Sentences with phrase «middle age is»

I feel a kinship with Larry Carlat, who notes at Next Avenue in an article called «Why Middle Age is the Best Time to Fall In Love»: «I haven't been in love all that many times in my life.
In particular, the massive excess of mortality among Aboriginal people in middle age is without comparison.
Many people find that middle age is a natural reflection point on what they have been doing in their life, including the field that they have been working in.
«The wisdom of middle age is showing me that yes, things all make sense with time.»
One thing often recommended when cats reach middle age is wellness bloodwork.
At his age, he hopefully doesn't have any problems but middle age is a great time to run blood work on him to establish what his normal values are.
Middle age is when you should be finishing paying off any remaining debts and tucking away like crazy for retirement.
Middle age is when people begin to slow down on their resolution making.
Didn't you know that middle age is the age of the nearest woman plus 20 years?
Just as adolescence is a time to shift from childhood into adulthood, middle age is also a significant milestone and a cusp between the past and future.
Middle age is a very complex theme to handle but the magnificent Meryl Streep makes it look easy enough with a totally convincing portrayal of a successful business woman, who is secure and alone after being divorced by her ex-husband of 17 years who cheated on a younger woman, leaving her to create a comfortable happy existence for herself inadvertently, while he now languishes for her and wants to have her as a mistress as he is still in love with her after 10 years.
The Best Thing About Middle Age Is Not Having to Care About Giant Franchise Movies By: Mark Harris
The ability of our parents to enbarass us even at middle age is well captued when David (Forte's) mother regales them with tales of how several men in their home town wanted to get into «her bloomers» and insists on lifting her skirt at one of her past suitors» graves to show him what he missed.
But the film does confront the fact that particularly for women, pursuing desire in middle age is a fraught path.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS at middle age is 6.8 times higher than that of the general female population.
She said they don't amount to a convincing argument that too much protein consumption in middle age is directly linked to health problems later in life, while more protein in old age is protective.
The Daily Mail captured the age dimension more accurately with «Eating lots of meat and cheese in middle age is «as deadly as SMOKING `'».
Overall, our human and animal studies indicate that a low protein diet during middle age is likely to be beneficial for the prevention of cancer, overall mortality, and possibly diabetes through a process that may involve, at least in part, regulation of circulating IGF - 1 and possibly insulin levels.
Losing two or more teeth in middle age is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk, according to preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2018, a premier global exchange of the latest advances in population based cardiovascular science for researchers and clinicians.
Tooth loss in middle age is more likely related to inflammation, but it hasn't been clear how this later - in - life tooth loss might influence cardiovascular disease risk.»
Middle age is usually portrayed as a rather nondescript phase of life.
Middle age is not just about wrinkles and worry.
A cross-sectional study by investigators from Tokyo University has found that exercising in middle age is a protective factor against sarcopenia and effective in maintaining muscle strength and physical performance.
He emboldens a passage that says «The US population in late middle age is less healthy than the equivalent British population for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, lung disease, and cancer».
So that whole notion that women are the only ones whose bodies and emotions change in middle age is bull ****.
Unless a maturing faith is found, the person either leaves the ministry or by middle age is like a salesman going through the motions of peddling a product in which he does not believe.
Renée's middle age is filmed with unsettling realism — her heavyset figure, her unadorned face, her slouchy cardigans, and her solitary chocolate eating.
Renée's filmic predecessor in raw middle age is Emmi, the romantic lead of R.W. Fassbinder's 1974 masterpiece «Ali: Angst Essen Seele Auf» (Ali: Fear Eats The Soul)».
A study published in March in the journal Neurology suggested that women who were physically fit in middle age were roughly 88 % less likely to develop dementia — defined as a decline in memory severe enough to interfere with daily life — than their peers who were only moderately fit.
During the Muslim rule in the middle ages they were considered second class citizens and still are in some countries.
I wish that the middle ages were back in vogue.
The late middle ages was also the time of» merry old England» and there is a reason for that, it was after the tribe had been kicked out.
And all of our «literal» English translations agree that the word from the middle ages is better than the one spoken by our Creator.
you don't think the black death in the middle ages were not bad enough...?
But its development in South India in the early middle ages was qualitatively different from the Bhakti of earlier Hindu tradition.
Ummm... in the middle ages it was the christians who were the aggressors.
I agree, life in the middle ages was hard, and yes — many people died from disease and malnutrition.......
The women I know who look great and love sex and own their sexuality at middle age are doing quite well, often with men younger than they are.
and if she's middle aged she's also going through stuff.
Middle age was defined as age 40 to 64 and old age as age 65 and older.
After following the participants for about three years, the researchers found that a history of moderate physical exercise in middle age was associated with a significantly decreased risk of MCI progressing to dementia.
By the age of two their night sight had deteriorated, and by middle age they were completely blind.
«We found that those people who suffered from orthostatic hypotension in middle age were 40 percent more likely to develop dementia than those who did not.
Most of the years from high school graduation to middle age are spent on things we don't enjoy but that we think mature adults are «supposed» to do...
Individuals who were chronically overweight from high school to middle age were:
Isn't it wonderful to know that in middle age we're still growing & even able to change behaviour?
The film feels deeply personal because the characters are middle aged it's easy to relate to the struggles of getting older and battling health issues.
Before you hit middle age it's possible to have a Quarter - Life Crisis (QLC).
That has as much to do with risk as it does to do with the fact that people in middle age are likely to live in expensive, gated communities where the odds of a theft are lower.
The middle ages was a dark time.
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