Sentences with phrase «monistat chafing»

Though many of these haters would chafe at the mere suggestion, it's a devastating cooperative relationship: domestic anti-Semites, while cherry - picking useful tips on online organizing and youth recruitment from Islamist terror groups» successes, are also emboldening terrorists.
Trump has sometimes chafed at scripted events, deviating from the planned message to discuss whatever is on his mind.
The brothers may chafe at the suggestion, but Gemini is also their play for respect, both in the digital - currency world they've embraced and in the larger realm of tech entrepreneurs.
And though Bay Street types might chafe at the comparison, Ferrante's anecdotes from life in La Cosa Nostra make as good a framework as any for conveying maxims about getting ahead in the business world.
Privately, the president has chafed at suggestions that Russia worked to help his campaign, believing they undermine the legitimacy of his victory.
Already chafing under the company's dress code, this group was incensed at what they perceived to be an injustice — but what was in reality a reasonable exception.
Lakatta is a free - thinker and had in the past chafed under micromanagement.
Some consultants chafe under such a tight grip, but most display a fierce loyalty to their leader.
Following the Second World War, French - speaking consumers increasingly chafed under anglophones» commercial dominance.
Career coach Heather Petherick says that many women experience what she calls «career chafe
For a while, McCarthy, who is now an executive adviser at venture capital firm Technology Crossover Ventures, chafed that Hastings refused to expand his responsibilities, sources said.
American companies have long chafed under Chinese regulations that require them to operate through local partners and share technology with potential competitors in exchange for market access.
Worse, though Rafael and Elizabeth remained on the same team after their painful exchange, Elizabeth chafed under the status change and three months later transferred out of the project.
In the first several decades of Confederation, they often chafed at the trade barriers that were put in place to protect and nurture the growth of the manufacturing industries of central Canada.
In Quebec, hearings on Energy East are on hold, as that pipeline's would - be builder chafes at the National Energy Board's new plan to weigh the impact of its upstream climate - change impact.
Too often designers view large firms with suspicion and chafe at executives» constant carping about measurable results and ROI.
Liberals are being joined by conservatives chafed by action that contradicts their small government principles.
Younger people already chafe at the thought that they will not be able to retire at the same age and with the same benefits as boomers and pre-boomers.
They also chafed under Apollo's new partner compensation rules, which would see some of their shares of profit paid out in Apollo stock — stock that would not fully vest until three years after Apollo exited the investment that earned the profit, The New York Times reports.
Learn to state an opinion in such a way that it won't chafe but instead invite fruitful discussion.
But many conservatives chafed at the idea that the president's personal views would not affect public policy.»
It makes injustice quail on its throne, chafe, sneer, abuse, hurl its spear, tender its goal, and finally offer to serve as truth's vassal.
The most unsettling part of this book is Le Rider's gentle hint throughout that when the Viennese modernists hurled themselves against the norms and values of their society, they were chafing against mere gossamer chains and bridles of cotton.
Even though I chafed at the suggestion that I had gone into the ministry «to follow in my father's footsteps,» I knew that they were large footsteps and wondered if I would be able to live up to the standard of faithfulness and effectiveness he had embodied.
In my view, he underestimates the degree to which Americans cherish the concept of «public education» even as they chafe under its present reality.
Graduate students eager to engage the cutting - edge theories of internationally famous professors often chafed when asked to serve as Efird's teaching assistants.
So maybe Hammarby Sjostad's way of doing things would chafe a little — the American cry has become «Don't tell me what to do,» and it's hard to imagine us sharing washing machines with our neighbors.
And some of the chafing may even be part of the fit that develops: as the Beatles will later sing in «Hey, Jude,» some lovers must remember, to let her under your skin in order to make it better.
Their fitting one another in certain ways may prove far more important than their chafing against one another in others.
That's a lot of money to spend while chafing under their policies the entire time.
The black people in South Africa chafe in their chains; some of them are taken off the streets and left in cages, four feet wide, four feet high, four feet deep, left there for months, not enough room to stretch out, not enough room to stand up.
Some bishops chafed under the reproaches and prescribed responses.
For many years Ursula Niebuhr and Sifton chafed at interpreters who didn't capture the Reinhold Niebuhr they knew or who sometimes got him quite wrong.
otherwise what I just wrote will chafe you and only goodness of your heart will save you and that is the Iman Billah, (Believer / Faith in Allah).
Some American military officials had also chafed at what they viewed as long and onerous White House procedures for approving strikes under the Obama administration.
John was a young man with but a year or two of college — very different from the dozens of highly educated, articulate white volunteers working under him, who often chafed at his direction.
We also chafe under a convergence of unprecedented military and ecological threats to the continued existence of life on this globe.
As a general rule of thumb, I would say that religions are at their best whenever they challenge their members to chafe against preexisting identities — for example, when St. Paul says that «in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.»
A few chafe under requirements that they keep burdensome records, saying their real work is person - to - person, not administrative minutiae.
In general, modern women and men chafe against revealed authority because they expect the outer life of institutions to be rendered serviceable to the psychological inner life of individuals.
They've been laboring under a dreadful, chafing yoke, and God has shattered it.
He chafed against the limits of social propriety by welcoming prostitutes and adulterers, crooks and outcasts into his gracious presence.
Smarmy religious musical pap really chafes my buttless chaps.
Hocking was chafing at a mission desk job in the States while his wife recovered from a traumatic experience.
The cynical take might be that chafing Christian sensibilities or homing in on Christian fears is an easy and marketable way to be provocative.
If we find ourselves chafing under His hand, it can only be because we are resisting and fighting Him.
I really chafe at self - promoting but the PR crew from Random House et al seems missing in action (which is probably because I'm now with River Heart Press).
The viands, kept warm by chafing - dishes, were then brought in on artistically worked plates of gold, silver, tortoise - shell, or earthenware, and each person, before beginning to eat, threw a small piece of food into a lighted brazier, as an offering to the god of fire.
I would like to serve it in a 4 quart chafing dish and would like to know if I should double or triple the recipe to fill 4 quart chafing dish.
I had to give him a lesson in rummaging around in a chafing dish and fishing out the best pieces, but he was a quick study and before I knew it, the pupil had outdone the master and I realized I had to get there quickly before he did on subsequent mornings.
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