Sentences with phrase «micrographs by»

Micrographs by Kathrin Rousk.

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COVER A three - dimensional micrograph of computationally separated cells with their internal organelles, as captured by a movie of the developing zebrafish eye.
Their massive electron micrographs of the joint showed tiny, perfectly formed screws and nuts, with a thread far more delicate than those made by humans.
The illustration, based on electron micrographs and created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shows one of these antibiotic - resistant bacteria.
«Space Odyssey» by Stephen Lowry of the University of Ulster is a montage made from micrographs of biological specimens.
A scanning electron micrograph depicts numerous clumps of methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, commonly referred to by the acronym MRSA.
Seen in the center of each virus in this colored transmission electron micrograph is its genetic fingerprint (pink), surrounded by a protective protein shell (yellow).
Created by CDC microbiologist Frederick A. Murphy, this colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus virion.
This high - resolution transmission electron micrograph of particles made by the research team shows the particles» highly uniform size and shape.
His electron micrograph shows the head of an Australian helmet flea (Stephanocircus harrisoni) magnified around 100 times, and it earned him a prize in this year's micrograph competition mounted by Leica Cambridge.
The prizewinning electron micrograph, taken by Frank Page of the University of Loughborough, shows the tip of the fly's proboscis.
This electron micrograph shows an oral squamous cancer cell (white) being attacked by two cytotoxic T cells (red).
The image on the left, selected by Hirst from the Science Photo Library, is a coloured scanning electron micrograph of a biopsy from the intestine of a child with small bowel cancer.
(D) Transmission electron micrograph showing UCP - immunogold (10 nm, indicated by arrows) in a mitochondrion of an interstitial fibroblast - like cell of the rope tissue.
Further investigation revealed that the researchers failed to report that the MSG was frequently vomited before it could be absorbed, that the monkeys were under anesthesia with a powerful glutamate receptor antagonist (phencyclidine), and that the areas of the brain shown in micrographs were areas of the hypothalamus known to be unaffected by glutamate.
Scanning electron micrograph of wood being decayed by the white rot fungus Punctularia strigoso - zonata.
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