Sentences with phrase «model time increment»

Model time increment [E3]: The time interval over which we calculate each step.

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Some storm - surge models resolve time in increments as short as 3 seconds, but doing so requires computing power that exceeds even that available in W&M's SciClone Computing Complex.
Using the latest 3D printing technology and a computer model, French maker Mojoptix has designed a deceptively simple digital sundial which lets light through perfectly angled holes to write out the time from 10:00 to 16:00 in 20 minute increments on the surface below.
«The climate model is run, using standard numerical modeling techniques, by calculating the changes indicated by the model's equations over a short increment of time — 20 minutes in the most advanced GCMs — for one cell, then using the output of that cell as inputs for its neighboring cells.
I think the summary legal advice model works well even in 30 minute increments (the brevity is necessary to serve immense demand while keeping wait - times reasonable) to inform people of their legal rights and to point them in the right direction.
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