Sentences with phrase «modern atheism»

Today for instance we must address the arguments of modern atheism.
Cardinal Pell's presentation, «Without God we are Nothing», attempted to describe the contradictions of modern atheism.
That the abyss of mystery can be an occasion for despair is easily illustrated by modern atheism from Friedrich Nietzsche to Jean - Paul Sartre.
Once we do so, Christian faith can begin to make some sense of the phenomenon of modern atheism.
Modern atheism does not have a singular claim to knowledge.
that we turn the tables with a detailed examination of the record of modern atheism, a sort of true «black legend».
Not only, then, is modern atheism addressed in the most plausible of ways, but so too now is postmodernism, one of the great challenges the Church faces as the 21st century unfolds.
Bultmann turned the skepticism of modern atheism into a Christian hermeneutic.
The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevensby paul marianisimon & schuster, 496 pages, $ 30 It was the first great American poem of modern atheism.
Though the model of the Church as defending the ancient truths of faith against the attacks of modern atheism may have been the correct model during the years of Communist persecution, the contemporary, post-Communist Czech Church continues to maintain the model in massively changed times.
Hans Urs von Balthasar once commented on atheism's perennial value to Christian faith: «The frightening phenomenon of modern atheism may, among other things, be a forcible measure of Providence to bring mankind, and especially Christendom, to a more adequate idea of God.»
This is the face of modern atheism.
The West also needs a world view to underlie and support its quest for a spirituality that avoids the sheer materialism and relativism of modern atheism without returning to the supernatural, omnipotent, intervening, moralistic, and anthropocentric «God» against which it has reacted.

Not exact matches

Historian Paul Johnson commented on the advance of atheism in modern history:» Nietzsche wrote in 1886:» The greatest event of recent times — that God is dead, that the belief in the Christian God is no longer tenable — is beginning to cast its first shadows over Europe.»
And this is where I feel that the modern pop - culture atheism is failing miserably.
Of course, many modern theologians use the gambit that «God is not an object» against the New Atheism.
We don't say there are six types of Theists, we focus on the Religions, and that is what is missing — a modern Religion / Belief system for Atheists — as Atheism does not mean without rules, just about whether God exists or not.
Too many «modern» atheists fail to understand this concept or try to sidestep this issue by creating terms such as «strong» and «weak» atheism.
Of all the contemporary radical theologians, the one I feel closest to theologically is Rubenstein, and this is because both of us have chosen the project of attempting to effect a synthesis between a radical form of mysticism and a radical form of modern Western atheism.
In the face of these facts, there can be little doubt that Christianity itself has been one of the major causes of atheism in the modern world.
- Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933 [This statement clearly refutes modern Christians who claim Hitler as favoring atheism.
Atheism developed alongside scientific advances, which is fine, but you don't really start seeing true atheism until more modernAtheism developed alongside scientific advances, which is fine, but you don't really start seeing true atheism until more modernatheism until more modern times.
Gaudium et Spes chose to confront modern - day atheism by referring to Christ, not only as the centre, but as the fulfilment of what it means to be human.
The Church has not developed a proper theology of matter - energy — and this is a major weakness, since modern science is used to promote materialism and atheism.
When he looks at the literary situation of sixty years ago, I think Gioia is observing the fading light of the modern tradition, which, even in its nihilism and atheism, remained deeply religious — where faith is a necessity not only for prayer but also for painting.
There are also very fine critical essays on great modern French authors, as well as acerbic pieces taking on the puerile atheism of folks like Christopher Hitchens.
Imagine There's No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World?
Twentieth century Protestant theology will discover such an atheism in every philosophical theology, but this is clearly a reaction to a uniquely modern philosophy, and a modern philosophy which is implicitly if not explicitly an apocalyptic philosophy, and is so in its very calling forth of a new totality.
When combined with the non-dualistic physical ontology of modern discovery, the holism has been put under threat and the reductionist reaction of much atheism has been fostered (see our May issue).
It is well known that some of the most significant atheism in the modern intellectual world has been aroused because of the apparent impossibility of reconciling the idea of God with the fact of human freedom and creativity.
The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World By Alister McGrath.
The narrative of this book's subtitle, The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World, runs as follows: the corruption of the Church was so horrendous that it made belief in its God cease to be credible; atheism thus arose as a credible alternative proposing that a new, freer and happier world would arise when belief in God was rejected.
To modern «protest atheism,» the fact that God, though sympathetic with the suffering of humanity, is nonetheless enriched by it, would seem little more impassive than the bathos of the sentimental butcher who weeps after each slaughter.
The most drastic form of theopaschitism in modern theology is Christian atheism.
Barth has always loved to dangle the threatening figure of Feuerbach before anyone interested in the self, modern man, or despair, and to say, in effect, «Look out, gentlemen; if you leave my protection and go down the slippery path towards Bultmann or Tillich you will be unable to stop until you arrive at Feuerbach, who was at least honest in his atheism
«Historians including Lucien Febvre agree atheism in its modern sense did not exist before the end of the seventeenth century.
Christianity's cultural triumph has shaped much of atheism's agenda in the modern era.
People keep trying to compare atheism in a modern democratic society today with totalitarian regimes of the past.
Atheism is profoundly healthy, especially for modern cultures.
But it occurs no less in Hegel, and if Hegel is the deepest center of a uniquely modern philosophical atheism, that atheism could be understood as a Christian atheism if it is understood as a reversal of a uniquely Christian transcendence of God, and a Christian transcendence that is itself a reversal of Jesus» enactment of the apocalypse of God.
In modern - day we often see Darwin as the father of atheism and that is simply not true.
This blog is about atheism, philosophy, religion, ethics, living in the modern world, city life and culture.
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