Sentences with phrase «model experiments where»

Model experiments where the Southern Ocean is completely fertilized show a drawdown of maybe 15 ppm by the year 2100 [Zeebe and Archer, 2005].

Not exact matches

We had an experience early on that taught us a lot, where we did a very small experiment with some pop - up in - store demos at a few retail stores in Canada, just to test the in - store sales model for a weekend.
Where were the preliminary animal testing and computer models establishing some parameters of safety and efficacy for these experiments?
The strongest research methods for psychological studies are: qualitative findings versus quantitative; experimental rather than descriptive or correlational; controlled - experiment, meta - analysis, and observation designs over archival, case study, computational modeling, content analysis, field experiment, interview, neuroimaging, quasi experiment, self - report inventory, random sample survey, or twin study; and prospective (where subjects are recruited prior to the proposed independent effects being administered) and longitudinal (where subjects are studied at multiple time points) rather than retrospective or cross-section study.
Nadeau also studies the potential impacts of climate change on species around the globe, using modeling, field observation and experiments to predict where species are most vulnerable and determine how conservation groups can best mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on animal populations.
The ability of the inorganic component of sea spray particles to take up water has been the focus of this international study where a large suite of well - controlled laboratory experiments have shown, for the first time, that the hygroscopicity of the inorganic component of sea spray is significantly lower than pure sodium chloride, a substance routinely used to describe their hygroscopicity in climate models.
Includes a «Skin Lab» where visitors can experiment with skin - flap models used in plastic surgery, and try on latex skin - suits.
The new model allows researchers to run large - scale experiments in conditions that are much more like the actual places where the bacteria colonize, without requiring researchers to collect countless specimens of actual mucus, called sputum, from humans.
«This is an excellent example where hypotheses developed over the years from laboratory experiments and theoretical models could be tested and verified in nature,» said co-author Seewald.
Where possible, we replace our animal experiments with in vitro models, such as organoids, reducing the number of laboratory animals.
Climate modeling groups have also been experimenting with ways to use the predictability of deeper ocean circulations (where internal variations can persist for up to a decade), but results have been mixed at best.
«Our model puts an emphasis on creating a safe environment where girls can experiment, play, make mistakes, and learn from them and grow,» Kareem says.
There are schools where administrators are experimenting with models of teacher - led professional development like EdCamps.
Writers can make their content available for free or experiment with the freemium model where readers can pay to read a chapter now, or wait to read it for free at a later date.
(I suspect there are many nonfiction models for accounts of family life where some Skinner - like research experiment has played out, seemingly harmless and engrossing at the time but with later dire consequences, but there is no fiction I have ever heard of with Fowler's particular subject.)
I compared the market with a Gartner model called the Hype Cycle and noted that the ebook market has reached a point where we should expect to see experiments and implementations fail to deliver.
It is great that Nintendo is willing to experiment with a pay to play freemium model but it does show just how difficult it is to make that model work on a platform where the majority of users just don't pay anything.
The experience was a bit bewildering at first, since the studio is a laboratory where the artist has more than a dozen «experiments» going simultaneously: a giant firefly contraption takes up a swing - set zone; materials for an upcoming performance are laid out on every surface of the seating and sofa zone; fish tanks surround a computer zone and provide the staging ground for an oceanic corral project; dozens of human arm forms, cast in a Black Power salute and cast in gold, are lined up along a wall, in preparation for a huge installation in Washington, D.C. this fall; a 3 - D printer is on pause as it creates Lilliputian figures for who - knows - what; and everywhere are various staging grounds of plastic models which will eventually be sprayed in gold and mounted on pins, to create Kaino's now - signature six - foot - tall, glittering gold pin drawings that suggest atomized worlds.
One standard run was performed, and then another run was started where the pressure in a single grid box was changed by 10 - 10 (one part in 1015 of the model value) For a bit more about this experiment, see here.
This can involve «perfect model» experiments (where you test to see whether you can predict the evolution of a model simulation given only what we know about the real world), or hindcasts (as used by K08), and only where there is demonstrated skill is there any point in making a prediction for the real world.
The Haldey centre experiments were related to pattern matching with observations where they deduce a stronger pattern for solar in the obs than they produce in the model given a prescribed forcing.
But calling this test an experiment is just pure confusion that is very common in Climate Modelers» community, where scientists tend to believe their nice climate models represent «real world's» climate.
States and cities can also experiment and create new models where the federal government can not.
And at this point, I'm continuing with the matlab exercise because I want a venue where I can experiment with simple models that help me explore e.g. the DALR and energy and heat capacity and so on.
This is particularly prevelent when the subject matter involves computer models of phenomena where you really don't want to actually run an experiment.
Steven Mosher: I find it odd that no one suggests experiments where existing models are modified so that the ECS is lower.
I find it odd that no one suggests experiments where existing models are modified so that the ECS is lower.
Here, we introduce the Precipitation Driver and Response Model Intercomparison Project (PDRMIP), where a set of idealized experiments designed to understand the role of different climate forcing mechanisms were performed by a large set of climate models.
But for those who want to see a better experiment that compared real and modeled conditions, take a look at Part Six — Visualization where actual measurements of humidity and temperature through the atmosphere were taken, the detailed spectra of downwards longwave radiation was measured and the model and measured values were compared.
Since we can not measure any individual forcing directly in the atmosphere, the models draw upon results of laboratory experiments in passing sunlight through chambers in which atmospheric constituents are artificially varied; such experiments are, however, of limited value when translated into the real atmosphere, where radiative transfers and non-radiative transports (convection and evaporation up, advection along, subsidence and precipitation down), as well as altitudinal and latitudinal asymmetries, greatly complicate the picture.
Based upon a number of climate model experiments for the twenty - first century where there are stases in global surface temperature and upper ocean heat content in spite of an identifiable global energy imbalance, we infer that the main sink of the missing energy is likely the deep ocean below 275 m depth.
Andy Daws, Riverview's vice-president North America, says the 2007 Legal Services Act, which was designed to promote competition, innovation and the public and consumer interest, has made the U.K. «the world's legal laboratory right now,» where experiments in ownership structure, service delivery, and alternative business models are being carried out, with varying degrees of success.
Relying primarily on questionable surveys and priming «experiments» that have little relevance in the real word, social psychology often ignores or rejects biological and genetic models of sexuality, where there are overwhelming evidence that sexual orientation is formed in utero and is highly stable trait, resistant to centuries of attempts to force change through barbaric methods, such as aversion therapy.
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