Sentences with phrase «meet daily calorie requirements»

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Here in the U.S., we have a penchant for wanting to smother everything in cheese, sour cream, guacamole, more cheese, etc., etc., making the majority of Mexican food we consume a complete calorie bomb in terms of meeting and exceeding our daily requirements.
For most of human history, the biggest challenge in life was getting our hands on enough calories to meet our daily energy requirements.
Doing so not only allows me to meet my daily requirements for calories, protein, fat and carbs without any problems whatsoever (which is always goal # 1), but it also makes my diet as enjoyable, sustainable and all around preferable for me as possible.
If you are a super active person who expends a lot of energy regularly and so consumes plenty of calories on a daily basis, it may be possible for you to meet your fatty acid intake requirement on a no - overt - fat, raw vegan diet.
Consuming the right type of calories will help a teen girl meet her daily nutrient requirements.
For instance, 25g of Swiss cheese provide about 100 kcal, i.e. the third of the daily calorie intake of a 3 - kg dog... While offering sufficient energy density to meet the high requirements of small dogs, the diet must include a moderate quantity of fat.
These three factors determine how many calories are needed to meet their daily requirements.
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