Sentences with phrase «minimize damage to your children»

She is the author of the upcoming book, Ditch Divorce Court: The New Way to End Your Marriage and Minimize Damage to Your Children.
Usually, they will quickly regret the statement and will try to mitigate the inappropriateness in an effort to minimize damage to the child and their relationship to the other parent.
What's most important is that minimizes the damage to your children.

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Perhaps because the damage inflicted in children who are subject to bullying, or to racial, religious, homo - or transphobic, or ethnic slurs or epithets or threats while participating in youth sports is not obvious, like sexual abuse, or immediately apparent, like a physical injury, its effect is often overlooked and minimized.
If it were at all practical she would spend her entire life in a sleeper put on backwards, but 1) that would make diaper changes impossibly time consuming and 2) I'm trying, even if ineffectually, to minimize the psychological damage on my poor child.
It will be remembered that they advocate that the brain - damaged child should be taught to read under conditions which minimize distracting stimulation.
Hildebrand Law, PC appeared in Fortune magazine regarding what it means to be a divorce and family law attorney and what we do to minimize the damage done to families by applying our unique approach to not only get our clients through their divorce with as little collateral damage, but how we treat the whole person, as well as the children, to handle the emotional impact of a divorce.
Defendants may raise contributory negligence as a mitigating factor to minimize damages in these kinds of cases if the plaintiff chose not to wear a seatbelt, strapped a child in their seat improperly, or was driving recklessly or under the influence.
It is designed to minimize damage to relationships and to help parties devise constructive, durable agreements for the benefit of everyone concerned, including the children of divorcing couples.
It is Dr. Winter's mission to empower families and minimize intense conflict and resultant damage to the children and families during the process of family re-organization, from pre-separation through the dissolution of the marriage to the creation of a new and blended family.
She is available to work with children, teens and adults engaged in this transition to minimize the damage and help parents and children lead happy and healthy lives.
Through cooperation, accountability, co-parenting and collaboration, decisions can be made that will empower families and minimize intense conflict and resultant damage to the children and family.
When children are involved, collaborative divorce provides the family a way to minimize the damage to its structure, while laying the foundation for a healthy future.
You want to minimize or eliminate the damage that the hostility and conflict of litigation often causes children.
The good news is, that even if there is conflict between parents who are together, or even there is a divorce or a custody battle, you can take steps to minimize the damage done to your child's emotional health, you can support him or her and make up for much of what has been lost.
How to Talk to Your Kids about Your Divorce speaks directly to those parents who wish to minimize the damage their children will suffer as they go through the process of divorce (and deal with the many changes in the years to come).
These women, not realizing the damage they inflict on their children, will stop at nothing to minimize or even eliminate a dad's involvement in the family.
By employing a mediator early in the divorce process, unnecessary conflict and unhelpful posturing can be minimized, thus reducing costs and additional damage to children.
Therapist Reb Brooks will offer insight into the effect of divorce on the lives of children and offer advice on how to minimize any collateral damage.
From the start, she listened carefully to our struggles and worked diligently and carefully to help us separate in a way that minimized the emotional and financial damage and maintained the best circumstances for our child
The collaborative process also helps you and your spouse to maintain a civilized relationship both during and after your divorce, thereby minimizing the damage done to yourselves and your children.
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