more solitary lives, except when females have young or when males and females meet to mate.
An unsuccessful male (top right) watches from the sidelines as the successful male (lower right) mates with the female cuttlefish (lower left).
As a result, Pitnick and Belote are better able to determine what happens when a female mates twice (i.e., once with a male of her own species and once with member of a related species.)
Strogatz and Kevin O'Keeffe, Ph.D.» 17, used the curious mating ritual of male Japanese tree frogs as inspiration for their exploration of «swarmalators» — their term for systems in which both synchronization and swarming occur together.
As they mated with a shrinking supply of females, the X-shredder males would push the population lower until there are no female mates left.
Instead, it's the snails» sexuality that creates an advantage: Asexual females, the study found, grew twice as fast during the late juvenile phase and reached reproductive maturity 30 percent faster than female snails that mated with males.
In contrast, Bryant's females, themselves larger, were open to mating with the smaller, more docile desert woodrat males as well as the males of their own species.
Social monogamy evolved many times across mammals as a male mating strategy in species where females are widely spaced for ecological reasons.
Showy ornaments used by the male of the species in competition for mates, such as the long tail of a peacock or shaggy mane of a lion, could indicate a species» risk of decline in a changing climate, according to a new study from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
Males of many animal species compete for mates, either by producing showy ornaments to attract females, such as the plumes and bright colours of male Birds of Paradise, or, like stags and elephant seals, by fighting with other males for access to mMales of many animal species compete for mates, either by producing showy ornaments to attract females, such as the plumes and bright colours of male Birds of Paradise, or, like stags and elephant seals, by fighting with other males for access to mmales for access to mates.
Speciation had taken place four times as fast in clades where females mated with many males, his team reports in the 12 September Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
As Edinburgh Zoo knows, the endangered Chinese bears are reluctant to mate, but new research shows the males may just need some encouragement... and competition
But now, a study shows that some female birds can benefit by pairing with males of another species — as long as they sneak in some same - species matings on the sly.
Curious as to whether the males might benefit from the situation by passing on more of their own genes, Emlen and his colleagues observed the mating and egg - laying habits of the jacanas on the Chagres River in Panama for 6 years.
Male blue whales off California produce the same note, four octaves below middle C, perhaps as a mating beacon to females.
In one bizarre case, a male — known as Dave — killed his partner while mating.
As they mature, most males split off into pairs and seek mates outside their community.
But males in larger groups, who are not alone in trying to mate with local females, invest more energy in competing with each other: They produce as much sperm as possible to increase their chances of being the lucky guy to impregnate the gal, a phenomenon known as sperm competition.
As this photo of a (tiny) male and female shows, the males are just a fraction of their mates» size.
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, whose males stalk the females and woo them with song before mating, can have sex lives as complicated as those of humans.
He watched as males swimming at the periphery entered this swirling mass to mate as close to the center as possible, thus ensuring the fittest males found the fittest females.
«It was obvious that they were adult male frogs, as they were calling to attract a mate,» says Austin.
Likewise, another popular origins trope, «Man the Hunter,» depicts evolution as driven by an early dietary shift and a dependence on males for precious meat, implying that women mated only with males who were successful hunters.
Caging expenses would double, not only because there would be twice as many animals but also because the males and females must be separated so they don't mate.
Research led by Cristina Tuni of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich in Germany now shows that male hunting spiders wrap morsels of food in their silk and offer these as gifts to prospective mates.
These findings suggest that song may serve as a generic social stimulus for male zebra finches, while females respond very selectively to their mate.
Meanwhile, behavioral biologist Henrik Brumm of the University of St. Andrews found that male nightingales have cranked up their mating calls as much as 14 decibels to remain audible over urban sounds.
Unlike many other species, male hunting spiders do not use chemical signals such as sex pheromones to attract a mate.
However, unhealthy males were also chosen as mating partners.
When healthy females were mated with infected and uninfected male mice, the females paired with infected males were about four times less likely to become pregnant as those paired with uninfected males.
By the time Ardi appeared, our ancestors had stopped fighting over matesas suggested by the small canines and woodland diet of the male Ardipithecus — and started providing for their females and offspring instead.
Yoshizawa thinks the spines act as anchors, holding the male still while the female mates with him.
Several approaches may be needed, such as introducing fly - parasitizing wasps, removing chicks from nests for hand - rearing, raising sterile male flies to mate with females so they can't lay eggs in finch nests, and using insecticides, including placing pesticide - treated cotton balls where birds can collect them to self - fumigate their nests.
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